My Place of QUIET retreat: HIS Dulce Apartments.
Hey Darlings… Happy new month. 2019 is almost ovurrrrrrrrrr can you imagine? Gosh this year has been REAL!!! It has stretcheeeeed my whole life, but with the stretch has come such a strengthening for which I am SUPER THANKFUL!!! Ok so today, what are we about? I have been hearing ‘My place of quiet retreat’ […]
Milk or Meat? Don’t be ‘that friend’
Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. Lol. I had something else to share this week but something happened yesterday that made me change my mind. Was going to actually blog on why you should EXIT every whatsapp Prayer and Word group you are in RIGHT NOW and maybe I will get to it later this […]
Can we all just CHILL with the names?
Best friend Mentor Role Model Armour bearer Soul sister Covenant friend Sister Accountability Partner Purpose partner Lover And the list goes on and on and windingly dizzyingly on… Phew!!! Heyyyyyy yawl, this blog will shake a few tables until it breaks, lands every one on it on the floor and hopefully, you rise with wisdom […]
Dubai Diaries Day 1: The Emirates experience, Kite beach and Dubai mall
Hey guys Well since Dubai is no Jesus, safe to say Dubai is the Antichrist lol. How can a City just WORK? Well, I guess that is what happens when you have been in Nigeria all your life? Your brain is sort of wired to how things don’t work, so when you see what should be the […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Celebrating Testifying Ebele
Today I celebrate Ebele Kenn Ogeleka… Not just as a F.A.B. Testifier, which she is…. Not just because it is her birthday, which it is today, or her third wedding anniversary, which it also is today… I celebrate you Ebele, the water walker because you have inspired me endlessly just as you carry out your […]
oh-SOH-amazing moments… MK&WW
This is the second and the last I would be doing on the oh-SOH-amazing moments. So I would cram as much as possible into this… Johnson Madichie, you have approximately 48hours to do the full post on Sound Of heaven ooo… is his blog so keep checking. And then I will also reblog it […]
oh-SOH-amazing moments… FREKE
As you know, the Sound of Heaven concert was yesterday and it was something outta this world. The name was apt… Sound of heaven. Mk and Ebele, mega congrats yo!!! I won’t deceive you and say I’ll blog about it in its entirety… Mba… But Johnson Madichie will TRY. Operative word: TRY. Cos you can’t […]