First off, WHEN WOMEN WORSHIP 2018… Who is COMING? Let me tell yawl, its gonna be STRAIGHT FIRE!!! TRUST ME. Move heaven backwards and MAKE IT if you live in Lagos or can come into Lagos. And hey, I am SO SERIOUS that I don’t mind hosting you in my home for ONE NIGHT so […]

You know, in our FIRST ever Propel meeting, I asked the ladies to share in our Whatsapp group the TOP two things they learned, and almost everyone of them mentioned ‘THE GOAL IS JESUS and so I HAVE TO KEEP RUNNING HARD TOWARDS HIM IN MY OWN LANE!!!’ Such a valid RESOUNDING lesson shared by […]

You know, I am building my own Book reader App THE FAB E’ BOOK app (which by the way is costing me an arm, a leg and 2 uteruses lol) and after we reached an agreement, the last thing I told her (Yup, I am using a techy female GEEK) was ‘…I LOVE colours. I am a super sanguine, […]
Let’s give ’em som’in to be proud about…

I love mentor-mentee relationships… Especially those within the kingdom. I love such phrases as… ‘…one of my sons was telling me…’ ‘…my father in the faith/Lord said…’ ‘…one of my mentees came to see me…’ I really look out for such phrases whenever I am listening to a message or reading a book. I know […]