The P413 POW WOW with E’ (1.0)

Whooooop-de-deooooo!!! Like God is just so super amazing The POW WOW with E’ is finally a reality. Ok so before I get carried away by my own fizz, a few FAQs likely to surface…   What is a POW-WOW? It is a meeting for discussion, especially among friends or colleagues. I JUST LOOOOOVE this name. […]

Eziaha PROPELLED!!! Lessons from my life…

Hey guys. Ok lemme share some lessons I picked from Propel that totally and radically changed something in me. Yawl know me, when I like something, I go all the way IN!!! I discovered Propel earlier this year, and I desperately wanted to see a video from the curriculum. Not the ones on YouTube ooo. […]

Becoming 2.0… and a Chick GIVEAWAY

Hey guys. Happy weekend… I’m super excited about the weekend. This one in particular. You see tonight is Amaghimo and I was going to go without my son KingDaveed. Only for God to tell me to carry him cos He has a blessing for him too. So when Pastor M blogged ‘Desperate to bless’, I […]


…If there are no prayers that put your head between your knees. If there are no prayers that break your soul into many pieces and make you wail in tears with phlegm from your nose. If there are no such things going in your life as though a flood of the Spirit is ravaging your […]

SavedFit&FAB… Going PREMIUM to serve you BETTERER!!!

My bestie just popped out baby number 2 and Sunday was the christening. I had gone into the bathroom and on my way out, I didn’t realize I was talking to myself out loud. Haha. Guess what I was saying? I was mentally preparing a customized meal plan for a Client who was looking to […]

Warrior. Mom. #PropheticMotherhood

Hey guys. I’m back!!! Three POWERFUL posts in 2days!!! Catch up Support.Growing.Businesses… Part 2 Purpose, Seasons and a GIANTSLAYER TURNS ONE!!! Anybody giving cash rewards??? Anyways, I’m back and this time I’m tumblin’ flippin’ excited!!! Now let me tell you a bit about KingDaveed. Not only is he strong, that lil’ man is STRONG-WILLED!!! If […]

Purpose, Seasons and a GIANTSLAYER TURNS ONE!!!

It was Wednesday, September 16, 2015 when I started noticing a tiny, almost negligible growth right on his lower inner left eye. Slowly but surely, it continued to grow till it was SO OBVIOUS. People would always ask ‘what happened to his eye?’ and everytime I would say NOTHING!!! Finally, I decided to take him to […]

Are we even fighting AT ALL…?

You know, this week was an absolutely emotional one for me. For some reason, I spent quite some time on the phone with women. I took away ONE thing from EVERY conversation. EVERY!!! That some, maybe most of us are NOT fighting hard enough!!! My Rev (who I am CRAZY about more now than before) […]

But FIRST… What’s left!!!

Haha. I can’t even keep away for just about three weeks. You know you love it too. Haha. Plus yawl keep the stats BOOMING Thank you… 😍👏Let’s do more please Anyhoos, I wanted to pop in and say hey… Plus share something short (hopefully) with yawl. This is especially because I get asked questions like […]

B A L A N C E… A definition!!!

Has anyone ever told you to strike a balance with your life, especially when you are finding it hard holding it all together? Maybe you have also told yourself several times but maybe have not quite gotten a hold of this ELUSIVE but highly coveted BALANCED LIVING!!! Especially when everything on your plate is really […]