Marriage, through the eyes of a young Christian man, @walejana
When Eziaha spoke to me and told me so many nice things about myself, I was blushing! *Hold that thought* So what exactly did I tell Wale that got him blushing? A lil history first. I have never met Wale physically nor his beautiful wife Toyin but they are my BBM buds. I frankly don’t […]
Why am I still single Part 2… A message preached by Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo
Ok guys, sorry this is coming about 2weeks later than I mentioned. My internet has been craps!!! Please read Part 1 here ICYMI Ok so we continue from number 4. Are you able? Do you have capacity as in financial capacity? Of course not to say you must have the whole money in the whole […]
Why am I still SINGLE? A message preached by Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo
I just love this message. I am not sure but I think this was the last LoveDating&Marriage seminar I attended at DCC Lagos. I love it so much that it is the last Singles message left on my phone. It just seemed soooooo practical and useful. So this is dedicated to all my Single FABers. […]
Let’s give ’em som’in to be proud about…

I love mentor-mentee relationships… Especially those within the kingdom. I love such phrases as… ‘…one of my sons was telling me…’ ‘…my father in the faith/Lord said…’ ‘…one of my mentees came to see me…’ I really look out for such phrases whenever I am listening to a message or reading a book. I know […]
Na the same marriage be dis…?

I usually don’t like sensationalism. And in Nigeria, we thrive on it. I hear a lot of sensational news and I usually have an opinion which I sometimes want to share on my blog, but I have learnt to keep it, whether in support or against, to myself as I don’t want to further spread […]
When we celebrate… DCC style

I attend the world’s most amazing church!!! #JustSaying# #It’sTrueTho# #DCCrocks…Dazall# So this rocking church of mine is celebrating 17years of 100% victory All the way… It is our birthday… Actually our month. So every sunday will rock… Starting from tomorrow… Sunday, September 01, 2013 Consider this your special invite… No better time […]
Your Girlfriend is NOT your wife… Part deux

Yay, At the time you read this, I should be in Asaba… Whoop!!! Or maybe on my way… I hope I am sha Cos the plan is/was to leave on monday morning… Anyhoo, either way, I am excited that my girl would soon be a MRS traditionally… Ok lemme not use excitement to fill up […]
Your Girlfriend is NOT your wife… Part 1

Your girlfriend is NOT your wife… So this message was preached a few years back by my Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo… I am not sure where he preached it but does it matter? I doubt… I ma just happy he preached it because it is like one of my most fave messages… It has a lot […]
#AttitudeO’Gratitude… Day 13

I figured that I always breeze in in the same boring ways… “Hello people Howdy… Hi… Hey People… Hello FAB’ers” Etc… *yawn* Even I am getting bored. So what do I do now eh??? How do I start my posts??? I’m open to suggestions… But in the meantime, lemme just say… Good evening FAB’ers Hehehhe […]
Birthday munches… Part 3

Happy Sunday darlings… I hope you had a great time in church thanking God especially for the gift of life that you enjoy…I absolutely did… My church just rocks… Cos our God rocks too… I figured that in this Part 3 of my Birthday munches, I would share some of the munches that were very […]