Supercharge your Mentee-game with these hot tips

Shalom Shalom Fam Today’s post is about MENTORING! I love mentoring and above all being a mentee myself. Having people in my life who hold me accountable and call me out on my crap is such a gift! If you have such people in your life please thank them lol. In my recent video HERE […]
I looked up and I was STRIPPED

Hey people, Been ages I wrote here. Ok life has been intensely awesome. First, there was EKBALLO which was HEAVEN ON EARTH. Yawl I can’t lie I am so stinkin’ proud of me. And an already perfect program was made even perfecter lol by the surprise appearance by my Rev. Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Imagine my shock when […]
Meet my journals, all 15+ of them…

Lol, so I did this post on my IG @coachesquad on all my many teas. and I decided this week on the Monday blog to also do a detailed post on all my journals and how I rock them. One time, I went to visit my mentor DDK at home and she said something I […]
I like Toolz Oniru-Demuren. I think she is sweet and, to the best of my really lil knowledge, has a pure heart. When she got married, I went to search pictures via IG hashtags and I bumped into this. I thought ‘what a COOL concept.’ I think I must have seen someone say #SquadGoals in […]