Support.Growing.Businesses… Part 2

Hey guys. I am back. Feedback on Part 1 of this was awesome.  Chrishill phones has to be the winner. Funny thing is I didn’t tell any of the three business owners I featured. I kinda forgot or didn’t care to. Whatever. Anyways dude rang me and was soooooooooo grateful. Gushfully grateful.  He said A LOT […]

Support. Growing. Businesses. Part 1

Recently, I have come to not just FULLY accept, but also CELEBRATE my role as a HOME MAKER!!! Tz such a purpose-filled journey and I LOVE it. I’m even in a better place than I was when I wrote ‘Authentically me & Surprisingly Satisfied‘. Tz awesome!!! Anyways, I will still do a post on our […]

#31F.A.B.Voices…Celebrating Testifying Ebele

Today I celebrate Ebele Kenn Ogeleka… Not just as a F.A.B. Testifier, which she is…. Not just because it is her birthday, which it is today, or her third wedding anniversary, which it also is today… I celebrate you Ebele, the water walker because you have inspired me  endlessly just as you carry out your […]

#31F.A.B.Voices…E’ testifying

Happy New year my darlings!!! Now let’s kick this off with me sharing my 2014 plans with you. Some at least. Since we have 31 Favored.And.Blessed Voices testifying, I figured I’ll go first. Not just because it is my blog but I’ll also love to give direction and clarity as to what I meant when […]

#AttitudeO’Gratitude… Day 12

Day 12… How the days fly… This gratitude series is definitely giving August a good meaning ooo… Loves it… How did your day go? Especially after the long weekend… Hope you had a good one… Anyhoo, let’s get to thanking… I had an amazing day, thank you for asking. Pretty hectic but amazing all the […]

#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 7

Oh… What a glorious day… On a scale of 1 to 10, today gets a 50!!! What an absolutely FAB day!!! By 12noon, I had enough testimonies and stuff to be grateful for… But I had to chill till now… Bad idea… Cos I’m drop dead tired right now but the show must go on… […]

My AMERICANAH story… Part 1

I was very excited to start reading the copy of Americanah that my friend Tani had brought over to my place. Done and dusted, I had to share my own AMERICANAH story. Americanah is a very political opinionated book which the author Chimamanda Adichie tries to downplay with too much romance and talk about natural […]

100 Truths…

Holla Blog Fam… I should find us a name ooo. Just like LIBers, Beliebers, and stuff. I sure will. Ok I ran into this during one of my blo rounds. Don’t recall the blog sef. Just did copy and paste and edited where needed. I filled this Friday evening and Saturday evening too. That’s July […]