What Price would you be willing to pay for a Ring?

Recently I asked on Twitter if it was true that till today in the year of our Lord 2014, men still throw the line ‘Get pregnant first before I marry’ and I amazingly got answers in the affirmative with most people even wondering what kinda no-brainer question that was. And frankly, it was a sincere […]
RandomlE' speaking

I miss my friends. My inner circle. Sapphire Booski Angel o’ love Cheech Soul Soeur Olaedo I actually teared up watching Oluchi hug Rulani goodbye with both of them in tears on ANTM last week Thursday. I knew I missed real real sisterly hugs and talk. And you see these girls above? They know how […]
Jesus did NOT die for this…

*music* ‘There is Power in the name of Jesus… X3 To break every chain x 3’ Grammy award winner, Tasha Cobbs may not be very popular YET in 9ja but her ‘Break every chain’ song is one I sing EVERY DAY. That simple short song for me is beyond a song. Tz a prophecy. Tz […]
The REAL boko Haram….

Ndi Boko That’s what my mama started calling ’em after the drama that happened in UI in my final year when we HEARD that they had written a letter to our school (and like two more schools) that they were coming to bomb us next. *insert your BEST ‘shuo’ face here* I’ll spare you the […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Celebrating Testifying Ebele

Today I celebrate Ebele Kenn Ogeleka… Not just as a F.A.B. Testifier, which she is…. Not just because it is her birthday, which it is today, or her third wedding anniversary, which it also is today… I celebrate you Ebele, the water walker because you have inspired me endlessly just as you carry out your […]
Let’s give ’em som’in to be proud about…

I love mentor-mentee relationships… Especially those within the kingdom. I love such phrases as… ‘…one of my sons was telling me…’ ‘…my father in the faith/Lord said…’ ‘…one of my mentees came to see me…’ I really look out for such phrases whenever I am listening to a message or reading a book. I know […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Phebe testifying

I am super sure if I checked my rather HUGE picture collection, I would find one with Phebe… Or Bomu as I knew her in Pharmacy school back in UI… Funny we weren’t exactly close and frankly I was too bored in pharmacy school to look to make any friends… Post Pharmacy school, Post-UI, thanks […]
Maybe we should ALL stop laughing…

First off, I the biggest biggest warmest lovingest HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my most fabulous FAB’ers, Ify. Beyond the blog, Ify and I have become sisters though we have never met. One of the many joys of blogging. She has such a beautiful heart. Aside from dropping the most amazing comments and prayers on […]
Thank.Full.E’… Part 1

This is how I would sign out of 2013. In as many series as I can, I would be saying my THANK YOUs. I may not mention everyone but I will try. Yes including my FAB community right here. Especially the ones whose comments, mails and stuff get me grinning silly. I want y’all to […]
DCC (Carribean) Island Church, Lekki

Uhn Huh!!! Three Posts in a row… that should tell y’all som’in yeah? That I am going AWOL maybe? Don’t worry sha, remember those blogs I spoke about here. Ehen… just bookmark em… Also bookmark www.simplyhersonline.wordpress.com and www.ibilivinfiction.wordpress.com Of course www.naijahusband.com too. I can’t explain how totally hilarious yet true to the marriage institution Naija […]