#PreggE'diaries… Tuesday the 10th

Tuesday February 10th was quite an interesting day. Personally I had planned to arrange stuffs, set up and blablabla for the baby as most of my baby things are still in nylons and cartons and stuff. Especially because I figured that the pending stuff would have arrived finally and then I could figure out what […]
RandomlE' gistin'…

Hiyaaaaa people… Choi. Some of you have no chill at all. Stalking me all over to blog. Doncha know ayam preggers? Loooool But seriously though, I apologise for going AWOL. Stuff been happening and blogging took a back seat. Anyways here am I now so let’s get to gisting shall we? Happy Sunday everyone. So […]
#PreggE' Diaries… UNEVENTFUL!!!

Uneventful… That was what my medical report read from my Obgyn. Infact my medical records and then my fit2fly too as questions were being asked sometimes when I had to fly just to ensure I was not a flight (medical) risk. I thought it was something to be real grateful for. An UNEVENTFUL PREGNANCY… I […]
Christmas…A thousand times better

Lemme tell y’all this beautiful story… OK maybe not beautiful but story all the same. Oh BTW I took this mgbeke looking picture this morning just before church. Walahi adonbilivit. Me? The certified queen of poses. Tz well ooo. So now that you are done laughing, here is my story. Like y’all know, I just […]
#PreggE’series… Between the Old cow and the Old wives’
Location: ObGyn’s Office Doctor: Mrs Olojo, today you have to take your tetanus injection Me: Oh really? Where? Hope not on my bumbum ooo (injection on the bumbum can paaaaaaaain) cos I will soooo cry Doctor: No. on the left arm. But this one you are scared of injection, you do know labour is painful […]