This post was written on Saturday morning June 20. Haven’t had time to edit and publish since then…So now I am spicing it up now, mixing old and new gist…

Weekend blessings guys.

Good week? Great? Hectic? Just there? Whatever the case, we thank Baba God for weekend especially for the ‘Onises’. Had a great week myself. My tummy tasted junk (pizza) after a long time and even me knew I had missed exciting food. Plus this unhealthy yoghurt lol.

And forest fruits
And forest fruits

But this kimk bod must come back. Next step, I am registering in the gym next week, Yaaaay. Make I dey gather the money lol

Can't wait
Can’t wait

I miss work sha. But lemme not lie, I am grateful for the sleep-ins I can have in the morning because the gods of sleep have decided that no matter how much I TRY to sleep during the day, e nor go work. Plus i sleep so late every night catching up on my life while my booboo sleeps. So I am thankful for late mornings especially as I hardly ever sleep before 12midnight and I think my #ChocolataRoyal is becoming just like his mama.

Time was about 11pm and dude was in the mood to PLAY
Time was about 11pm and dude was in the mood to PLAY

Yesterday was day 1 of 3 nights in the secret place. Mehnnnnnnnnnn, we prayeeeeedddddd up!!! I mean, I was wondering where time went. The prayer sessions were amazing and Minister Amaka who kicked it off just read the scriptures I needed to hear. I caught MY WORD from the get go. Every single woman who led a prayer session was ON POINT kai. I also loved Minister Diche (Yup, our FAB lane Dentist) who took the prayers for fruit of the womb. She took us through scriptures that just showed that on every side, God has got us covered. One of the biggest requests I had for the night was interceding for some of my people with nonsense Doctors report on pregnancy and all. I was particularly angry in my spirit especially as the Reports don’t stop coming. Doctors always have a new and BIG name for err’thing UGH!!! Anyways, God punish devil!!! HE cucu told us that HE will be dealing with seemingly impossible deader-than-dead situations so NO SHAKING!!! As I saw Pastor M and her big tummy, I was just seeing my friends with their big tummy and babies too, Hallelujah!!! Then the Guest Minister for the night, Babz Carpenter, e be like say make I carry am dey go house continue the worship!!! Forget ooo, some people are anointed. I especially LOVED when he said ‘What word do you say the THE ONE who is THE WORD Himself??? At that point, what just kept ringing in my spirit was ‘He created and sustained EVERYTHING we see today with WORDS!!! Just how powerful is this God biko nu??? What else can we do but just WORSHIP!!!!!!!!!???? It is such a privilege walahi…

Btw, Pastor M was resplendent *side eyes at lizzy* big tummy and all.

Obvioulsy this wasn't what she wore but couldn't resist this pix!!! Gawjus!!
Obvioulsy this wasn’t what she wore but couldn’t resist this pix!!! Gawjus!!

I also loved the various tees.

DCC makes serving God so cool
DCC makes serving God so cool. Middle is Davida btw. Fine Geh

Will find out today if they made small sizes of the baby tees for my Chocolata Royal.

The rest of the days were something else.

3Nights...3Dresses...3Hairstyles lol
3Nights…3Dresses…3Hairstyles lol

Can’t wait for the testimonies next year mehn!!!IMG-20150620-WA009

Me and the gorgeous Kelechi #DCCAbujaFam
Me and the gorgeous Kelechi #DCCAbujaFam

Ok before I fill up Weekend banter with #3NITSP, let’s talk Market gist.

I am one of those people who know how to get the best deals and all in the market. You can hardly cheat me ooo and on those rare occasions when I am cheated or my hands are tied and I have to pay higher for something, e dey pepper me ooo. So what and what do I do?

First off, I try not to be in a hurry when I am doing major shopping, You go just buy rubbish and also pay rubbish price too. So I usually PLAN and CREATE time to shop before I shop

Most times, when I have no idea of the price of something, I hardly buy from the first shop. The first shop just gives me an idea and wham, I enter the next shop and beat that price dowwwwnnnnnn e.g. I had to buy a Play mat recently and the first shop had told me 7k last for the biggest size.

We can kick around in it
We can kick around in it

I left and in the next shop, I started from 4k and very confidently too.

Mama helps me to sit up
Mama helps me to sit up

Last last, I got it for 5k and that was the best deal in the market.

Look mama, I can sit down all by myself hehe
Look mama, I can sit down all by myself hehe

Because I am not shopping in a hurry, I have the luxury of time.

Then if I know say fake full market and I can’t tell the difference, when I go in, I ask for the fake one FIRST. E.g. Iman powder. The fake and the original are practically same so crooks can sell you the fake for 4/5k instead of 1k/1500 and because it is sealed, you won’t know until you reach house, open am and start to use. So when I have asked for the fake, I will now ask for the original.

Use MK foundation and my ever faithful IMAN powder
Use MK foundation and my ever faithful IMAN powder

That way, I am sure I haven’t been sold a dummy. Most times, they put the original one ‘inside’ lol.

