I am super sure if I checked my rather HUGE picture collection, I would find one with Phebe… Or Bomu as I knew her in Pharmacy school back in UI… Funny we weren’t exactly close and frankly I was too bored in pharmacy school to look to make any friends…
Post Pharmacy school, Post-UI, thanks to this FABULOUS blog, Bomu and I have a relationship… A good one…
FAB’ers, and nehemastories especially lol, my  tenth testifier… Osibomu Phebe Akinola, beautifully looking into the future…

I’m not much of a talker, but I am a storyteller, and I love to write. E’ I hope I can fit this into 500 words.
****clearly you didn’t… Sweetheart that I am, I am accommodating all of your 5001 words loooool****
Just before I shoot, 2013 was a year I had so many unexecuted projects. Some plans never left my head, some did and yet never came alive, and some came alive in smaller ways than I thought. However, I had one major prayer for 2013; to experience God more, and that I did. So I am THANKFUL.
GOD willing these are my plans for 2014

> To know, love, and do the will of  God more; I can’t imagine living without ABBA, my greatest goal each year is always to know Him more.So how do I plan to do that? Improve on my dissection of the Bible, and prayer life. This year I don’t want to be competing with anyone or living by anyone’s expected standard. Just me and God alone.

***I love how this tops everyone’s list. I like to say there is a God-shaped vacuum in every man, NOTHING else would do… Speaking of which, I have this Atheist friend. Fiercely Atheist… Recently, recent events have made her begin to acknowledge that there is a God somewhere… Lol****

> To publish my written works; I want to do this not to gain a writer’s fame, but because it’s the right thing to do, and to defeat the spirit of doubt that keeps saying I can’t do it. Someone told me to start out with a blog. NO WAY. I did a blog six years ago when blogs weren’t common and after one year I packed it up. I’m not sure d blogosphere is where I should be.

***I still say start out with a blog… It gives you the perfect platform to launch out… Heheehe…***

> To go back to school; I did not know I’ll yearn for school like I’m doing.  But I really want to start working on getting my fellowship and masters degree. You know I should have made plans for these already, and believe me I’ve tried to, but the Holy Spirit keeps telling me to ‘calm down’. It’s so bad that all my efforts at submitting an application to a particular uni has been futile. I’m half way through my application and the thing just hangs. But I’ve been on a similar path before, and I know better than to be insistent on a matter HS is telling me to slow down on.

*** I pray the Holy Spirit makes things clearer to you… I pray that by the end of 2014, you have a clear path you are walking, Amen…***

> To revive my business; it went into coma in 2013. 2014 is definitely going to be a year of revival and expansion. Since I’ll be relocating, it’s going to be like starting afresh. But I really have to work at this because it was on this business I discovered a part of myself I did not even know existed, and I love what I do.

*** See how babe didn’t tell us the business ooo… Abeg tell us na. Someone here may have tips to help ooo or even partner with you…***

>To improve on old relationships, start New ones, and abandon unproductive old ships. my relationship with my mentors and mentees improved a great deal after E did a post relating to that in 2013( E’ pls insert link), but better is not overrated so I’m not complaining.

*** I am guessing you mean ‘The RIGHT connections…’ So here it is https://eziaha.com/2013/02/19/the-right-connections/
Phew I just read it again and I was blessed all over again. Such an intense post. Thank heavens I still have the audio message I talked about there. Now a minute to love on my Sugar daddy for helping his baby girl E’ put together such articles that not just bless her but bless the readers and enable them to make better decisions. This is baby girl returning ALL the glory to you… With a kiss… Muah… NNE if it ain’t this, you gotta help me out with more pointers to the right post…***

>I received a word for the year about ten days before 2013 ended, and I’ve also been given warning markers by the HS for the year. Major objective for me hence is fulfilling my own part of the deal. GOD never repents of His word but it’s left to us to stay in tune/sync with him to receive His promises . And believe me I’m taking everything that is mine from God this year.

***in my words which I stole from pastor M, I am squeezing out EVERYTHING from every single word God gave me for this year… No jokes ooo. Yes God keeps His part of the deal… Funny that is what I read this morning. It so blessed me, let me put a screen shot… Verse 56

Awesome yeah… Bankable Sugar daddyboooooo

Those are the major goals I’ll like to share with FABers.

