Oh my darlings, today, I opened up the dashboard of my App

to approve some payments, and found that I had hit 500 downloads plus FINALLY.


And I want to tell a short story. Actually I was gonna write this for social media and then the HS just whispered to me to write it for my blog instead.

I’m literally writing this on a whim, so it will be short…

I think haha

When God dropped the idea of an e-reader to me, I WAS PUMPED. I have always loved e-books , so it felt like YEEESSS. PLUS, I had two amazing Words from the Bible God had given me.

I thought he moment I put word out, everyone and their mamas were gonna be downloading. Mehn!!! It was TOUGH. Add that to the fact that I had heard people I absolutely respect say things like oh people prefer hard copy, nothing like hardcopy, and stuff, not even to run me down or discourage me but in a different convo, and the enemy would make it look like EHEN, IF XXX won’t even download, who will? Lol

Mehn, satan is a bastard ooo. I fight SO HARD emotionally all the chatterbox satan is saying. If I miss my Bible for one day, or not have any scripture ready to jump out per time, it is AMAZING what the enemy will do with my thoughts. I NEED THE WORD to survive per second literally…

Or was it this one time when we needed to confirm something the Developers had done, but because I had admin rights, my phone wasn’t the ideal one to use, so I asked my team members to quickly check and SOME OF THEM said they had to delete the App for XYZ legit reason. Gosh, I was SO BROKEN that day lol. The devil was like if your own team won’t even have the App on their phones, who else should? 

People with whom I had prayed and shared the vision with ooo (and yawl KNOW I am not upset at you so don’t even feel bad ooooo haha. I am just shaming the devil). Imagine me LOOKING TO MEN!!! Cos those two stories above show that I had taken my focus off God to men. How funny!!!

This is getting long haha

Anyways, between being discouraged (I MEAN I prayed long and hard before we started this project and was PRAYING EVERY DAY for the growth of it yet we had 300 then 400 plus and 500 just seemed hard and elusive) and being busy (new baby, CoachE’Squad, hubby moving back home, etx), I abandoned the project, at least actively per publicising, and publishing books from those who had sent me their manuscript.

I mean, I removed my eyes from the 400plus who dowloaded and those who wanted to have their books published, and was focusing on the rest not downloading or putting their books. Lol

Oh but recently, I have had time AND SENSE to get back to it again so I started fighting my feelings of being disappointed. Started to publicize it again first with my LATEST ADD TO THE APP, and then just this morning, I heard my Pastor Steven Furtick preach on how it is OK not to have every project going full throttle at once. It is OK to leave something for a while, focus on another, get it rolling and going well, and then come back to the one you abandoned and focus on it again. In his words, ‘don’t leave any project for too long, part of being an adult is mastering prioritization’.

Can I take TWO seconds to tell you how much I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH STEVEN FURTICK? And his SUPER AWESOME WIFE HOLLY? I am not sure how I was a Christian before I met him. These days I am now HUNTING for videos or clips of him talking to his staff, or preaching at INSIDE ELEVATION (This one is for pastors and co), beyond just Sunday messages, cos those ones are the ones where he shares DEPTHS and TRUTH on another level cos he is talking to those spiritually a little more mature at least. Ah, bless him!!!


  1. To encourage you to never give up on anything. If you need to take a break, do, but don’t leave it for too long. I am happy to pick work up on this again, publishing those who have sent me their books, and not looking at those who didn’t. I need help though. Anyone wanna volunteer to help me sort books out on the backend, and even a publicity strategy? Holler at eziaha@eziaha.com
  2. Download my App already and enjoy some free absolutely amazing books, including the latest CONFESSIONS FOR MY HOME and also purchase the premium ones. And spread Word
  3. Trust me, when you see anyone achieving stuff, and breaking new grounds, YOU DON’T WANNA KNOW THE AMOUNT OF FAITH they have had to have for it. We are all fighting one thing or the other, but I am glad that victory is assured me


Nothing deep today, but I believe that God wanted me to share this for me, and for another someone.


I’ve worked so hard this week, plus stretched my entire faith for different stuff this week that I need a ONE MONTH vacation

JANUARY was indeed a TOUGH YEAR but we made it…

Plus we are still hiring at CoachE’Squad Ltd. I have interviewed like 20 poeople yet no show. I know what I want though and I dont wanna settle… So help me God. Off to interview TWO more Chicks now, abi 3 sef. Phew!!!


Love always

4 Responses

  1. I definitely needed this! The amount of discouragement I got in January…kai!! Some days, I held on strong and remembered the word. Other days, agh devil won oh lol. But we move! Because Christ already CONQUERED.

    1. Oh good Lord WE MOVE.
      WE MOVE!!!
      can I tell you this is the best context where I’ve seen this phrase used???

  2. Cheering you up…
    We really need the Word per second. Satan is not backing down ‘coz you are a christian or ‘coz God told you something will happen. You have to stay in the word, keep praying, and confessing; declaring God’s word. Sometimes, I’m like God can you just make it happen already since you’ve spoken and His responses are usually; but you can make it happen, I’ve equipped you for it. Aaarrghhhh!!!
    I knew there was something here for me this morning. God bless you Eziaha. Btw, is the app available on ios? Can’t seem to find it.

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