In the market too, I hardly speak correct English. My pidgin game is not as tight but e better pass rolling with Queens English abeg which brings you Queen’s price err’where you go. Recently, had to do some bargaining over the phone and I just ‘toned down’ on all the grammer lol. When the person finally met me to render the service, she sef shock. Like is this the same lady I spoke to over the phone lol.

Another tactic that has never failed me in BIG markets e.g. Lagos island is to pretend I am not Igbo when the sellers are Igbo. If you speak Igbo to me, I draw a blank. Usually, usually the guys start communicating in Igbo amongst themselves and then the real prices start to drop from their mouths plus some other vital information on the stuffs you are buying so you price along those lines. This one is one of my biggest Lagos Island strategies cos tz full of Igbos.

Then another thing I tell myself is that no be only one dey market. It is easy for one to think that (and for the sales person to tell you that) you may NOT see what you are looking for again if you leave that shop but trust me, most times, more than one person has it if you are patient enough. And sometimes, you even see better for cheaper. Happens a lot with me when I wanna buy shoes. BeautyPlus_20150118121605_fast

It now went like 2sizes up in pregnancy lol
It now went like 2sizes up in pregnancy lol

Because my feet are big, tz easy to feel ‘Oh you may not see something quite as pretty in your size anywhere else ooo’ but I just shake it off and move a bit further and around and VOILA!!! Of course every wise shopper know better than to ooh and aah over any product even if you have been looking for it all day long. Say I find the orange shoes I have been looking for, I just do a side eye, ask for a different design or colour whilst still eyeing it, pretend like you would have preferred so so and so and then say you will sha manage that one hehehe. If you just mistakenly say ‘Ah, I have been looking for this since…’ you don enter.

One last tip, if Hausa people are selling, I favour them over and above others. Why? They are usually cheaper and more sincere. Thankfully sometimes in the markets, there are mallams err’where with their wheel barrows selling fruits and vegs – Oranges, tomatoes, potatoes (sweet and irish), carrots, cucumbers, peppers, etc. When it comes to these things, I look no further than Hausas. I recall one silly mistake I made once. I got irish potatoes from this lady inside the market selling salad stuff. It was just 4 miserable pieces sold with tons of attitude for 200box. When I got home and was whining to momsie, she was like ‘didn’t you see ndi Hausa with wheel barrow selling?’ My dears, only for me to check next time and these men put it in small baskets for 200box. Almost triple what I bought. Choi!!! Once bitten, forever shy. Just go home and wash it wella, simples.

Dazall I can remember biko. Of course, we all know with meat you have to be a crazy pricer. I don’t believe in weighing beef sorry lol. So in the market, if you start from 2k, I go to 700 lol. Dunno why meat is that crazy.

Then of course, I hardly ever impulse buy. I go with a comprehensive list to the market and stick to it. Impulse buying almost always results in money wastage except of course you see a really great deal ehen…

Got this for 3500 on Dealdey. GREAT deal
Got this for 3500 on Dealdey. GREAT deal

Btw, how did I forget online shopping? My dear, forget all this noise that these big online shops make especially when they start announcing all those fake deals lol. Recently got a q10 and on Jumia, they had been advertising the ‘cheap’ price of 59,999 meanwhile my computer village contact who sells original and with warranty sold for me for 39k with free delivery sef because he knew I had just had a baby. You see??? (You can holler at me for his details. He sells original stuff with warranty at amazing prices.) It also pays if you have relationships with a loyal customer that can always help you out. Like I have one lady in Tradefair who I bought some baby stuff from and because she lives in Festac, when I need something, I can bank on her to buy it for me, if she doesn’t have, and get a very good bargain then bring home for me on her way home. That’s win-win because she will always know who sells best for cheapest as a shop owner herself.

I also check out Dealdey from time to time because sometimes, they have good deals but I am very wary of online shopping. 20150217_141730Except of course I am shopping on Royal Peridot hehehe. Of course, there are some good deals online too by individuals who are just on a side business sorta thing e.g. on OLX. Recently, I was looking for a waist trainer and all those major people be selling 20,25k e.g. ShapeYou.

Latex waist trainer
Latex waist trainer

So I decided to google and found some independent vendors selling the same latex waist trainers for 10k. Finally met this guy on OLX and he sold same for 9500 and even delivered to my dormot. Paid only after I confirmed it was the original and brand new (Holler for his contact if you need hehehe). So you see, if you look closer and patiently, there is always a better deal for the same product. What we lack is usually patience and well maybe some skills. Or sadly, we just wanna pose and keep up with the Joneses by claiming we got this for this amount at this place… D’uh


Then of course, you may be too rich sooooooo ‘Eziaha, TIPS and TRICKS FOR WHAT???!!!!’

Please ignore all our tips and spend that money however, while I just sit here and wonder WHY the Proverbs 31 woman, obviously RICH, ‘…considers a field BEFORE buying it…’

Ok that’s all from me. Please share with me some of your market tips that have worked for you in the comments session.

Bless up!!!


22 Responses

  1. This is helpful Eziaha thanks so much, and really I agree with the hausa thingy, each time I wanna board a bike and am in the garage, I just look for hausa looking faces because their prices are not too different from the original prices, they usually don’t inflate prices too much. Tanks dear.