Talk of the minor ones>

To open a special bank account towards my wedding. Although I have no idea when I’ll be walked down the aisle, I feel compelled to do this. It’s like a light bulb idea and it just won’t leave me. So I’m definitely heading to the bank next week. Got any ideas of great banks? I’ll appreciate your suggestions.( I already have accounts with first and gtb)

*NNE free advice, please save for YOUR HOME… A wedding is really a party. Tz a liability… Trust me, I’m fresh from one and I am glad we got our priorities right when it came to spending on the PARTY. So I will say start savings and buying all those really fab home stuff you would need. My very dear water walker practically had everything she needed for the kitchen under her bed at her parents way before she got married. Smart huh… Lol. I had another friend whio had been saving for a washoing machine and then she got this really lovely scarce PINK washing machine as a student then in UI. She was happy to move it into her home when she got married. I am still jealousing her… So babe, visit www.dealdey.com subscribe and it would amaze you all the great deals you can get for your home from the savings… GTBank is still the best option. Get a different account from your regular and wham you are in business… Thank me later. Lol. But hey, if you insist on the wedding, feel free Darling… Ts a once-in-a-lifetime day after all… 🙂 ***

> Enough of being a jack of all trades, I’m going to master how to; swim, play the violin, play chess, sketch as relating to dress making. And possibly learn sewing and how to play the talking drum( I’m fascinated).

****Did she just say enough of being a jack of all trades and then List ALL of this…? Looool. You go girl. One after the other, they seem achievable… ****

> To travel; The earth is the Lord’s… I’ll love to explore some of the beautiful places my Father has made. I’ve never travelled for leisure, and I want to do so in 2014. I do not know where the strange love for Spain came from (maybe I’ll have been born Spanish if not Nigerian)

**** Buen viaje baby. buenas vacaciones… That’s safe journey and have a good holiday in Spanish…Say me hi to my Chelsea ‘boys’ Juan Mata and Torres lol… ***

> To invest time in me- well sometimes I feel like I’m not investing time in me, I just end up doing so many things that do not exactly make me happy (like having a very cool job by all standards and yet be sad at it). I know several people who would exchange their lives for mine, and I’m not complaining about my life as I love it. It’s just that I spend so much time and energy doing so many things and I don’t really take time to enjoy or relax. This year, I want to have quality ‘me’ times without intrusions. Retreats, holidays, camps, tours, etc

*** I can’t begin to tell you how important and wise this is… You can’t afford to burn out biko… Me-time helps rejuve you for ‘others-time’ or you will just be tetchy and burnt out***

> This year I want to eat my way into a beautiful and healthy skin starting from the second day of the year. I’m not a fan of junk food, it’s just that now I know my skin will do better if I eat better than with the chemicals I have to apply each day. So I’ll be cutting down on the oily naija meals and starchy substances, and I’ll increase the veggies and fruits.

*** You are welcome to join me in my fruit slush/smoothies party… Tz been awesome… Peek my near empty bowl tonight/this morning.

I added groundnut to this one cos I had run out ta coconuts. Nice… But still prefer my coconut-flavoured slush hehehe**

By now, I’m sure I’ve exhausted my space. So lastly
> E.T.C

****Loooooooool… This was a real fun ride so I will let this pass… Thanks babe…***

Who am I? My name is Phebe, I am many big things in a small body. And I’m aspiring to be like Biblical Phebe who I’m named after.I’ll love to be remembered as the daughter of the Most High God. I love reading novels by Ted Dekker, Jefrey Archer, Robert Ludlum. I love playing scrabble, and I like to cook ‘something new’.

