Meet The DisciplE’s….Faith’s journey so far.

My name is Faith Oyebade and am privileged to be part of Captain Wild’s Disciple. When I first met her in 2016, I knew there was more to her, I could not help but I just love moving with women with great impact. I am very privileged to call her my mentor and one lie […]
Meet the DisciplEs…Funmi’s journey so far.

Hello Everyone, I am Funmilayo My name is Funmilayo, one of Mama E’s mentees. I am so privileged to be part of these discipleship and am so glad for the opportunity. Thank you mama E’. I have grown tremendously in the past few weeks under mama E’s leadership in which I will share briefly; 1)Spiritual […]
Meet the DiscplEs….Rose’s Journey so far

Sharing my lesson from the mentorship class here is such a *BIIIIIIG DEALL* to me. Meet Roseline My name is Ukoima Roseline Ugwem but call me Roseeeeee, add as much e’s as you can😉. I’ve always longed for close mentorship and this is officially my closest mentorship program everr. Truth be told, there’s a huge […]
Hey girl, let me MENTOR you!!! (Email correction)

First, I am SO SORRY about the email issues. I am postponing the Mentoring to Sunday, Feb 17, 2019. Please email instead. So please read on for deadlines and all… Happy New month, Darlings, Ok so first, whogohost, my blog hosters, has been messing with my blog as they ran their updates and so […]
From mentorship to DISCIPLESHIP… An invitation to YOU!!!

Hey guys, how about we wrap up the year on this beautiful blog with this issue that’s super important to me and will be forming a core part of my 2019? But first, allow me some bragging rights… I mean, it’s only right haha (Barzzz baby. I did a rhyme right there) On Christmas night […]