The latest Vlog is here
The NUMBER ONE MISTAKE people make when they want to lose weight… Check it out please…
Ok on to the promo post…
Hey Squad,
I pray that you are alright, and walking in purpose. No other life mehn!!!
So the Lord led me to do a middle of the year promo at CoachE’Squad. I really wanted to wait till October to do another but here we are today having a CHRISTMAS-IN-THE-MIDDLE promo Squad.
So here we go with details of it… And the FAQs…
- How much would it cost? And duration?
The 4week class would cost N5,000 only. Yay. That would be 20USD or 15GBP
- When would it hold?
So we would have TWO Squads, two weeks apart from each other.
Squad A will start Sunday, May 7 to June 3, and the second will start Sunday, May 21 to June 17.
- Registration Deadlines?
Both registrations start from today Sunday, April 23. Squad A closes Wednesday May 3, 2017, and Squad B closes Wednesday May 17. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE WILL BE NO EXTENSION AFTER THE DEADLINE. This will enable us to plan better for yawl. But I also have an upper limit for each Squad so registration will close if we sell out BEFORE the deadlines, so apply on time hun!!!
- Who is eligible?
This is open to anyone who wants to lose weight, including Nursing Moms. However, if you have any special medical/health condition that means you would need a specialized diet, this promo doesn’t apply. Ditto Pregnant Chicks. The cost for these ones will be N10,000 for 4weeks plan (instead of N15,000). Per example, Diabetics, low blood sugar, those allergic to gluten, etc.
- What does the class entail?
The class entails first of all, your determination to do this, fuelled by the help and grace of GOD, which thankfully is always available (Plus I pray for yawl DAILY so…), then I would provide weekly meal plans/recipes and workouts, daily encouragement, all in a Whatsapp group. All I ask is that you stay accountable to our Squad rules. The classes are all ONLINE so you don’t need to be in Lagos or see me first. You can be anywhere in the world. All meals are Naija meals, found easily in the market, and inexpensive.
You would COMPULSORILY also need a digital scale (or manual), the right shoes, and a set of measuring cups (You can get this from any baking shop, supermarket or open market and can be as cheap as 500naira), your BEFORE picture (you can crop your face out if you want).
You would also need skipping rope, dumb bells 2kg (or two big eva bottles filled with wet sand), exercise mat (or well, a wrapper haha).
- After payment what next
Send an email to coachepromo@eziaha.com, to request for bank details, then when you pay, send name that paid in, your own name (if different), bank name, date and time of payment (and location especially if you did an atm transfer), and the Squad you are interested in joining to the same email, then allow for 24hours for a response if you pay week days, or the next working day if you pay on a non-working day.
Eziaha Bolaji-Olojo. Paid May 12 at Noon from GTBank inLagos. Interested in Squad B.
Acknowledgement email will be sent to you and THURSDAY PRIOR to the start of the chosen Squad, email with EVERYTHING you need for the first week will be sent to you.
- Can I pay for more than a month?
Yes, but not more than 2months. We want to give as many people an opportunity to come on board.But note that you cannot transfer payment to anyone else or to any time frame outside the specified duration of promo.
8. Can I stagger or split payment into two?
No. You can either pay the full promo price for a month or two. Sawry.
9. I don’t like working out? I am super busy. I don’t have time. I have kids? Etc. Will this still work for me?
Yup. Plus the pump factor in the groups ALWAYS motivate, so give us a try.
10. How many kgs will I lose in 4weeks? Or 8weeks?
I don’t make promises with figures, because this depends more on YOU than me. I say start, give it your best, enlist the help of heaven and STAY CONSISTENT. You will DEINITELY see results. But I always aim for AT LEAST 4 to 5kg loss in 4weeks,
though I have seen some crazy Chicks lose 8 to 10kg in 4-6weeks.
Finally, what qualifies me to do this?
First, I have practiced all I would be sharing on MYSELF.

I went down 30kg in under 4 months and have maintained it for almost 2years now.
I have also helped THOUSANDS of Chicks achieve the same results via direct coaching, and even more via all my information shared on social media.

(You can see more pix on my IG handle @coachesquad)Then my exploits have landed me on several TV, and Radio stations including EBONY LIFE TV
(and I have been invited YET AGAIN to be a part of a documentary they are shooting this week and I am SUPER EXCITED and HUMBLED about that), Rhythm FM and Inspiration FM. Plus I have a UK certification on Health and Fitness.
Most importantly, I run a CHRISTIAN biz with a high sense of purpose attached to it, and with integrity as one of our watchwords, you can expect the BEST of heaven and earth when you join us.
Ok so if I missed any question on your mind, please email coachesquad@eziaha.com and I will be happy to clarify.
Can’t wait to kick this off. Tell your friends and colleagues who have been waiting for this (and harassing me haha). I don’t know when the Lord will lead me to do another, so jump in now.
I have been vlogging so be sure to check out my first 2 vlogs
and then you can follow us on social media
Twitter and IG @coachesquad
Facebook The University of CoachE’ for more details on us.