Thanks again babe. This was a real trip…
Love love love…

OK y’all in Lagos please don’t forget to support my friend Tunde and be at the book fair at Patabah tomorrow. I really wish I was in lag. There will be a billion Nigerian books on sale…

And for y’all on the Island, my darling darling church has kicked off weekly services… Whoop!!! At civic centre 11am. Pk will be speaking on the Power of vision…

Please call 08077714411 or 08028356363 for details… This is so exciting…
So the Island can enjoy what we have been enjoying on the mainland… Even if you have a church you go to, you can still go and join us at 11am… Yup we knew what we were doing when we fixed 11am… At least before you…………. Looool

Tz exactly 1am…

Some sleep would be fine…


Old old UI days picture

Moving Forward… Still Testifying

30 Responses

  1. First Phebe God grace you and give you wisdom to live out 2014 to his glory!!! Awesome post.
    As I read your blog this year, the messages I have heardand what me and my friends are been led to pray about etc etc. God really means business this year. Beginning to get sn understanding of the word for the year!
    I pray we all stay focused and in prayer.
    God bless n have a FAB weekend
    testifying throughout 2014!!!!!

  2. So I’m on d way to check d youth chapel’s bulletin with d printer, turn on my phone and wham! it’s Phebe testifying. lol.
    where do I start. God’s been awesome and I wouldn’t trade dis relationship for any thing. this 26days have been glorious.
    ok so 5k words ke? ah! abeg make una no vex.
    Sorry I dint mention, I’m an FM distributor- FM is Federico mahora, a polish company visit us at http://www.nigeria.fmworld.com we sell perfumes, cosmetics/body products and household stuffs. on d side I plan events, birthdays, dinners etc. and I’m moving to Lagos for now(Thanx for d free advert).
    I did investment banking wt gtb on Monday, so no need for a new account. Thanx for d advice to save for household things, actually I’m pretty much saving for everything right now.
    I pretty much do all those things I listed, d swimming, chess playing violin et al. I just want to spend time this year mastering those arts.
    thanx so much once again for this platform
    en el viaje a espana? gracias

  3. Wow,that,s a whole bunch of inspiring talk you have got going on. You know the beautiful thing about this post ,its so down to earth that any one can relate to it. cheers!
    ps: thanks for the tips,most especially the saving for wedding,it will be very helpful

  4. Yeah!!! Yeah!!! Its my plan buddy and I love you( true, true) by the way, I have a pic just like the first one you got here,……thanks E for this platform, meeting fab people like Phebe….your plan to save for your wedding and E’s advice for you to save for household appliances is really great!! In fact, am going to copy this your plan on saving Phebe….its a great plan and I need to save for both the wedding and household appliance…(Wedding. Cos they will be a lot of traveling involved and kitchen appliances, cos my gift list will not be enough!

    Every gift God has given us…he also provides the platform for it…so I look forward reading your work o! We are testifying!!

    1. so u see we r alike or at least av similar plans.
      Yes o at d special savings.
      I’ve discovered that when a couple do not have much financial input into d affair and d parents av to play a major role, then u pretty much av lil control of how d day will go.
      I av my day all planned out (still waiting to hear war he wants for necessary adjustments). but I want my wedding to be MY WEDDING. (I wrote something else as comment earlier but on loading it disappeared)

  5. love your va va voom go getter spirit…and yes, am rooting for publications of your writings,am with E though,you could start with a blog, but as the spirit leads sha…
    here’s saying cheers, may your dreams come true

  6. lol. so u agree we av similar plans right?
    yes o at d saving thing, so many people complain of how d wedding took all dia money. with being d only girl and last child I really want to av financial control of my day. I’ve observed dat when d parents play a major financial role, they could invite a thousand guests and one would av no say.
    I promise to let u all know when d book(s) are published.

    1. Looool
      Even when they don’t have major financial input, they still have a say oooo
      That was the case with mine… But of course yours can be different

  7. I am rooting for you. I hope you do achieve your goals this year by the grace of God. Yeah, about starting a blog for a book launch, I am all about that. 🙂 Funny, I used to blog in 2008-2009 when the Naija blog community was so young and vibrant but I wasn’t doing it for the right reasons so I stopped. God’s favor be with you this year!

  8. Yaaay! Interesting plans……….esp the spain trip #ilike. Nne,be ready for all this testimonies & many more as God has done already. God bless!!

  9. Phebe International!!! You go girl, the earth is the Lord’s and we will occupy…God’s grace and may your plans be awesomely perfected in accordance with God’s holy will, amen.

    Peace and love of Jesus Christ++

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