The Story of PowWow with E’ 3.0 and YNaija 100 most influential Christians in Nigeria…
Hey guys, I am SUPER EXCITED to share this story with yawl because I feel like SOMETIMES, we hear only the pretty stuff, and then when we hit toughies, we think WHY ME, or worse still, WHY ONLY ME!!! You see hun, we are ALL working out this salvation, and there are highs and lows […]
5 SPONSORED SLOTS for PowWow with E’
Hey guys, Ok just wanted to pop in quickly this morning and say that we have FIVE slots open for FREE for FIVE Chicks (ok this grammer won’t make my English teacher in secondary school happy but I am in a hurry biko lol). I will post to social media later today but i wantd […]
Hey yawl So the past couple of days have been INCREDIBLE for me. I went to PHC and Bonny Island for like 2weeks and it felt so good to be out of Lagos and everything familiar and structured for a short while, but TRUST ME when I say I STRUGGLED with being idle haha!!! I […]
Still warring baby… And we won’t STOP!!!
Hey guys, Hugs and Kisses all sround. April 1 and 3 will always stand out for me as really special days in my heart. Why? Because of the kind of God-encounter they were for me. I still recall how fired up in my spirit I was as I prepared for that meeting WARRIOR IN HEELS… […]
Hey guys Happy New week. Happy Monday. I usually LOVE Mondays because it just means I get a new week to make better choices in every area of my life, and live for Jesus too. It just breathes NEW LIFE to me, especially because it comes after Sunday, the most spiritual day of the week, […]
50 Random Questions… Blogger Tag
Hey yawl!!! I am in rare form today. This week has just been UNBELIEVABLY intense but what makes it all worth it is who is on my side… GOD!!! So far, His track record of winning is pretty perfect. The end!!! So I am so intentional about being oh-so-joyful!!! The JOY I have ehn, the […]
The FitnessCoach and The Biz Coach… PowWow with E’ and Steph Obi
NB: This post was written last week and was to go live on Friday. The Graphics guy delayed me. Love the flier now Enjoy… Hey yawl Smokin’ is the Word around here. You know, sometimes when someone is not blogging (or doing something they used to do regularly), it just may be intentional. God may just […]
Propel Nigeria Locations and Group Leaders!!!
Hey yawl… Super excited to do this Post. It has been a long time coming baby!!! Btw hope everyone is fine. So yawl been harassing me to blog more. Well, i got news at the end of this post. First let’s talk PROPEL!!! So yawl know we started Propel Nigeria last year and I told […]