#AttitudeO’Gratitude… Day BOOSKI

******drumroll necessary******* My Booski is here today as my guest. So you think she is all crazy abi? This post will shock you. You will see another side of dumebi. The side of her that justifies her craziness. Oh but she still added some crazy moments to the post. .. I’ll let you enjoy Dumebi’s […]
Holla LIEBSTER… Part two.

Hello LEIBSTER… I have gotten quite some other nominations but I didn’t quite feel up to doing posts on them as they required. Especially as I have done three awards posts already… Here, here and here So I thanked the readers and moved on… But when I got this one from my main chica, Inthe… […]
#AttitudeO’Gratitude… Day 9

Hey dolls, How I look forward to being thankFULL daily… Indescribable… That feeling Whether I’m tired or not, I’m excited. And with excitement comes energy… So today, I feel weak but hey I am strong… The I AM factor is very important. Whatever follows I AM follows me so I AM strong. I can describe […]

Train up a child in the way he should go… Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it…(Prov 22;6) Like most of you know, I am serving in a secondary school in Lagos. Recently, we held our valedictory service (yup teachers have to wear the gown […]
Inspiration FM and Values…

Prepping for work this morning, I tune to Inspiration FM which is easily my fave radio station. Two guys who I am NOT fans of were on. I think they were the same two guys who stood in for Wanawana when she was out for a while. I found them too garrulous so I stopped […]
The 30day Gratitude challenge…

Kai, I wanna say I am sorry for being AWOL for a while but trust me I have a very good reason… hehehe. I went on vaycay and when we vaycay we go AWOL to get the best outta our vaycay… Hehehe. It was a really short one and depending on how I feel, I […]
My AMERICANAH story… Part 1

I was very excited to start reading the copy of Americanah that my friend Tani had brought over to my place. Done and dusted, I had to share my own AMERICANAH story. Americanah is a very political opinionated book which the author Chimamanda Adichie tries to downplay with too much romance and talk about natural […]
I don port ooo *in my AMERICANAH voice*

I absolutely love the ‘I DON PORT’ ad… Tz a HANDS DOWN winner. Just like I think Chimamanda’s writings are hands down winners. I don’t see any other network topping that. #bosstinz But the quality of MTN is like premium CRAP sha. So like Saka, me sef don port abeg. But unlike Saka, I did […]