I know the weekend is up in Nigeria but seeing as there is a holiday today, tz technically still a weekend, yeah? Cool.

Sorry we missed the bants last weekend. Days morph into days for me and I cannot coman goan kee myself biko. But just as I was going to let this weekend go by again with the cobwebs still gathering here, I stumbled on a picture and post on Heather’s amazing blog. She said something about complaining to God that she was too busy to write her book(s) and God told her that she would even get busier and those excuses are not valid so find a way girl. So she decided to write even while she expressed as she was a nursing mama too. I spend an awful time expressing (I have a lazy nurser, sigh!!!and I have to keep my milk supply up as I am exclusively breastfeeding for 6months) so I decided I would invest that time too so here we are today, expressing and blogging.

Love my TT products
Love my Tommee Tippee products

Talk about win-win!!!

Ok on to today’s gist…

It was when our Comrade Adams Oshio wedded his absolutely GORGEOUS wifey and Nigerian Twitter went crazy that I truly began to take this whole lightskin/laiskin/yellow pawpaw biz seriously.

Lara is gorgeous!!!
Lara is gorgeous!!!

A lot of people went on and on about her color with some HATURRZ saying she ain’t so pretty, but for the skin color. Kai, Nigerians.

Of course there is this age long debate about how being laiskinned gets you more open doors/favours in Nigeria/Africa especially than the dark skinned folks e.g. jobs (corporate, modelling, acting, etc. Showbiz generally), and of course, toasters, hence the propensity for ladies especially to start to bleach, or in the more politically correct term, tone. And that’s not entirely wrong. For example, I absolutely love the Chinda character on the drama series, CALABASH. She is practically WHITE and I think she is beautiful.

Chinda is the fair lady in front
Chinda is the fair lady in front

And on Tinsel, Bimpe’s color intrigues me more than her acting. She too is almost white lol.

This picture doesnt capture her brightness mehn!!!
This picture doesnt capture her brightness mehn!!!

To the best of my knowledge, both ladies are naturally laiskinned babes.

Personally, I don’t think I know anyone who bleaches or maybe I haven’t looked/cared hard enough to notice but un-personally, especially on TV/online, I know quite a bit, especially the show biz ones. I really don’t care neither do I judge, I just find it absolutely interesting. I have never been so light skinned but I was certainly lighter younger than I am now and it has never bothered me to use anything more than my coconut oil for my skin.

I also think MORE OFTEN THAN NOT laiskinned ladies are the ones who glow even more during pregnancy.

Talk about GLOW!!!
Talk about GLOW!!!

We the darker skinned ones just burn more lol. Of course aside from this being my opinion, there are exceptions to this, as in every rule.

I knew I was having a boy and even though I wanted him to grow into Tall Dark and Handsome, I wanted a VERY FAIR BABY. Matter of fact, I thought all babies were fair, so I wanted VERY VERY FAIR lol. Then I gave birth to a not-so-fair baby and to make matters more interesting, he was darkening by the day. I didn’t bother so much about it but my mom would always say ‘O na araji’ almost daily (he’s darkening) and it would annoy me so much. I recall some older visitors who actually called him ‘blacky’ and if looks could kill… Hmm. Lol. Then one day, it hit me and I was like, KI LO DEEEEEE Eziaha??? I mean, what is the big deal??? You got a handsome healthy cute for days baby here so don’t let anyone make you feel anyhow at all. That was when the Holy Spirit prompted me to change the #myLilRoyal I was calling him to #my ChocolataRoyal

My TDH booooo
My TDH booooo

and if anyone says anything about his color, I don’t even care (Tz still VERY rude to call a baby BLACKY. Water walker was the one person who said something about his color that sounded soooo good and I cant recall how she put it sef). When I see yellow babies, I love on them but of course, I LOVE MY CHOCOLATA and he better grow up into my TDH puh-leeze. Interestingly, he has started getting lighter on his face but his body is some hot chocolata on FI-LEEEEEK!!!

When it comes to guys tho, I prefer them dark. Of course I married a dark one. I have this WHITE friend and she says she cant even date a fair guy at all lol. I think dark guys are yummy.

my oh MAI!!!
my oh MAI!!!

See MAI ATAFO and Idris Elba. I think those guys are on fire mehn. Lol. I mean, look at Mai!!!


