Ok guys, sorry this is coming about 2weeks later than I mentioned. My internet has been craps!!! Please read Part 1 here ICYMI
Ok so we continue from number
4. Are you able?
Do you have capacity as in financial capacity? Of course not to say you must have the whole money in the whole world but even at this level, can we see some fruits that tell us you are going in the right direction? Because some guys KNOW they cannot marry yet and not even in the near future but they keep misleading and wasting the lady’s time. They become HUMAN DELAYS and are just in a relationship for the fun of it. THE PURPOSE OF A RELATIONSHIP IS TO MARRY OOO not just to date forever.
Hello men, women don’t wanna marry a poor brother ooo please and don’t spiritualise it. Will you let your daughter marry a poor prospect-free efulefu? No. they cannot marry in faith because the landlord will not collect rent ‘in faith’. The principal will not collect school fees ‘in faith’. My brother, go and work. Marriage is an expensive venture darlings so are you able? Of course same goes for the women, please bring something to the table too.
At this point PK clarifies that story that he didn’t have anything when he married Pastor M incase any brother wanna use that as an excuse to trap a woman. Yes he was not rich but he had something he was doing with his life. He had faith and it was real because it had started producing results. ANY FAITH WITHOUT RESULTS IS FAKE!!! He was already in ministry and though he didn’t have liquid cash, he had a car already gotten entirely by FAITH (He shared the story again). He also had a place he was living and could afford the basics at least. So please PK had faith then, he still has faith and that faith is still producing. All you need to see is potential. If he says he has faith, what has the faith produced since? Are you on course? Are you making any progress? Ehen then you can now hook up with a spouse who is also on course and then things will move on upwards from there. That is how we know you are ABLE.
He also spoke on materialism. Good girls are actually not hard to impress. A good godly girl will understand even if you don’t have it all then. A woman is like an incubator so when you plant that seed inside of her she will nurture it till it grows. So if you have real faith and are bold and eloquent enough, you can convince her to marry you even if her level seems higher that yours at the time. For example, PK with an OND married Pastor M who had a Masters by then. He had a vision and convinced her of it plus promises sef (I will take you round the world) and she married because she is a godly woman and now, it is happening. (He promised her EXCITING or you can just read all the posts in that series here)

Even when they were going to marry, they didn’t have all the money (Pastor M was still doing her MASTERS then while PK was already in full time ministry) but they had faith, confidence, and were led by God and there were weddings and no, the church money no enter am. So please, no loafers whose faith have produced nothing yet not even transport fare. Siddon ehn, tighten your faith belt well, get on the word because faith works before you jump enter marriage.
And again, being financially able ain’t limited to men alone. A woman too should bring something to the table.
Socially, emotionally, mentally ability is also important. In marriage, you would have to be making adjustments and sacrifices to your life, to tolerate. He that would get married will have trouble in the flesh meaning inconveniences which is why Paul says he wants to save us from it all so stay single hehehe (Ephesians )
A mommy’s boy is NOT ABLE – (All those ‘I cannot marry anybody except my mother agrees’ comedian boys)
A selfish self-centred person is NOT ABLE
Just get the message for more biko hehehe. Now the final one
5.Are you amiable?
Are you Pleasant, good natured, likeable? Are you attractive? There is something about beauty and neatness that attracts. Nope, you don’t have to be Miss World to be attractive. Everybody can be attractive. Please order the message 7ways to be a more attractive person. Call our number which I have provided at the end.
Ever noticed that in a group, some people are more attractive than the others and everyone wants to be around them not because they are the finest ooo but because they are amiable. Are you likeable or always frowning? Are you always neat or dirty? It is possible that your physique, cleanliness, ethics and etiquette is what is keeping you single ooo. Ladies you must have your bath at least twice a day: Morning and night. Men can even get away with bathing just once. And you must bath with soap and sponge not just one of the two. The work of soap is different from the work of sponge so using one is like brushing with either only toothpaste or only toothbrush. They must go together to get the best results. You must brush twice daily too. If you have smelling breath issues, visit a dentist and fix it. (Read my dental hygiene post).
