Hey yawl,

Super excited this year is ending and at CoachE’Squad, we are fighting fat to the END of da year!!!

Welcome to my last program for the year. We all love the holidays. And then we all cry when we realise in January that maybe we loved the holiday a bit too much, and we can’t fit into our dresses again. Or worse still, all the weight we lost just recently has piled back on.

CoachE’ is here to make you Disciplined-Dis-December because #TempleNotTrash

I’m not even sure why we over eat at Christmas. Tz Jesus’s birthday, not ours. I recall last Christmas, I was still weighing 80something and my then target was 79kg. Say what? Eyes on the goal ooo.

There are more ways to celebrate than food. Eating clean is a form of self respect!!! My body is a Temple, not a Trash can. (dustbin will even be better to say lol)
So here’s how this D-D-D goes

Duration: December 1 to 31 (well Jan 1 cos I need to cross into the New year with all my Squaddies!!!)

Cost N10,000. £25. $30

Christmas Bonus: A WORD branded Tee Shirt from CoachE’ (more info on the tee at the end of post)

A 2week bonus meal plan to keep you disciplined.

So here’s how we roll at CoachE’Squad

I provide weekly mealplans and workout guides. We are all in a whatsapp group and frankly, my Squads just rock like a band!!! Feels like family, these Squaddies of mine. The ginger and community is another level. Then the results? Only God walahi.

3weeks with CoachE’

I wish I had a Squad like this when I was trying to lose weight.

I will also have a bonus class for those who wanna join me to #SquatForYourButts. See, I have been on an unending Squats challenge because I am INDISCIPLINED. Lol. Squats are so boring but they ‘lift and round’ the gluteal muscles/butts. But this D-D-D class, i’m staying disciplined. If interested, it will cost just N2500. No mealplan or teeshirt ooo. Just an EXCITING 4week Squat variation plan. Plus stretches. Morning and/or evening. Since we will be in our own group, it will be fuuuuuuuun as we keep each other accountable. I’m thinking 20 Chicks will be just fine. Good thing about Squats is the fact that you don’t need any special outfit. But a pair of Dumb bells, 2kg or 4kg will be nice to have for this challenge so we can tone the arms too. Not compulsory tho. This challenge is not designed to help you lose weight ooo. It just lifts and rounds the booty, and tones the thighs. Not promising you J-Lo’s butts in a month but stay consistent and we will see results.

Ok now, per the tees, I have 5 inscriptions

1. Jesus Saves Not Food

2. My Body, Temple not trash

3. Kickboxing is for Christians. To kick devil butts (clearly my fave)

4. Physical Exercise profits little, Get That Little

5. For JUNK shall not have dominion over me…

Will attach corresponding Scriptures to each.

If a Squat challenger wants the Tee, you pay an extra N2500 so N5000 in total (15USD or 12GBP)

Oh then nursing mamas, cos I know yawl are goin’ turn up too. 

And that’s alright cos I got some banging Nursing mama results in Jesus name.


The 4week plan is N10000/ 30USD/25GBP. But if you also wanna join the group, instead of N5000 extra, I can do N2000. So 36USD or 30GBP or N12000. You also get the tee.

There will be 4pick up points in Lagos

1. Festac

2. Victoria Island

3. Isheri-Igando

4. Ikeja

So you let me know after you pay which inscription you want, your size, and your preferred pick up point.

If you only want a tee without any of my packages, please wait till January hun. Thanks.

Oh, we will also have 2days where we hangout if you are in Lagos. If you miss the first, you can make the second. Just an ooportunity to meet yawl just like I met 2 of my October Squaddies for a treat.

Will reveal dates in the Squad.

So if interested in any D-D-D package, please send a mail to esquad@eziaha.com, with the program you want and the currency you are paying with.  I will send the corresponding account details and you mail me after you have paid with the name you paid with.

Then I send you a Client form with more details and we go from there.

Easy peezy baby!!!

Excited to end the year with this. And all my Squaddies.

I also think this is a great Christmas gift for anyone who needs it. So spread word and gift someone as you are led.

Looooooove yawl much and thank you guys for being amazing to the CoachE’ brand…



Was on Happenings Radio today with two of my Squaddies.

One was the host and she asked me to bring a student who had tried fad diets and pills and stuff before. Chatted up Ezinne who has been with me for 3months and she came.

15kg actually

We had a ball. Didn’t even really know how expensive these fad diets and pills are. Abeg ehn, the economy calls for wisdom. 

My class is cheaper, more effective and more sustainable. Register and leave fad diets.

Plus studio is opposite Laterna so we went there of course.

Dang!!! They have Joyce Meyer’s Bible in stock for just N8550.

Plus tz the hardcover.

Oya run and buy cos if this one finishes, price must go up.

PPS My Ebony life interview (Change Makers) is up today Nov 9, Wednesday at 6pm.

Catch it if you can please. Thanks.

0 Responses

  1. This woman of God has become my biggest inspiration this yr. .I don’t even know where to start from! Because of you, I went back on insanity i dumped since last yr. .hasn’t been easy but the goal is “the end”.. I would love to join your classes but I’m not sure the time is right yet.. dunno how to manoeuvre payments,time difference, work,food& eating plans, as I live in China but nevertheless i thank God for the worldwide web and Slip streaming! God will continue to give you ideas and grace for your purpose. .Thank you so much for being and doing you without apologies. ….Love you sooooooooo much sister! ???

    1. China home of the best green tea!!! kai!!!
      Awwwww my classes are global baby but hey, be led by God

      very sweet comment. Thanks hun and amen

  2. Was even going to tag you on instagram but now that you mentioned it, I got my Everyday life Bible by Joyce Meyer on Saturday at Laterna, I feel so excited & fulfilled to finally have it. Chewing it already. Thanks for the awareness & encouragement. Sending You a “Big Bear Squeeze you tight spin you around hug” + a Big Muaaaahhhhh. Thanks. May God continue to Bless, Uplift & Strengthen you and Bless the work of your hands. AMEN.

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