*in my Mexican accent* Holla…. *AIR KISSES*
Today is a beautiful Sunday and the girl just feels like musing…
Random stuff on my mind… LET’SSSSS
First of all this cant be real na…?
As in how is this possible?
You know I have been writing an article in my head about stuff that are too much for me to comprehend. The very first has to be ladies toasting men and proposing to ‘em. Lemme not jump abeg. I will still do it. But please this is one too. I don’t even like it when men drink talk less of ladies… ewwww. Please ooo I am not judging ooo. My brother drinks and popsie too but my boo doesn’t and for that I am really grateful. How do you even kiss a mouth stinking of gulder, not even irish cream? And drinking from the bottle on your wedding day…? double ewwwww. thanks to my dear laide for this pix and the many others. If you were not married to that fab woman I would have found you a wifey… hehehe
More musings
Kim K is in Nigeria.
(the Cops are stifling a laff there hehehe)
Yeah yeah please roll your eyes. I am amazed as to how people say they don’t like her and yet they consider her newsworthy and follow her up on SM sites. Abeggiii make I hear.
I like Kim sha just as I like Kimora hehehe.
In fact her ‘life on a fab lane’ inspired my blog rider ‘Living the Christ life on a fab lane’ They provide great entertainment and they are really fine ooo complete with hot bods… Phew…. But their lifestyle? Let’s just say that I, like Obama, will NOT let my kids even see an episode.
Not totally sha but mostly I would not endorse some stuff they do. But Kimora is a badt business woman ooo.
And Kris Jenner dey help Kim try small as her mom-ager.
Ok that’s just me musing about Kim being in Naija. If I was in lag, I would NOT have gone tho… D love no reach like that… But the chic is powerful tho…and a super star like it or not even in Naija cos the minute chica tweeted ‘on my way to Naija’ na so she start to trend at number one here knocking off Goldie whose death and marriage had been trending for two days. SMH for Twitter mourners… Sorry ‘mourners’
Ok on to the next…
I am amazed as to how God settles me church wise every where I go. When I was leaving Ibadan I was sad and happy. Yeah I had graduted and stuff but TA (Triumphant Assembly that is ) was really IT ALL… I mean ALL… I was VERY HAPPY. I had the best of the very BEST Pastors and mentors.
The gift of access I enjoyed. I also enjoyed LOVE. I loved my church and church members. I still do. I had INCREDIBLE FRIENDS there.
I had real prayer partners. Deep ladies and guys. My Drama team was WOW!!!
(I can’t even forget this overnight rehearsals for drama night. their hands hurt them tire cos they were human props hehehe. our director was
not mean)
Church was my fam… And I loved us all.
I won’t attempt to mention names cos I would run into trouble. You guys take my blog way too seriously jare LOL… I knew leaving Ibadan meant I would have to do DCC in Lagos. Hmmmm… The stuff I really loved about DCC was Pastor K and Pastor M…
I really had my hangups and stuff about ‘after preaching church activities.’ Don’t get me wrong DCC is a DREAM church but TA was too on my mind and the transition wasn’t gonna be easy. So I decided that I would go to church, join a unit (I can’t bear to NOT be in a unit in church. How do you people do that? I am doing a special blogpost for you guys and nope it won’t be pretty). Oh something else I loved about DCC was the flat shoes ladies used to wear. I am tripped by heels and in a student community you see quite a lot. But in DCC, ladies used to wear really nice flats. Now I realized that they used to then because work in the Dome (yes we use a Dome for service. A real EXPENSIVE PRETTY DOME) especially the floors were not done and so ladies were rocking flats wella to preserve the heels. LOL Now they rock heels wella. Ok back to my DCC plan. I’ll join a unit and then go home after church simple. I didn’t have a single friend (I mean like my TA friends) there and I didn’t intend to make so much friends (goodbyes are teary) cos I had a plan to rush back to Ibadan as often as possible and then a grand plan to go serve in Oyo state. Thinking about my plan now makes me smile. So I did just that. But mehn, when I got ‘ere in November, I made a few friends, had a few fans who knew me from my blog, enjoyed a few kodak moments, gave out plenty of my famous squeezy huggy hugs (What!!! You haven’t received any of my hugs. Gee! How do you sleep at night?), joined a second fantastic unit and DCC began to look like IT. But I still knew I was moving back to Ibadan for service.
