Hiiiiiii guyssssssss….
I have never been more excited doing any Project than I was this.
Plus one of the nods I got from heaven (aside a knowing in my Spirit of course) was the GRACE to do short posts.
Yawl know we do Posts in thousands of words on this lane but this devotional has 100 words and below for each day. Like I would write and write and when I check the Word Count, it would be 98 words.
AWESOME!!! Grace was at work mehn…
I did this in the middle of a crazy schedule but I was just strong through it all. I LOVED doing this.
L O V E D!!!
Emailed hubs after I was done and his feedback was gushingly positive.
#ProudWife #GoingForTheWOW
I hope you not only download BUT you honor God by setting time out to PRAY after you read it.
I also hope you share this with every woman you know because EVERY woman is actually a MOM.
Maybe a bit biased but this DEVOTIONAL is EVERYTHING!!! I wrote the kinda devotional I would LOVE to use. It is soooo fun to read while passing across the Message. No pressures. No trying to impress. No big English or high-faluting words. Just an absolutely delicious and nutritious FUN read.
I also can’t wait to dig in. Starting right from May 1 and when the month is over, we start again from Day 1.
And hey, you may wanna hook or team up with a couple of friends and enjoy it together so that way, yawl can be accountable. Read, discus it, dig up related scriptures, discus some more and then PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!
I HOPE YOU CATCH THE FIRE!! Gosh, I wanna see more women ON FIRE for Jesus. I wanna see more women terrorising the devil.
Shout out to Frances of Imperfectly Perfect blog for her help in making the download possible and thanks to my babies Derin and Teniola who are my major PUMP FACTORS!!! And Ngozi and Stephanie for all the help with CANVA too.
And of course, my absolutely absolutely amazing hubs. His feedback and love for it just made me so happy. He is the only one who saw it in full before now and he said he was particularly blessed by the meaning I gave to and how I applied the Scriptures in very relatable ways. And the absolute delight of my life, my FIRSTBORN SON, KingDaveed.

I would look forward to your thoughts too when you read. Lemme know what you think and your constructive reviews too.
Now I am looking forward to writing my first Book. If God really sends you, He graces you and the journey is wayyyyyy easier. But first, I can’t wait to dig into this Devotional starting TODAY, May 1.
Happy NEW Month (to WAR) guys.
Download. Enjoy. Share.
I hope it is clear enough… I had it reworked.
And up next on the FAB lane, T.F.S!!!
Now that is something to definitely A N T I C I P A T E!!!
My Online Classes officially kicked off today too.

Can’t wait to share the journey with yawl especially to motivate those who are not able to join in for X reason or Y. Mostly on Instagram tho… @savedfitnfab
Not too late to join in if you are still interested… Or maybe, you need a healthy CUSTOMISED mealplan, Holler
Details here
And major thanks to you all who have been super supportive gosh!!! My GOD bless you. And if you are still slacking with a business idea, hmm, I wish I could SHAKE you. With your fear, JUST.DO.IT. You never know what is on the other side of your obedience. And if you need some pump, holler at me lemme pump you up to START!!! eziaha@eziaha.com
KingDaveed destroyed both my glasses (plus one was over 3yrs old and the second over 2years lol) so I got two new pairs of badass glasses today. Loooooove them.

Gosh I could eat them.

Lagos Island is BAE… Lol.
Will profile the woman I got them from in my next Post on SUPPORT GROWING BUSINESSES!!!
She was sooo pleasant and kept calling me ‘Mummy’s Girl’ lol maybe cos of how I sounded. Had to show her my baby’s picture sef and even then, she kept insisting I was 20/21.

