Hey Fam,

First off, thank yawl for all the congratulations from all over. Still feels unreal to know that I am a new mommy, and infact TWO people’s mommy. TWO BOYS yawl. PRAYERS UP haha!!!

CoachE’Squad was birthed from my first son even as I struggled with the pregnancy, post baby and INDISCIPLINE weight,

and when my AMAZING results showed, it just seemed right that I help more and more women. (You can download my free ebook. Details in flier)

Available ONLY on the FAB E’Reader App on Google Play

When I was pregnant for my second son, I had some time to think about my BEAUTIFUL weight loss journey.

I still recall how absolutely FRUSTRATED I was when a WHOLE month in of doing INTENSE workouts (think 4000 skips daily) and yet the STUPID 106kg only let go of a miserly 2kg (because i wasnt wise with my diet)

I also recall how BROKE I was in that season, having become a ONE INCOME family yet with an additional mouth to cater for.

This meant that I couldn’t afford to pay for any weightloss coaching, or any weightloss ‘wonder’ tea, drug or shake. I was basically groping in the dark, even though I was desperate, and not getting any results.

I recall seeing an ad for online weight loss coaching on a BBM Channel I follow and I decided to reach out and make inquiries. I mean, it wouldn’t hurt to at least find out how much. Imagine my joy when she said N2500!!! I WAS LIKE HUH!!!??? I sharply paid and joined. A few days later, I stumbled on another promo from another BBMC and it was 3k. WOW!!! I paid for that too and joined. I told yawl I was DESPERATE to toss the fat hence my joining two which costs me a PRINCELY N5500.

BEST DECISION EVER because in those cumulative 5weeks, I lost about 11kg and more than anything, I was armed with the right information as foundation to keep building on.

Under 4months, I had moved from 106kg to 76kg and size 18 to size 10/12,

Complete with TONED abs lol

and that my people, was how my life changed for the better and a NEW BABY (my business) was birthed.

BABY AT 6months and 1 year

As I thought about my journey, the Lord started to place on my heart some women who today are as desperate as I was to lose weight but are also in a season where they cannot afford it. Plus I was also getting emails asking for discounts and all (My online coaching costs 15k) and I understood these Chicks having been there.

That, my people, is how the N5500 online weight loss coaching was birthed in my pregnant Spirit and will kick off this October.

No it is not a PROMO. I just believe that this is what God is leading me to charge for my weight loss services IN THIS SEASON in order to help as much Chicks as possible, which is what our vision at CoachE’Squad is.

I lost weight and literally gained a NEW LIFE. I can’t explain to yawl just how much my life changed, and especially for this October/November Squad, it is my prayer that as you join in, you lose weight, and any other ‘drama’ that needs to be lost, and that you also gain what things you KNOW you need to gain. In my case, losing the weight helped me gain a new zeal, passion and die-hard CAN-DO spirit. I mean, I was thinking

‘Girl, if you could do this through HARD WORK and CONSISTENCY and of course, God’s help, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING…’

So ready to lose the weight, or know anyone who is? Below is the pre-information you need…

As stated above, the 4week coaching will cost N5500 and you can pay for 4weeks or 8weeks at N11,000

Squad A starts Sunday October 1 to Saturday October 28 (4weeks) or Saturday November 25 (8weeks)

Squad B starts Sun Oct 15 to Sat November 11 (4weeks) or Sat Dec 9 (8weeks)

What you will be getting?

– Daily motivation and knowledge needed for your journey from CoachE’ personally…Trust me, weight loss may be 70% diet and 30% Workout but it is 100% knowledge applied so I focus on all 3.

– A 4week weight loss package including meal plans, recipes, tips and workout guide

– A fun community of like-minded Chicks WITHOUT DRAMA and on the same journey as you so you don’t get bored on the road.

– A weekly ‘visitor’ who could either be one of my ex-Squaddies who I helped lose weight, to come share her journey and story to motivate yawl (we call it SQUAD’SPIRATION of the week), OR one of my Squad5, who are a group of Professionals on board CoachE’Squad, so it could be the Doctor, the Nutritionist, Pharmacist, or the Physiotherapist, cos you need the wisdom of these ones to help on your journey even after CoachE’, and so you can ask them questions and all. How cool!!!

– Hardcore follow up. Ask around ooo, I expect full participation on my Squad so you can be sure that you will be daily harassed and I will not allow you slack or I will drop you.

I am excited to do this and give it 100% and I hope you are ready too, and not just jumping in because it is affordable. All I ask is that you truly make up your mind to give this your best. Not gonna lie, WEIGHT LOSS IS HARD. You can’t continue with an old lifestyle and expect new results so get ready to adapt to a new HEALTHY lifestyle and I promise to make the ride a pleasurable one for you. I am NOT a magician or Miracle worker, I only equip you with the tools you need BUT YOU GET TO DO THE HARD WORK YOURSELF.

Interested? Email esquad@eziaha.com to request for payment details. When you pay, PLEASE EMAIL US RIGHT BACK with the name that paid and date paid. I would also need your location and phone number IF YOU PAID USING ATM OR MOBILE TRANSFER, duration and Squad you paid for. Then please allow for 24hours on work days and Tuesday latest if you paid over the weekend (Friday evening inclusive) and we will revert.

We will then email you with the STARTER PACKAGE which contains what you need for the journey.

I do have an upper limit and will close out when the slots are full so take advantage on time baby…

Ok so see you in my email and please share with anyone who may need this. You may also decide to GIFT someone an early Christmas pressie.

This would be my final class for the year until February 2018.

Nursing Moms are also a part of the ride but this excludes the SavedFit&Pregnant anyone with a special health condition (think Diabetes, Cholesterol issues, Ulcer, etc.). Please email me for enquiries on meal plans for the above at esquad@eziaha.com. Even if you live on the moon, you can join in from there. All countries and time zones are welcome.

Also note that the meal plans are Nigerian and GENERALISED and not customized. If you want a customized meal plan, please email too esquad@eziaha.com

Also note that this is not transferable to anyone else after you have paid and started and payment is not refundable too

Also if you would rather have the entire package without the online coaching, you get to pay same too, so you start when ready and go at your pace.

Ok let the PARTAY begin!!!

With love



3 Responses

  1. Congrats Amazing Mama E’

    Nice job you are doing Coach E’

    Omugwo things on FLEEK with discipline on CHECK

    Good bless you and yours. . . ..

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