(Ok I am so sorry but any mail that comes after now will have to wait for the next set. So technically, the FIRST set is FULL)

Marshawn Evans Daniel is such a phenom!!!

I was watching one of her many videos (and I watch her daily because she is one of my Teachers) and a line jumped at me from this video.

START BEFORE you are ready!!!

Can I just tell yawl that I am NOT ready for this?

But frankly I don’t see myself ready till March next year, if then sef, BUT that is just because I am trying to find PERFECT conditions to start.

I wanted to do a nice flyer, a photo, a big online launch and maybe be ‘more born-again’ (read PERFECT) before launching this.

I wanted the 3C’s PERFECT too…

The Curriculum

The Culture

The Confession

I really wanted to be 100% READY!!!

But my inbox won’t let me be.

It is like they released everyone at once to send me emails that make me realize that I need to step up and step out… Ready or NOT!!!

But it’s all good…

John Maxwell said something… Well he also said the START BEFORE YOU ARE READY line but what followed made my soul sing…

‘Even if it is not perfect, my SOUL will sing and DEEP DOWN, I will feel satisfied…’

All that preaching above to say this…


The FAB Sistership Academy…

Warrior Chicks, Loving Life. Serving Jesus!!!

God dropped this idea in my heart March 15. I recall exactly where I was.

And what I was doing.

And how strong it came.

And how I furiously started writing and writing.

And how I mis-heard somethings and was going to commit crazy errors but thank God two of my mentees and I did this 1 month long 2am prayer meets DAILY for 1hour just to get more clarity for the Vision and prepare for the journey.

And my God, things truly became clearer, almost crystally, for me.

Can I just share my heart here?

I am NOT perfect!!!

Hahaha. Whenever I hear Lisa Bevere and Shirer say ‘I am NOT perfect’ , I wanna SHAKE them and say YES YOU ARE!!! Lol.

I imagine some of you wanna shake me and say YES YOU ARE Lol.

But really. I am NOT perfect.

Somehow though, both accidentally and incidentally, I am doing this life WELL!!!

Well enough for God to give me some assignments, one of which is this!!!

My journey has not been smooth but it has so far been fruitful as it keeps moulding me into the image of God!!!

Whenever I talk to people even if casually, and i see very profound reactions from what is just me ‘gisting’, I realize that maybe, just maybe, I have something to give. Like we are gisting and the person i am gisting is writing down what i am saying.

Haaaa!!! God has a sense of humor!!!

Maybe, what I think is not a big deal in the way I live my life, if certainly a HUGE deal to many and they would love to learn how to navigate this life too.

Phew!!! I recall one of the Chicks in my weight loss classes asking me to share how a typical day with CoachE’ goes… Looool. It was funny sha. I didn’t believe it.


So ladies, let’s do this.

Are there Chicks who wanna lean into my life, and I do mean ALL THE WAY IN (real tears) and just grab all you can from me and apply to your life and season, as we navigate life together.

The ‘SISTERSHIP’ part is a HUGE part of the vision because God told me was He truly wanted that Sister-spirit among us, barring age, marital or financial status or past. Just Sisters, Loving life and Serving Jesus together. No drama. No attitude.

While it is such a HUGE honor to be the Sister who gets to run this, I am not there to be deified… I am just there to share my life with yawl and be ridiculously enriched and blessed by yawl too.

I am such a FUN human being so I tell ya, this will be a LOAD of fun, you would hardly believe it. But we would also grow in every way together.

I feel like I am babbling… Lol

Anyways, this is how this would work.

I would take in 15 ladies for a start and we would just be in TFS Academy for 6weeks (or 4). In which time you get to ask me questions on how I do life practically, share challenges, find answers, and we all get to fellowship together as Sisters.

All online via Whatsapp.

We will have rules and all to ensure a smooth running of stuff within the Academy and hey in 6weeks, we believe God that we graduate a totally ON FIRE set of ladies who have been transformed in every way!!! Then they go into their world and set more ladies on fire. Oh and of course, we would pray together, study together, worship together and just do life together…

And hey, you will hear my voice A LOT because i hold the franchise for sharing Voice notes haha. And hey, i understand that some people will have really private stuff they dont wanna share in the group so they can share with me personally BUT i will answer within the group so people can learn too, but i will also apply wisdom.

But hey, it is a GROUP Sistership NOT a one-on-one.

You should NOT spam me with issues personally daily. i might not be able to keep up with you, because whatever your issue is, another Chick is going through and will learn from it. So hey, GROUP not PERSONAL!!!

So what is the criteria to apply?


You don’t  need any criteria. Just be a Sister with a heart to grow into more, and an absolute aversion for drama. Be sure to let God lead you though.

And hey, you should also be ready to play a major role in the upgrade of your own life. Don’t just think i wave a wand and your life upgrades itself. Nah… You have to be ready to discipline yourself too to take steps that enrich your life.

I will come back to this post and add a CLOSED after I get my first 15, even though it won’t necessarily follow a ‘First come, First serve’ way.

Plus, after the first set graduate, i take a little break and then  we start the next and that is how we continue to grow.

Just send me an email Eziaha@eziaha.com and tell me a bit about yourself, your story and what your expectations are from TFS Academy.

And if you have emailed me before and I told you to wait for this, please use the same mail trail… I will give you some priority.

Hey, it doesn’t matter what your walk with God is like. Hot, cold, lukewarm, whatever. This is an all-comers affair. Just understand that you are in a group with Sisters and because we have a world to reach, we don’t have time for drama!!! Plus the good thing is i also believe God that solid friendships and relationships will bud from this. The kind that legit give us SQUAD GOALS

But hey, Warrior Chicks, Loving Life, Serving Jesus? Bring it on yo!!!

And hey, if you know any Chick who may need this, share with her. I will reply every mail ultimately whether you get into this First set or not. But hey, don’t hate me if I don’t add you up with this First one ooo.



Lezzdodis… I am about to have soooooo many Sisters, Besties, Squad’ships, etc…


P U M P E D!!!




My YouTube vids will resume next week. My plate is super full so it took a temporary back burner

Watch the past ones here



Ok so i will NOT have a September weight loss group. I will be RESTING lol. Thought to share for those planning for September. I have to return a Client’s money who wanted to push to September because no show till October after August. So hey, join August now ooo.

Whether for Abs (N7500)

Or for Arms (N5000)

Or for general weightloss (N10,000)

Conditions apply for each so check out my IG @eziaha to know which you need…

Plus this Shaw Academy online Course on Nutrition and Fitness is INTENSE!!! But i am LOVING every single DROP of it.

September it even notches up, so i need to concentrate.

Plus I will love to PROMOTE the meal plan and prep part of my Coaching. I am learning a TON about food and how we can ‘manipulate’ it lol. So i will be creating and selling more meal plans depending on your fitness goals. A one-month meal plan will now cost 10k so holler!!!


7 Responses

  1. Ayam so egggzaited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Exclamations really does help 2 drive the point home. As in, i’m floating in ecstasy right now…….
    TFS here I come

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