Hey everybody

Seasons’ greetings and Merry Christmas tomorrow…

So I am sat here at my laptop and have a quite a lot on my mind, which just makes me wanna #PrayPrayPray

Granted, I am JOYFUL. This year has been an absolute blessing, and I am finishing strong and even starting 2018 stronger…

I really want 2018 to be a blessing not just for me but for people around me.

I truly want to be better… As in TRULY. The kinda change that God is PROUD of…

And speaking of CHANGE, It was only yesterday Hubs pointed me to the fact that FD was running for 2019 Presidential election.

I literally froze. Since then, my heart has been SO FULL. I am not a huge political pundit but I do know a few things and the DEPTH OF DECAY Nigeria is in can make one just give up… HOPE AND PRAYERS that is.

But I persist in both.

I’m wondering, is THIS an answer to our prayers? Is this really the CHANGE we have been praying for? My heart and mind have been all over the place since I saw it and I can only imagine what is going on in FD’s mind, and Tara’s.


Yesterday, a friend told me something HUGE. I froze. Such a MAJOR decision and I didn’t even know what to say. I asked her to give me a couple days to pray and my good Lord, I can’t stop PRAYING!!! If my mind is this full, I wonder how it looks for her…


And speaking of friends, the HS just wrecked my entire life by showing me a part of my ‘friendship life’ that was just MESSED UP. I couldn’t even believe it but when I assessed the situation, I knew it was A MESS and needed to work on it…

I resorted to confiding in TWO of my friends both for prayers and accountability.

This 2018, God knows I want to enjoy REALLY WHOLE FRIENDSHIPS. I have learned some from Sarah Jakes Roberts on friendship in her book DON’T SETTLE FOR SAFE and a whole lot to from observing some of my mentors and their friendships, or at least what they let us into via their social media, and by mentors I mean Chris and her friendships with Lisa B, Lisa Harper, Priscilla, Beth Moore, Bianca O and more.

Thats Beth Chris and Lis B

Gosh, talk about a HEALTHY BALANCED FRIENDSHIPS. That’s not to say that all is always rosey but when issues come up, I’ve seen Chris handle it and share (Lisa H actually shared with us in Propel one of such)


In 2018, I wanna go deeper with my friends. I want to enjoy WHOLE, RICH, INSPIRING friendships. I wanna disagree with opinions without losing the friends, especially if godly. I wanna fight more, be more vulnerable, bend over backward more and really stop being a baby sometimes.

Which is why when the Holy Spirit showed me what He showed me, I knew I had to work on it cos that won’t even work AT ALL!!!

I am PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING for the spiritual maturity to handle it all!!!

So help me God!! AMEN!!

I hope in the middle of all the celebrating, you find time to THINK, ASSESS and PRAY PRAY PRAY

Merry Christmas guys and may this season bring you so much JOY, GRACE, PEACE, GOOD CHEER and more…

In Jesus name, AMEN!!

3 Responses

  1. I get your desire for wholesome balanced friendships! Interestingly, it was something I prayed for today. God hears prayers, so He would grant our desires ❤️

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