Tz actually called THE EVERYDAY LIFE BIBLE but I had to use that title for obvious reasons. Btw, happy new month yawl…And happy independence to Nigeria. This month, this blog will stay drippin’ with plenty good stuff regularly. At least twice a week, and on very good weeks, thrice. Don’t thank me, send cheques. *straight […]
The REAL boko Haram….

Ndi Boko That’s what my mama started calling ’em after the drama that happened in UI in my final year when we HEARD that they had written a letter to our school (and like two more schools) that they were coming to bomb us next. *insert your BEST ‘shuo’ face here* I’ll spare you the […]
Can I borrow 2 MINUTES of your time?

I promise this will take just two minutes. I actually thought it would take four minutes but after I sent a broadcast this morning, someone corrected me and said it took him two minutes… So what’s da ish? Simples. My brother in law is a real good man. He needs help for a certain project […]
E's.Mail…Pre-marital Counselling

Airport lounges are a great place to blog… I have done quite some blogging every time I wait… I actually thought I would spend some time reading this book while I await my flight, but I decided I would read the book in-flight since all electronic gadgets would have to be off then… I am […]
#DoubleDelight…NaijaWife and Afoma Testify

First off, in my head, today is Sunday, January 26, 2014. Cos according to my F.A.B. voices publishing schedule, that is when I was to publish this… But between church and church tinz, reading my Booski’s latest post on dressing in the church, (www.dumebie.WordPress.com), kicking off my virtual mentorship group (mehn, these girls are something […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Phebe testifying

I am super sure if I checked my rather HUGE picture collection, I would find one with Phebe… Or Bomu as I knew her in Pharmacy school back in UI… Funny we weren’t exactly close and frankly I was too bored in pharmacy school to look to make any friends… Post Pharmacy school, Post-UI, thanks […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Booski Testifying

Day 2… I bring you my bestie, sister and an amazing Woman of Faith, the totally amazing Dumebi Ehigiator aka Booski… I love the mix of serious and fun she brings to this… Please enjoy… Oh Yes. 2014 is definitely my year. I don’t care what anyone thinks. Infact, I’m glad people are laughing at […]
Thank.Full.E’… Part2

**PLEASE NOTE: Pictures will be attached to this Post before the end of friday. Right now, I am blogging from my bb and I’m too tired and sleepy to do the stress now*** So let’s jump right into Part 2… Btw, incase you didn’t notice the rhyme up there, sigh!!! Thankfully… Thank.full.E’… *rolling my eyes […]

On my way to work today, I was dosing up on my usual every morning tonic on Inspiration FM, ‘The wake up show with Eyo and Dallas’. Totally hilarious, those two boys. After their usual drama, they introduced the topic of today and it was on spanking a child, whether it be right or wrong… […]
Ain’t no traffic like the Lagos traffic…

On my way to work this morning, I noticed a trend. Not that I had not noticed it before but today I just sat and thought about it a bit. I can’t say I have an answer to it or I have it clearly figured but hey, lemme share… First up, How y’all? I feel […]