Jenn Johnson!!!
I cannot get enough of her on Spontaneous Worship. Come on and bless His name for YOUTUBE!!!
One of her original songs however is IN OVER MY HEAD and it is STRAIGHT UP SPOOKY how that is literally ME in this season.
One thing I like to do is look for the story behind the writing of a song, and as I listened to her share, I was just SHAKING at how so on point she was describing my situation.
I will pick out my fave lines and share some on them…
I’m standing knee deep but I’m out where I’ve never been
I feel You coming and I hear Your voice on the wind
Like!!! I’m literally where I have NEVER been. This morning, I woke up scared. Two minutes before I started writing, I got a text and I shook first. Answers to prayers you didn’t even KNOW you were praying, in ways you weren’t even expecting. Calling you in but also taking all the options away so you are left with no choice.
Be still my soul!!!
And further and further my heart moves away from the shore
Whatever it looks like, whatever may come I am Yours
Ok, how does it look like I am moving into the deep when the shore is already this overwhelming??
But, whatever it looks like, I have to trust that HE GOT ME!!!
Then You crash over me and I’ve lost control but I’m free
I’m going under, I’m in over my head
And You crash over me, I’m where You want me to be
I’m going under, I’m in over my head…
Truly, it may seem a LOT but I just know that I am right where He wants me to be. I love the I’VE LOST CONTROL line…
And the next is my abs fave line..
Whether I sink, whether I swim
Oh, it makes no difference when I’m beautifully in over my head
Like!!!! Beautifully in, over my head. For me this speaks of obedience!!! You don’t understand but you obey. You are literally drowning but its beautiful because you are in obedience!!!
Oh Jennifer (yup that is her full name haha), God bless you for this song.
And as if that is not enough, 2 weeks ago, my girl Sarah Jakes Roberts preached a fine message on
Ah!!! It was SOOOO GOOD!!! Like, the chilllllleeeee shut it DOWN with that message!!!
I recommend
And while still recommending, your girl featured on Bella Naija and I swear I was so damn happy.
It is a letter to my fellow Stay at home moms who work, or At-Home CEO, or like BN called it, Mompreneur…
At least gave me something to smile about even though I am in over my head.
I recall waking up one morning and the Holy Spirit told me to write a letter to stay at home moms, told me what to write and that I should send it to BN. I was like HOW? I am no celeb. BN ke??? Anyways, I obeyed. Sent it on Thursday and it was up on Monday. I didn’t even remember walahi, plus I was told it could take a whooping 4weeks. Was shocked when Steph sent me a message that I was up on BN. Phew. Amazing!!!
And I love the profile I used for BN. Sometimes having a word count limit can unlock a new level of awesome…
See na…
About Eziaha Bolaji-Olojo
I really like it.
Now I am reminded of some other crazy thing He woke me up to say recently. I swear I am still scared. Its like another level of OVER MY HEAD!!!
It is well!!!
Hey, to anyone in over her head too, hang in there baby. He is holding it all together for us.
Love from my men and I,