  2. Eziaha, you’re so right about buying from the northern and middle belt men that sell in wheel barrows. You can’t beat the prices their goods go for, especially when compared with the prices the same items go for, in the regular market.

    I do a lot of online shopping too and I’ve found that what works for me is reading reviews and scrutinising the product descriptions very thoroughly.
    Before I begin my search, I select the size(s) of the item i want to buy and the colour(s), if applicable. Next, I isolate the highest rated items from the rest of them, then arrange the order of the search results from the cheapest to the most expensive. I do this to make sure I find, easily, items that don’t exceed my budget.

    Having a great rating means nothing to me, if the reviews are by only a few people or if they were not detailed. Items that have excellent ratings, after reviews in hundreds, I take more seriously, because you’re sure to find a lot of detailed reviews, detailing the pros and the cons of buying that item.
    The product description let’s me know more about what I’m looking for. In the case of clothing, it’s important to find out the fabric used in making them. Different fabrics drape differently on our various body types, so if I have an idea of the kind of fabric used on something I’m considering buying, I would know if it’s something that would drape well on me, depending on the cut of the clothing. That’s a step I can’t afford to miss, really.

    Sales! Sales! and more Sales! I don’t joke with those. The fact that something is on sale doesn’t mean that it’s poor quality. In most cases, it’s going out of season eg. When it’s fall abroad and summer clothes are a lot cheaper …great time to buy…its always ‘summer’ in Nigeria, abi? The store might also simply want to re – stock with newer items, so people like me take advantage of their ‘generousity’, lol.
    Also, like you rightly said, the fact that some place is offering a sale doesn’t mean that it’s the best place to buy whatever from. There are always other options.
    It might be time-consuming doing plenty ‘research’ for one smallll thing, but it’s always a victory-dance-inducing moment when you can get it for a steal.

    This comment don too long, jare, lol.

  3. Mama, with all this tips from you. I feel so ashamed to share any. I don’t think I have a tip at all. This Aboki guys favors me a lot because I speak Hausa. A huge advantage anytime with them. Am so blessed with this. This your lagos island tips will carry me a looooong way. Thanks mama. KingDaveed is growing so cute and healthy each day. Kisses to him.

    1. Looooooooool
      So u speak Hausa??? Awesome oooo
      The good thing about hausas is dt even without speaking they are so nice.
      I imagine they will be nicer when they hear their language.
      Kisses from KingDaveed hunnay. He can’t wait till u visit again

  4. Please dear, mat I have the contact of your computer village person? Or you could help the get the price for Nokia N97.

  5. So many useful tips here. Don’t think I have any to add.
    I agree with you on knowing how to speak igbo.. sadly I don’t know how. My mum and cousins speak and end up getting good deals. So I usually follow body when they are going shopping.

    Can I please have the contact for the waist trainer…thanks.

  6. *grins smugly at side eye*
    Mama does look resplendent….
    These were very helpful tips, shared humorously. I needed to be reminded about expressing my enthusiasm when I stumble across a great, sought-after buy. *covers face*
    Thank you Eziaha….regards to KingDaveed who is having the time of his life. Lol

  7. I think another tip is trying to find out the price the commodity goes for before heading to the market. At least have an idea. Cos the moment you get to the market and the seller notices you don’t even know how much the good goes for, they will now size you up and give a ridiculous price. Even if you don’t have a knowledge of the price just pretend… Nice job ma. Hugs and kisses to his Royal highness

  8. Hii babes, thanks for this insightful post. pls i need the contact of the person you bought the latex waist trainer from. Thanks

  9. I got this ……. Good trick on getting the original by asking for the No:-2 first…..lol
    Yeaaa those northerner are best bet when getting stuff at a fair price
    Attended Uni in the north but can’t speak their language *cover face*
    I can tell you they are ‘nicest’ (except when brain washed in their ‘ulo ekpere’), buy something from them a couple of times, you are in their good book.

    Some By Force Sellers ‘This ……. no dey market, if you waka around u no go see am, and if you come back here I no go sell am for you….’
    *Long hisssss* I just move forward asap…. ‘Ticket to heaven’ I will ask myself ?

    Online shopping espc for my hair products, I go with The Olori’s price is ‘the most fairest of them all’. Who ‘gat’ money to waste ?

    To our PM, can’t stop gazing at her with that blue ‘gawn’…. Safest delivery Mama

    On my way home that first night, I was thinking about the “GOD will be dealing with seemingly impossible deader-than-dead situations”.
    By the time I got myself, I was almost two bus-stops away, have to trek back….lol

  10. I see me #TeamDCCAbj… Thanks Eziaha for this post! I sha hate shopping and all the drama that comes with it. Online shopping does it for me jare except for shoes, I have big feet?. I visit pricecheck.com.ng, compare prices, carry out research on the websites ‘maka fraud’, then help myself…No stress whatsoever *big grin*
    Kisses to my boo KingDaveed

  11. lol
    it’s surely an ‘Igbo affair’
    speak Igbo with Igbo traders @ Balogun market for what?! *heheheheheh*
    plus, Hausa traders for the sincere prices!!!

    nicw post

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