Always hungry? Here are 5 ways to FIGHT IT!!!

NB: This post was originally authored and published by me on, my online fitness website. Challenging the urge to eat can be a huge deal. For some, every day issa battle and mostly a losing one, which of course erodes our self confidence and decreases the urge to even keep fighting. Then we give […]
Fit Boo, Healthy Bae.

NB: This post was originally authored by me and published on an online blog site. Goodness! I am so thankful for a month that is already nearing its second week while we are still saying ‘Happy New month’. One of the best ways to show my husband and kids that I love them is […]
3 easy hacks to help you EAT LESS

NB: This post was originally authored and published on, my fitness website. Hey Fit-Squad, I hope we are crushing our fitfam 2019 goals. I did this amazing post on The Lady’s room website where I shared a few tips to ensure your goals are achieved. Find it here. But this is not why we are […]
Dietary tips to fight HIGH CHOLESTEROL

PS: This post was originally authored and published on, my fitness website. Hey Fam, In recent times, I have seen an upsurge in medical challenges that involve high cholesterol issues in Nigerians even from their 30s. Male and female alike, its crazy. And super dangerous. So more people are asking me for meal plans […]
#FitFabFam… The journey so far.
Hey guys!!! Almost missed it again… How does 3days go by so fast on the FAB lane biko nu…? Looks like I have some landlords on this blog who keep praying that the days would go by fast and another ‘rent’ (post) would be due soon… Una cahmdan ok. I haven’t done any new writing in […]
Hi guys, Sorry stuff slowed down some here. Changed location and all the dramz that comes with it Yup guys, back to Lagos now. Can’t wait to settle into my own home in Lagos and get some rhythm into my life again. So this idea came to me early hours of Sunday morning in the […]