(STILL MISS MY MULTI COLORED ROOM… D most beautiful room in Anchorage then,,,)
Until God said to me in no unclear terms leaving no room for my opinion, ‘Baby mi toh beauriful (eat ur hearts out :p), your work in Ibadan is done… Oya forward march to Abuja….’ ABUJA… I didn’t know NATIN about Abuja. Had been here once about 6 or 7years ago (of course a few hours wedding trips DO NOT COUNT) for about a week holiday in which I was very protected (I was really young). The boo and I had discussed the POSSIBILITY of settling here MAYBE (pls note the block letters). But moving here for service? Jehovah!!! First thought, what church will I attend that will be like DCC Lagos or TA Shabach ooo? *insert Huge tears*.
I mean wasn’t it bad enough that I was missing Rev Albert’s teachings already
and now PK too. Of course when I went public with the gist, most of my friends in Abuja were happy to invite me to join their churches. I promised nothing tho I said I would visit. But HE led me to DCC Abuja and I told Him let PK preach the first day I step in there. Guess what people, my PK, SORRY PM’s PK no ‘Dassah’s honey (PM :p) sha Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo was there…
He came to Abuja to encourage us to pray and have HIgH EXPECTATIONS this new year.
(that is me in red behind…
the person that snapped was beefing me and didn’t let me show)
DCC Abuja is new and growing and trust me, that is my kinda thing… If you see the way I love DCC Abuja eh… Tz almost UNBELIEVABLE.
I thought it would take me time to settle in and stuff. And the absolute best part of church is my Pastor (sorry Mimi baby you are the second best). Pastor B is a chip off the old block…
I really don’t miss PK like I thought I would cos mehn Pastor B is loaded. You can see that ise Oluwa shacks him. Seriously I am so inspired… God really went ahead of me on this one sha and ‘organised’ this before I showed up. I feel really blessed… So i might as well add that if you are in Abuja and you do not like your church have a church where you are grounded, as a Worker and stuff, please feel free to join us every sunday at Cubana lounge on Adetokunbo Ademola street, Wuse 2, and wednesdays at APPLES REACH just slightly adjacent Cubana at 6.30pm. i would be, and my Pastor too, very happy to see and welcome you and if you are a lady, you get the special E’ hug… hehehe… Trust me hon, DCC Abuja ROCKS… A trial and YOU ARE HOOKED!!!
That said I DO MISS REV Albert Femi oduwole. *wailing* And I also miss Ibadan. I was talking to someone and said ‘Ibadan’ instead of Lagos. That said though, 15 MORE DAYS TILL I SEE REV…Yippppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Can’t wait… *Azonto and etighi* Actually it is till ‘we’ see Rev. ‘we’ being a singular term. *wink* And I actually get to see my Ibadan peeps. I am soooo amazed as to how people miss me ooo. They call, bb, text oh wow!!! I even hear they tell my story, use my name for sermons (I ordered a message and as I listened recently it was a real pleasant surprise to hear my name oooooo chai). When I was leaving, did I mention that NOT few people cried… I am like WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I too cried but hey, na wah ooo. Please I want to meet more people like Eziaha ooo and I am serious.
Ok next musing…
Abuja guys need JESUS… Seriously!!! They actually do. And that is All this very pretty, hot, fabulous, 5ft 11 woman of God will be saying on this matter. Ok let me just add that if I were a runs babe eh, by now I would have acquired a property in Maitama. My friend says my hips don’t lie… I say Double d’uh…
Musing next…
So I had been rolling around the choice of my Chief in my head (That’s what happens when you are the last child/baby, not a twin, and have at least 4besties and applications from other friends) and when I finally decided on one of ‘em and told her, if you see the drama that went on between us you would have thought it was a marriage proposal. I am so sparing you guys the details #poko (been wanting to use that. No idea what it means)
My blog is making impact. Please can you believe this? OMgosh!!!
Of course there are some details going on that I can’t share but I can say that some people made the LDM Abuja from my blog.
Someone came from Asaba. And some of you in Abuja, single n ready to settle, that LDM came to your dormot, una no come. An atmosphere with sooo much anointing and people that you may meet sef and sound teachings too from PK life and direct, and you didn’t make it. Wait ooo I have a special blogpost for you, Una dey wait for me to write the message out on my blog. Mschewwwww… I’m pretty miffed so I will move on.
So the Asaba girl hung out in Abuja for a week and came to church Sunday and Wednesday. Sweetie twas really nice meeting you and I really should pray you to Abuja ooo.You fit in well here jor… *forgot to snap with her. too busy*
I also met others who came for the program. Btw, some of you owe me an email or fb in-boxes and stuff so I am waiting kk
Even in Abuja in random places, I really mean the most random of places, I meet people who recognize me from my blog. I really should be careful what I ask for and say cos I get ‘em. At the start of the year, I prayed over and blessed my blog. I called it a TESTIMONY. My blog forms a part of my 2013 confessions. Gradually I see fruits… Like someone doing an ABOUT FACE on a relationship wey don tey cos of something I read on my blog. Seriously!!!!!!! You guys rock sha. *big Eziaha styled hugs* Thank you so much for making this blog a part of your life and for all the online and offline messages. The number of offline messages are alarming.