Anyways, I was lookin’ HAWWWWWTTTT (Chisom I am stealing this from you lol) so I don’t blame her too much haha… #JustBeingALilVain #DontJudge #DontHate #JoinMyClass
I am thinking of doing a video on this devotional. Just sharing how I wrote it and maybe some stories behind the scenes plus the ones that didn’t make the cut. Maybe that’s how I will enter the vlogging lane. What do Yawl think?
Amazing Stuff this devotional. God bless you Eziaha. May your JAR of Oil never run dry. Amen
First to comment yaaaay
Thank you Love and amen
Lol mummy girl. I got the same feedback from my new optician. He almost died (exaggeration) when I told him I had two kids. I don’t do devotionals cos I like to work at my own pace no pressure, I think I learnt that from you but I did Joyce Meyers 3030 challenge recently which was like a devotional and it was worth it. Frankly anything from you is worth it praise God, Halleluyah. BTW u kept us waiting o. Please one post from you per week minimum, thank u. I need fire for my business, pls ginger me.
Will come back to give u feedback about this devotional
HAHAHA Irony being that they are Opticians who suppose dey see well haha
FARIDA starttttt. You know where to find me biko
And thank you sooooo much. Praise God indeed ooo. I really LOVE the devotional. Can’t wait to hear what you have to say please.
And yup, not a fan of devotionals and most recently, long group Bible Studies, except we are working on an area that I need to dig in about.
But my devotional??? I would definitely be enjoying hahaha
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy! Our devotional is finally here #BumBumDance, I literally see the devil fuming like “She has done it again!”. All I can do is thank God for His grace upon your life Sis. God bless you hun
Oh devil is in TROUBLE!!!
Thank you hun
Super proud of you baby girl!!!
Thanks loveeeee
Reblogged this on More than Average and commented:
You Have Got To Read This!
Yes please…
Thanks darl
Hey, finally its here. Will definitely share.
I have not commented in ages but I’ve been reading your posts and sharing too.
Great stuff.
I have random requests….i need a waist cincher in a size ten. Don’t have cash for an expensive one either…please advise/ help/direct.
Never would have needed one but I’m taking on a challenge with multiple fibroids so my tummy is shooting out of dresses and I have a birthday party to attend.
Second request….any links to a ‘witness’ to overcoming fibroids. Need an encourager in this faith walk
PS I’m not doing surgery….cos i know this is an an attack, never had fibroids they literally showed up small in a scan and over a month later I had multiple fibroids with pain.
Hey hun. Gosh I have been looking for you. Don’t I owe you a Meyer Bible?
Please email your number let’s talk
Waist cincher? When I got back then, I used Emma, 08065241420 08165999316 I got it 10k then. Who knows how much now.
But more than anything, pour all your faith in and get your healing.
My people who had fibroids did surgery so I don’t really know. If anyone is reading tho and knows someone, please epp.
I think you also need to contact Nneka Kyari
All the best hun. Expecting your email if you are the one
Yaayyyyy it’s here o. Oya lemme goan read. Will be back with my comments.
Hurry back hun
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo proud of you my darling.
The level OF grace and anointing you operate on lately is blinding. You are shining the God Light so bright and clear. Nothing is more thrilling to be lead by God and walk according to His plan and purpose. Everything you do is so beautiful and brings life. God bless u for this idea. More grace.
Amen. Thanks Love
Lovely post E’
I’ve secretly decided to comment on every single post you do even if it’s just to say hi.
So HI!!!
I got your email darl
Will respond
You never cease to amaze me.
Your oil will never run dry.
Lemmi read first, will be back with a proper comment.
Thank you boo and thank God
Oya come back quick ooo
Ayam back..
Started reading it yesterday. And I love it E’. I love that in not so much words it gives you the needful to chew,meditate and pray on.
I would have loved if each day had one or two bulleted prayer points.
And also who have loved if the watermark was a bit fainter. It distracts some.
In summa, I loveeeet! Well done.
In summa was such a secondary school slang… I LOVE it lol
Thanks for the review darling. You are awesome
The watermark bit got me too ooo. I am like na wa ooo did you have to make it so obvious? Like we know it is you that wrote it jor lol
Thanks hun
When I review it, I would do a fainter watermark for those downloading later
Bulleted prayer points, nah. Thought hard and logn about it and decided that I would rather have you read and coin your own prayer points. Really wanted to keep it short.
Thanks again hun. These Doctors are so intelligent lol
First of all, congratulations on writing in the hundreds sister.
I checked and double checked to make sure it was your blog.. Lols (Miracles still happen)
Am also very excited to do this devotional with you.
In the amount of time I have read your blog, I have tapped into immense wisdom and I can’t wait to bask in the overdose..
And its very inclusive because every woman is a mom, right?
Let me grab my seat and let’s do this shall we?
PS: That picture with King Daveed is absolute pure perfection!
Komkom I see your slight shade but let’s talk about how much I missed your comments…
I am glad you are BACK and back haha
All I need are pictures beyond what FEW you put on the blog please. Lol
Your comment is delightful. I love you for commenting haha
chei ezi mama, i’m so proud pf you. you are an inspiration to me.
aWWWW Thanks hun and Thank God
Congrats on the Devotional!!! Imma download it – thank you for doing it and making it available for free.
Some good came outta of the broken glasses – you changed ur 3 year old pair! Only you can rock purple frames and tints o – I’m more of a black with a little spruce of colour kinda girl.
You are definitely looking good.
Nne, bico what is TFS?
TFS is my next baby haha
I can’t wait.
Thanks Omo. You are awesome!!!
Enjoy the devotional b
eziaha I must say am not surprise with what God is using you to do in this generation .
Though we were not that close during our university days but I silently follows you in all social media u are on and I don’t miss a single bit of your write ups becouse I always have or two things to learn.
With this God’s inspired devotional, I pray He continues to enrich you in the knowledge of his work, good health and protection over your family.
awww this is very kind. Glory to God
Thank you so much Nathan
and a big AMEN!!!
Congratulations on the devotional dear . The best is yet to come.
amen amenamen
Mama E’ u are just full of surprises, pleasant ones for that matter. I love d fact d devotionals are short and precise. More grace dearie. D devil must be furious . hehehe
Thanks boooooo
Thank you. God bless you.
Thanks hun
Hi,good day pls how do I join your class,am new in the journey of discipleship and came across your page on Instagram,then found out about your blog,ur posts inspired me and I would like to learn more from you,thank u.
On Facebook darling
Search for Eziaha.com !
Not a class but a community.
But i am starting THE FAB SISSTERSHIP soon. Pleasekeep an eye on the blog for it.
Welcome welcome
found you today again Eziaha, lol. I must say I’m in love. No I’m awe struck. you are just so amazing with what you do, all you do. Keep being U. XOXO
Thanks dr zinny
Thank you plenty
it must be Iya orobo you got your glasses from abi?