On my way to work today, I was dosing up on my usual every morning tonic on Inspiration FM, ‘The wake up show with Eyo and Dallas’. Totally hilarious, those two boys. After their usual drama, they introduced the topic of today and it was on spanking a child, whether it be right or wrong… […]
The 30day Gratitude challenge…

Kai, I wanna say I am sorry for being AWOL for a while but trust me I have a very good reason… hehehe. I went on vaycay and when we vaycay we go AWOL to get the best outta our vaycay… Hehehe. It was a really short one and depending on how I feel, I […]
I don port ooo *in my AMERICANAH voice*

I absolutely love the ‘I DON PORT’ ad… Tz a HANDS DOWN winner. Just like I think Chimamanda’s writings are hands down winners. I don’t see any other network topping that. #bosstinz But the quality of MTN is like premium CRAP sha. So like Saka, me sef don port abeg. But unlike Saka, I did […]