I recall one time Stephanie Linus was on Jara’s special Christmas edition and at the end, they gave her this Fair&White gift pack and as Uti abi Helen was telling her about the product as she was being given, babe thanked them and nicely added ‘But I am team dark&lovely though’ lol. Too on point. stephhhAnd she is really lovely.

Whatever makes you happy sha, enjoy. I just think that if anyone believes a certain color can affect his/her life’s chances, then there just may be a bigger issue you may need to deal with. Maybe. Maybe not. I am #justsaying. And please, if you MUST tone or bleach, at least do it right. Ejoooor. Don’t be like this sister please.

I think this pix is doctored sha but you get the point
I think this pix is doctored sha but you get the point

So does anyone know anyone personally who used to be dark skinned and now is brighter than her future (or his. The thought of guys bleaching ewws me though)

If you have bleached toned, has the society been nicer to the laiskinned version of you? Like this character here00Are you light skinned? Do you think you get more favoured than the darker skinned ones, all other things being equal?

Oya gist me…

Am I not just thankful that when it comes to making heaven, it is the colour of our hearts that matter.

So I am stealing and modifying Heather’s sign off line henceforth. Yup.

God crazily loves you… (black, white or blue)


E’&My ChocolataRoyal


So this Tiwa’s video just came up now on TV and I absolutely love it. That’s another dark and lovely super star. The Ife wa bono video is one of the best love/wedding videos I have seen. I love a lot about the video… The traditional setting/wedding(trad weddings are the BEST), the lovely couple, Tiwa’s childishly sweet character, her boyfriend and their village love lol. My best line in the video has to be ‘…now I am thanking my God, that he loves me the way that he should, bobo bobo ooo…’

Enjoy if you want


Find my previous weekend bants on Jollof rice, celeb endorsements and then shopping tips and tricks

19 Responses

  1. Yes I do know people who had been black and toned/ bleached themselves.
    Some did it right or better put nicely…it was kinda uniform all round. Others weren’t so nice.
    I am soooo #teamdarkandlovely.
    I had some stuff on my face and was using epiderm on it, I noticed it was making me look lighter. I stopped it sharp sharp. Can’t shout.

    I don’t think light skinned people get more favors most times over dark skinned folks but what I think is they are most often ATTRACTIVE. It’s that initial attraction that they have going for them. Their colour just stands out and attracts people to them,its now left to find out if the attraction was worth it or not.

    I also can’t date a fair guy lol…I know that sounds somehow but I just love brown skin!

    1. I absolutely agree. Initial attraction

      Lol at brown skin. When u meet one laiskinned hot tongue talking demon shaking man now story go change lol

  2. I’ve seen a lot of people who were once black then became light skinned due to bleaching.. In fact we once had a neighbor who was as black as color black and when she bleached ehn, she became very fair and at a point started smelling terribly due to excess chemical. I’m actually in different about the color of the skin ooo. God gave me the best of the best, why change it. The thereafter of bleaching /toning is not good at all

  3. Hmmm…Its a srz somtin.. I once had a roomate who was darker dan coal..buh now, she’s brighter dan ha future, lol..she’s so white dat u myt tink she aint frm dis continent. Tho, she luks more attractive dan way bak, buh We nid 2b careful oo cus hv seen so many #ToningGoneWrong# ladies..the effects of dez chemicals on our skin????
    Any wc way; God loves us all; black, white or blue..:-)

  4. Lol @ Ella’s comment about someone being brighter than her future. Hahahaha lwkmd!
    But it’s all true! I’m more than amazed at what the pretty dark girl in the second to the last pic said about dark people. Whaaaaat? That girl has a serious case of inferiority complex that cannot be cured by God turnng her into an actual oyibo. And she even looked prettier as a dark-skinned chick sef. The truth is that we’ve all got to love ourselves whether white or black cos that’s the only way we can get people to truly love us too. All I advocate for is for people to love themselves nomatter what skin you find yourself in. Make the most of it by using a cream that leaves your skin looking bright and polished but as per bleaching… forgerrittt. It may fetch you the attention you need but deep down inside the thought of who you really are will always plague you.
    Btw babe, your baby is cute jor. People make the ruddest comments sometimes but my sis would always say “nobody can make you feel bad xcept you give them your consent.”
    I love your sign off statement about God looking out for the color of our hearts and not the skin.

    Wrote something like this before. Check it out on https://femmetotale.wordpress.com/2014/01/17/a-thing-for-coloured-girls-and-boys/

    Shout out to all my pretty chocolata chics!


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