‘esh; Setting Stay-at-Home Moms on Fire. Details within

***UPDATED*** As we said, the site will be updated regularly as the Day approaches. Here is the proposed program for the day, Sisters ‘esh Program Thursday, December 9, 2021 Doors Open at 9am Time Activity Person 9.30am Opening Prayer Chidinma Obodozie 9.35 to 10am Worship Chisom Ekeke and team 10 – 10.05 Mentor Video 1 […]
How I Conserve My Energy as a Stay-at-Home Mum

NB: This post was originally authored by me and published on Bellanaija.com, a lifestyle blog. I was talking to one of my mummy-friends recently, and she was saying what I hear a lot of domestic queens: “I am always tired.” While being tired is legitimate, being consistently tired in a way that hinders you from […]
Dear Stay-at-Home Mom, Maybe You Need a Social Media Break

NB: This post was originally authored by me and featured on bellanaija.com, an online lifestyle blog. In the Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath, the authors prescribed that in creating moments with our kids, we should ask them to plan an entire 24-hour day, and we parents must do everything that has been planned out […]
The Recruitment Process For Your Domestic Help

NB: This blog post was authored by me and published on Bellanaija.com, a lifestyle blog site. I have seen some women look for physically unattractive ladies, or even males instead, because of their husbands, and that is also worth considering if you feel a need to. No wisdom in putting bananas in front of a […]
I looked up and I was STRIPPED

Hey people, Been ages I wrote here. Ok life has been intensely awesome. First, there was EKBALLO which was HEAVEN ON EARTH. Yawl I can’t lie I am so stinkin’ proud of me. And an already perfect program was made even perfecter lol by the surprise appearance by my Rev. Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Imagine my shock when […]
Dear Stay-At-Home Mum, This Money Matter is Not Easy

I picked fault with everything my husband did that pertained to money. If he dropped money on the table for me when going out because I was asleep, I would attribute it to the fact that it was because I wasn’t making money. If I asked for money for XYZ and he didn’t have (genuinely), […]
Correct Those Kids Early

NB: This post was originally authored by me and published on bellanaija.com, an online lifestyle blog. The beautiful thing as a stay-at-home mom is that you have more time, so make sure you are investing the right amount into parenting, and not just in an endless stream of Telemundo or Netflix. “Scaling up.” This is […]
My Business Shot Me From the Homefront to the World

NB: This post was originally authored by me and published on Bellanaija.com, an online lifestyle blog. Approximately 200 seconds before sitting down to write this, I finished logistics for the delivery of a product a certain company wanted me to help promote as a Brand Influencer. Based on the fact that via my social media […]
For the Domestic Queen, the Learning Never Stops

NB: This post was originally authored by me and published on on bellanaija.com, a lifestyle blogging site. Before I jump right into this, can I just say that every woman who runs a home is a Domestic Queen. While I mostly use this term for “stay-at-home moms,” especially moms who gave up a career temporarily […]
Dear Husbands, This is How You Can Help at Home

It started with what I thought was a random suggestion to my husband on our way back from church one Sunday: “Babe, let’s go out and have lunch today. I am really not in the mood to start cooking.” It had been a long week, like most weeks are, what with running my business and […]