Mouth ordor cannot be cured with prayers and fasting ooo. It would even make it worse. Could be food accumulating in spaces in the teeth and the mixture cannot smell nice when you talk. Just visit a dentist and have them diagnose and deal with it. Feel free to have breath mints and co handy to keep your breath fresh.
And he tells the story that makes me laugh EVERYTIME I am listening to the message lol. Here goes
So back then in his worldly days, he went to this boutique to buy some cloths. Back then boutiques in Festac were small and all so as he was there, this girl entered and that was the end of everyone breathing. Her stench filled up everywhere. You can’t talk or laugh because you are just managing yourself to breath small small. Omo, as the girl comot, see how everyone took deep breaths lol. Dem begin breath again. The boutique owner brought out spray and sprayed everywhere hahahaha. PK said instead of her to go and buy soap and sponge, she was coming to buy cloths. Dem suppose baptize am in Izal and Dettol leave am there to soak lol.
So dear, sponge is to scrub all the sweat that accumulates on the skin, with the help of the soap. You must shave your armpit because those hair there will hold odour even if you bath twice. Pk says some people need to use that iron sponge for pot hahaha.
But really as a woman, if you are dirty, what HOPE do your kids have??? Ugh!!!
Also dress well. Not everything in vogue would fit you. Don’t be pressured. Wear what fits and look good in it. Do your hair neat and fine and let it fit. It don’t have to be Brazilian ooo. Tz not she wey get Brazilian dey marry hahahaha. Plus men don’t even know the difference.
Have good character and be polite as a lifestyle not only when you see an eligible bachelor. Use ‘please’ and ‘excuse me’ regularly. Don’t walk into a place and not greet everyone especially when new in a place. You dunno who the boss may be. He may not look like it ooo. Kai, rude girls are a huge turn off.
Have you been blessed today/tonight?
This is how PK and now PM end their preaching. Even other Ministers in church
Evening, morning, afternoon or today, once you hear that, sermon is over in DCC Lagos.
Trust you enjoyed this. Please share with your single friends, male and female especially your Single and ready for marriage ones. You can worship with DCC in Lagos.
Victory Dome Behind PHCN Office, Fatgbems Bus Stop, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos
1st Service – 7.00am 2nd Service – 8.30am 3rd Service – 10.00am
Midweek service Wednesday 6.30pm
DCC Victoria Island, Elegushi Beach Road, Beside Meadow Hall School, After 3rd Roundabout, Lekki, Lagos.
Sunday Service – 11.00am
Rush Hour Fellowship (Midweek service especially for those who work on the Island) Tuesdays – 6pm at Silverbird Cinema, Hall 4.
Instead of going to enter traffic, enjoy Rush hour fellowship and be refreshed.
Love Dating and Marriage (the program where this message and such relationship messages are preached) holds at different intervals in the year. If you would call our numbers, they can send you reminder texts if you wish. Website: http://davidschristiancentre.org/ Phone number: 08077714411
See you this weekend with WEEKEND BANTS. Since we are publishing Friday, weekend bants will appear on Sunday.
Blessed weekend guys…
Happy birthday in arrears E’,June peeps rock right? I have often wondered if having financial security is supposed to be part of the things to look out for in a guy.This post has straightened it out, so thank you.Much love to KingDaveed
Thank you for reading. Thank God too
Love from KingDaveed too
hahahahhahaha! Very interesting topic by PK and lot to learn. I laughed from start to finish sef; hehehe. LOL at prayer and fasting dont cure mouth odour and the fact that pk mentioned that some need iron sponge to scrub their body; hehehehe! God help us all. Thanks for posting darling E’ . I won’t be selfish so amma pôst on fb and tweet so other singles out there could learn from this.
Thanks for sharing hunnay
Enjoyed the message plenty
“Have good character and be polite as a lifestyle not only when you see an eligible bachelor. ”
#Word. Thanks E for completing the message… And Happy birthday in arrears. May this new year bring increase that will blow your mind in Jesus name.
Thanks hun. Amen