I’m kinda shaking as I type this. It feels unreal. But hey let’s do this…

On Tuesday, December 4, 2018, my God-vision (which we are in the process to trademark) POWWOW with E’ will be hosting 100 stay at home moms to a fruitful hangout tagged FINISH STRONG START STRONGER…

We gave some pre-information right here last week and today, we get to dish out our Speakers!!!

All AMAZING 10 of them.

And of course, our Compere.

So you guys recall when I shared that at my last POWWOW in Abuja, JUST TWO WOMEN showed up? Like I got on a whole plane, paid for two return tickets for baby and me,

and only 2 women turned up.

Anyways, we had a blast and on my flight back on Tuesday, the Holy Spirit started to download details for the next one and this time, He told me to plan for 100.

There were 2 women at my last one and my Daddy says PLAN FOR 100?!?!?!


Anyways, He downloads EVERY LAST DETAIL and once I landed, I started to write them down. Shared with my team. We had our first of our now weekly meetings at 1.30am that Saturday morning and the vision was now crystallized.

The theme was also downloaded from heaven FINISH STRONG START STRONGER and the purpose would be to equip these Domestic Queens with practical knowledge from experienced and professional resource persons in various areas of life that will positively impact a Stay at home mom.

Behold our 10 confirmed speakers

I’ll share the behind the scenes and all the events leading up to the day probably afterwards or maybe before, but for now, here are our 10 Speakers HANDPICKED BY GOD HIMSELF…

1. Udochi Muogilim

Partner, Pricewaterhouse Coopers

This chick right here is my blood sister. Recall the post I did on her making Partner at 40? She’s such a private Chick so fingers were crossed as I asked her and I’m so glad she agreed. She’s like top of her game yawl, and a mom of 4 herself and no better person to share practical tips on how a present Stay at home mom can prepare herself to get back into the corporate world if she so desires.

2. Mofolusade Sonaike

Mumprenuer.ng and also Founder of the KickAss Moms club.

No better chick to tell us how to make work at home WORK. I mean some Domestic Queens will prefer to work from home abi? And so we need to show them how to run a home AND a business from the same location. Just looking at Mofolusade and i feel like my At-home CEO life is all together KickAss!!!
And just a sneak peek, one of our Sponsors is the Queen of Online coaching in Nigeria and has agreed to gift 10 women a crazy coaching Masterclass bundle. Let me not talk too much on this. I’ll do a whole post on Sponsors

3. Tolu Dima-Okojie

MONEY STRATEGIST toh bahd… Tolu spoke at one of our POWWOWs when we hadn’t streamlined it to Domestic Queens and she spoke to the Teens then on financial prudence even from that age.
Money? Even as a Domestic Queen, whether you make your own money or not, you still have to manage the household finances right and possibly multiply it and Tolu will be teaching us how to do just that.

4. Farida Ladipo-Ajayi

CEO, Bookworm Cafe.
Ah Farida and I have history mehn… I’m so proud of her library. She actually quit her corporate job in an oil company to follow her passion and love for books. Farida is PASSIONATE about books and children reading. She will be talking to us about practically making those kids Readers.


Oh as a Stay at Home mom, you give so much of yourself… to your kids, your husband, the home, etx. What about you haunty??? You need time for you too.

Cos we can’t give much when we are running on little to nothing. You need to know how to pamper and spoil yourself too both as a lifestyle and then on a regular too as a way to refresh and refuel. And look good on a regular. So we will be having the ZARON experience, where there will not just be practicals and a QnA but every Queen registered goes home with a GIFT BAG from Zaron Cosmetics.

6. Eziaha Bolaji-Olojo

Well, had to chuk myself inside there. Lol. One thing that draws us back as SAHMoms is time management. With nothing putting pressure on your time, time wasting is normal. Sleep at any time, wake at any time, prep meals at any time, watch TV for any amount of time, stay online for hours, visit your fellow SAHM and gist for hours on end, etx. Before you know it, 24hours is up and you can’t account for it. Day by day this happens and life is just going like that. Girl, it’s time to learn practical ways on how to maximise your 24-hour day.

I will be handling that…

7. Bukola Ogunwale

Once I heard CoachB say ‘…if moms get it right, the whole family gets it right’ And I never forgot that phrase.

When the idea for this came to me, I knew I wanted CoachB to come talk practically on how moms can help raise a FIT-FAMily indeed. Moms are so powerful and stay at home moms especially have an edge over those who work outside the home. So important. So important. So super important. Bukola, my sister girl will be telling us how.

8. Elizabeth Ajetunmobi

Oh Domestic helps… Househelps… House girls… Maids… Whatever name you know them by, we know how much wahala some of them can be. Infact some women just avoid them all together to avoid wahala, but some of us need help inside the home even as a Domestic Queen. I believe that every problem we have is a knowledge problem and Elizabeth is bringing wisdom to bridge that knowledge gap. I can’t wait to hear the CEO and Founder of Aymie staffing solution speak. This whole staff matter especially in the home needs wisdom and knowledge.

9. Theodora Ayeni

My sister girl. She’s so wise when it comes to child development and parenting. She’s not just a teacher, she’s a Teacher’s teacher. She’s one woman I know I want to listen to when it comes to parenting. She’s our only out-of-state speaker cos I wanted to bring yawl the BEST. She goooooood Chilllleeeeeee. Not just professional knowledge, she brings practical knowledge and godly wisdom to the table when it comes to parenting and child development matters. Trust me moms, you want to hear her… This Child Development Specialist will be speaking on Godly and Strategic Parenting.

10. Funto Ibuoye

You know I had to get my girl on board yeah? Funto will be praying with our Domestic Queens. As a Domestic Queen, you have control over your time so your prayer should be FIRE. Funto and Fire start with the same alphabet F for good reason, and she will be practically demonstrating what it means to be a PRAYERFUL DOMESTIC QUEEN.

Our Compere would be the amazing Chioma Enwereji-Ogbonda.

I’m excited to see her do her thing. Haven’t heard her live before but when Tolu suggested her and I checked her out and rang her, my spirit agreed with her. Plus she anchored the last Becoming conference and I trust Funto.


I am so excited for every Domestic Queen coming. I’m excited and thankful for what I Know will shift in our lives. Indeed, this program will help us all FINISH 2018 STRONG and START 2019 STRONGER.

Registration is open Queens


It’s FREE but you must register as every other info PLUS venue will be sent to only those who registered… via email and texts. There’s plenty more info to pass across but only to those registered.

And please note, this is for only Stay at Home moms. And Queens only. Consider this your ME-TIME hun. Walahi, you deserve this time. We have planned this event painstakingly and all we ask is that you are ALL IN, no distractions at all. So arrange for childcare for those princes and princesses, and prepare food and all for the King while this Queen gets the day off to do her!!!


Please I’m banking on everyone reading this blog to help us promote it. Help us publicise it please.

There are a lot of ways to publicise stuff these days… WhatsApp status, IG feed and stories, Facebook Feed and Stories, Twitter, etx. Every little helps. Every little. These little add up to a lot. So please help me. Pleaseeeeee.

Plus follow our Instagram page @stayhomemoms.ng

Yay we just hit our first 100 followers and I’m pretty excited…

Thank you.

I’ll be sharing more about the event and even the behind the scenes as we planned this. God has been so good I tell you. SO CRAZY GOOD!!!

Love you…


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