What GOD already knew about Abuja (and didn’t want me to know)

Even though I feel like I am about to faint, I also KNOW that I need to write. I love having this outlet to express myself, and it feels like a GREAT WAY to end the day. So let’s blog shall we? Btw yawl, my mama Pastor M is blogging DAILY for 40 days on […]
How to believe God for a HOUSE!!!

I LOVE the title of this post walahi. Usually I think on posts wella before I write it. But this one came yesterday and I was too busy/tired to write it and so today, with a bit of time, I’m up to writing… Btw, feel free to replace ‘house’ with anything else you are in […]
What Price would you be willing to pay for a Ring?

Recently I asked on Twitter if it was true that till today in the year of our Lord 2014, men still throw the line ‘Get pregnant first before I marry’ and I amazingly got answers in the affirmative with most people even wondering what kinda no-brainer question that was. And frankly, it was a sincere […]
Jesus did NOT die for this…

*music* ‘There is Power in the name of Jesus… X3 To break every chain x 3’ Grammy award winner, Tasha Cobbs may not be very popular YET in 9ja but her ‘Break every chain’ song is one I sing EVERY DAY. That simple short song for me is beyond a song. Tz a prophecy. Tz […]

First things first, Happy Mother’s day to all the FABULOUS mothers out there…Both present, Past and Future. Motherhood is such a gift. And we shouldn’t take it lightly. For the sake of your children, and the world at large. So that you would not only be celebrated today (or the two other Mother’s day in […]
#FAB.Testifying.Delight… E' meets Ru

Hmmmmmm I start this post with a Hmmmmm cos I am truly amazed by God. And how He just orchestrates things. I was praying late last year and I recall I was especially praying for my inner circle friends and how to manage them better in 2014 especially as I can’t claim to have been […]
Let’s give ’em som’in to be proud about…

I love mentor-mentee relationships… Especially those within the kingdom. I love such phrases as… ‘…one of my sons was telling me…’ ‘…my father in the faith/Lord said…’ ‘…one of my mentees came to see me…’ I really look out for such phrases whenever I am listening to a message or reading a book. I know […]
Random Musings

RANDOM MUSINGS *in my Mexican accent* Holla…. *AIR KISSES* Today is a beautiful Sunday and the girl just feels like musing… Random stuff on my mind… LET’SSSSS First of all this cant be real na…? As in how is this possible? You know I have been writing an article in my head about stuff that […]