So now I have started harassing people to post the messages online abeg. And here is me also saying it. Please make una dey read and comment too and spread word. If I make you happy then make me happy on this one kk. READ AND DROP A LINE. Oshay… You can comment anonymously too. I also have amebos here ooo and seriously I see you guys and I just press the ignore button… I just couldn’t be bothered… I am just too busy making progress *insert three uninterested BBM smileys here for good measure*
Ok next..
So we lost Goldie.
I wasn’t a fan… don’t know any of her song, didn’t watch her on BBA and didn’t really care for her but her death like many other deaths, was painful. I was particularly pained with twitter comments about her and stuff. Respect for the dead should not be included in a college or high school curriculum before someone knows it is the right thing to do. Like it or not, the babes was someone’s daughter, wifey, bestie, friend, sister, aunt, etc… Before being that star, she was a HUMAN BEING jare. But then again, twitter can be a real JOKE. So I don’t always take it too seriously. Tz my prayer that God comforts those who are truly mourning her, amen. Her death got me thinking tho. We really should live knowing that one day we would die and would spend eternity (way longer than we have spent on earth even if you live to 120) somewhere. So live heaven conscious. Infact with that kinda mindset, when people mourn us, they do not mourn like people without hope because they know and we know too that we are indeed in a better place. Especially if you are a Nigerian. Me I am looking forward to heaven especially because NEPA people are not going to make heaven we don’t have to bother about light there… wooooooooooooot!!! Death should not be so bad na… with this knowledge. Except of course for those that would miss us. #RIPGoldie.
So let’s end this on a love note… Valenetine fever is over abi?
Told ya it would not last… the cure is really Feb 15th. So I hope you didn’t do anything stupid ooo. Hope we all got gifts too even if from yourself. One babes was whining on BR that she got no gifts and stuff. Me I told her that next year she should DHL a gift to herself and arrange to have it delivered on Val’s day. Smart yeah? I thou ht so too.
Speaking of gifts aside Phone calls and e-lovages from amazing people, Vals was spent, after wrapping and delivering Val packages of course, watching movies with Mimi.
Single ladies was the movie title… Movie without a lesson except really nice dresses. Mehn the ladies dressed to kill ooo. But it was too unreal. I know you are itching to know what I gave the boo… How that one take consign you? . I know you are also itching to know what Aku m did. Infact we have been arguing about this ooo.
I have an idea what he wants to get me cos he has been hinting so I came all out and asked him NOT TO. Reason? While I agree that I need it ooo, over need it sef, but I just feel we have better things to do with money and stuff especially now. I said it could wait and I offered a CHEAPER ALTERNATIVE. See argument ooo. He INSISTED… I said NO. he said ‘You don’t have a choice sorry’ He was now quoting PK that when a woman says SAVE she means SPEND and when she says DON’T BUY IT HONEY IT CAN WAIT, don’t answer her ooo, just go ahead and buy… chai!!! Guess who won? HE DID!!! Yay me!!! *straight face* But seriously baby, you are my real gift…
Love you forever Aku m… (Aku m means my treasure in Igbo or wealth. I prefer treasure, for those of you that want to kill me with asking)
Yeah, I shared that story above to make you very jealous. I hope you are. And don’t bother planning evil, we are COVERED hehehe. No try yasef ooo.
Drained!!! Started out thinking this would take one hour. NOPE IT DIDN’T EVEN TAKE TWO… Great read is absolutely hard writing ooo. The things I do for y’all. So make sure you are commenting okies… And by the way I respond to almost comment especially EVERY COMMENT that has a question. So go back and read ooo when you comment. Someone almost missed LDM cos she felt I didn’t comment.
Have a BLESSED week ahead… filled with endless possibilities
E’ hugs (for every morning and night this week)
PS; There is this comedy program coming up this sunday in DCC Lagos… COMEDY goes TO CHURCH. hosted by Accapella and has many amazing comedians coming.
