Dear Stay at home mom, what are you projecting?

Is this what you do all day? He asked me incredulously one day when he returned from work and I was trying to fill him in on the latest celebrity gossip in town. “Is this how you spend your days? Watching TV, reading blogs and spending time on social media?” I was slightly upset because I […]

A 31 day Devotional for the FAB.Warrior.Mom (PDF Download)

Hiiiiiii guyssssssss…. I have never been more excited doing any Project than I was this. Plus one of the nods I got from heaven (aside a knowing in my Spirit of course) was the GRACE to do short posts. Yawl know we do Posts in thousands of words on this lane but this devotional has […]

#PropheticMotherhood… What DDK said

God has blown me away in recent times. I woke early Sunday morning and as I thought about the previous week and all that had happened to and with me, God used a Twitter scenario to drive it home… So I was having this convo with Kuchi and QYM on Twitter and I said #GroupHug […]

Warrior. Mom. #PropheticMotherhood

Hey guys. I’m back!!! Three POWERFUL posts in 2days!!! Catch up Support.Growing.Businesses… Part 2 Purpose, Seasons and a GIANTSLAYER TURNS ONE!!! Anybody giving cash rewards??? Anyways, I’m back and this time I’m tumblin’ flippin’ excited!!! Now let me tell you a bit about KingDaveed. Not only is he strong, that lil’ man is STRONG-WILLED!!! If […]