Find details on Vien’s blog here http://vien-smart.blogspot.com/2013/02/comedy-goes-to-church.html Tz just 1k ticket and tz this Sunday. So happy I will be in Lagos then and I would invite one of my friend’s to come and sleep over in my house. please do not apply. i already know who i have in mind. But please feel free to come too. i am so looking forward to it. i also have details on my FAB UPCOMIN’ EVENTS section on the blog…
PPS; none today… :p Sleep… hehehe
u r Amazing n u rock!!!
Tnx hunny bunny. Tnk God
Hmmmmm, Eziaha I usually jst read without placing a comment bt since u specifically asked 4a comment…. Let’s jst say I can’t refuse u joor, I was so strong 4a while and hvnt been in church 4a while. I looked out 4u durin d service and didn’t see u, imagine my disappointment so I decided 2check ur blog sharply and discovered ure in Abj*sobbin* bt y? Bt since u say papa God has a hand in it, who am I to request otherwise. Luv ur blog& ur posts. Luv u dearly girl *wink*
Thanks Catherine…
Aww sorry abt d health issue… Thank God you good now.
I’ll be in dcc lag sunday and also at accapellas show… So I’ll see ya there if u make me see ya ooo.
Thanks again Sugar
Love you right back…
DCC Abuja rocks btw
*tongue out*
Keep being you. Dynamic blog. I won’t be surprised if you start blogging about wedding planning in the near future. Also leaving a comment because you asked. I am an e-DCC member, love Pastor K and M. Love TA as well, waiting for them to start live streaming!!! ‘Get inspired lest you expire’.
I do have a question though, to whom do I direct inquiries about DCC Media? The website got a new face sometime last year and since then a couple of links are still not working specifically the ‘Media’ link. Helpppppp! Would you be so kind as to upload sermons for us. Feeding the spirit all day every day!
Lols sisiblu baby u r spot on right
I could even start a political diary… One thinh tho- I’ll always be on d fab Christ lane.
Oh we are kindreds na being that we have DCC and TA connections. I’m sure TA would live stream LEAP (details in the post after this) cos I know we did some live streaming last year too… Rev has podcasts too so feel free to dl those… Just google.
I’m in d media unit tho not that sub-unit so I’ll ask them specially for u… I haven’t visited our webbie in a while cos I get to buy as many msgs as I need since I am close. Pele dear. I’m sure they will work it out…
I can’t upload em sweetie. Aside from em being too large I don’t have the permission to. But I transcribe quite some so that should help na 😉
I hope we can even start podcasts of pk in dcc too. That one u can dl easily.
Thank u sisi baby
I just love ur blog. I always laugh from beginning to end cos of d really funny quirks in here.
True talk about goldie, pple are so unrealistic and jugdemental. I really hope she gave her life to christ bf she died cos it seems she gave love but didn’t get back love d way she would have wanted it.
U seriously rock eziaha, so keep up d beautiful job u are doing
P.S how do u write n cancel like u do? #puzzled much 😀
Hahaha me too I laugh ooo truly
Like what do I think of when I write biko?
Thanks darling for d compliments…
As for the write m cancel, allow me to laugh small too and do a tongue out hehehe… Ok done 🙂 on bb u can dl ‘coret text’. It does that. Using MSword on ur laptop, one of the icons on top is a slash through (just beside the U B and I sign) so once u highlight what u wanna strike thru and click on that icon, it strikes thru…
Simple… Well I hope that helps ooo.
If u blog at wordpress, it also has it on the place where u type posts
Thanks again dear
Feel free to spread word
Eziaha dear,
Enjoyed every minute here. You are so full of life.
How does one move to and from Ajah for the 4pm DCC programme. You’ll be there ? Nice!
PK podcasts will be so coool and I think they are long over-due .
Remain fabulous…
Hey sweerie
Yes I’ll be there by His Grace…
Back to ajah? That won’t be impossible now
I’m sure we will fiNd a Way jaare
Wl b gud2c Ya again love
😀 eziaha I have no words . You are just special. Plenty love. Can’t stop laughing
Pastor M wetin I do na
*innocent baby face*
Pastor M wetin I do na
*innocent baby face*
Thanks for dropping by…
Plenty E’ hugs
Eziaha,You are such a darlyn! Its me Ooº°˚ ˚°ºoo (D Asaba girl) *wide grin*. I am always elated whenever I read your blog and I look forward to greater and more interesting posts.*Lots of love+bear hugs* Mmuaahh!
Thank you hunnie
Yes tz you jare
Still burnt we didn’t snap
Ul come again
Berry hugs boo
Started from the very beginning of your blogging. Tiz amazing what your write-ups do to me. Has a way of setting me straighter* forgive oyibo m. Tiz English.
God bless you babe
Glory to God
I pray You continue to chase after and live for HIM.