Hiiii readers, My name is Oladejo Toluwa, Eziaha’s mentee .

So, in April I had the privilege to mentor 2 ladies from the TFS Academy in March
alongside a fellow mentee Chidinma. The experience was a major highlight for me this year, especially cos it’s such a JOY to be a part of someone’s ‘I am Evolving story.’

We closely mentored the ladies for 3 weeks and had topics ranging from bible study, setting goals, managing relationships, intentionality, the need for daily musts, listening to sermons ,journalling, building a rich prayer schedule, reading books and lots more.

It was a very pratical and authentic atmosphere where we shared bits and pieces of our own journey inorder for them to learn and pick out the principles from each activity we do and are intentional about, and they in turn, also had to share with us ways and how they have been able to apply and implement.

The first week, we talked about time management, where I asked them i.e (Jennifer and Oshams ) to share how they spend a typical day, after they shared, we analyzed and corrected. We shared on how they can track each hour of their day by being INTENTIONAL from their waking to sleeping hours.

It was important for us to be as practical as possible so I shared pictures of my to do lists I keep in a book and highlighted four major things for them to do

  1. Have a to do list to prioritize
  2. Set alarms on your phone
  3. Do not procastinate to do the important stuff
  4. Wake up early and do the most important things first…
    They both took it upon themselves to track their hours intentionally.

We shared on the importance of having daily musts. We taught them how to set one. Personally, daily musts changed alot in my life. I started to restructure my entire time around them. My daily musts increased my productivity big time and I was also able to track them. We also shared that in setting daily musts it needs to cover every aspect of life. i.e spiritual, intellectual, physical etc
One of the mentees response to it in the first week ” Other times I feel boxed…lol….and pressured to do everything in my daily must for that day…lol”.

Jennifer and Oshams were excited and also new to all of these so we advised they take baby steps.
After that, we introduced them to setting a prayer schedule and keeping a prayer journal. We showed them ours, how we set our schedule with pictures. Assignments were given to them to get journals and set a prayer schedule strictly for their spiritual journey, which they did

We also shared the importance of listening to Christian messages from youtube etc , reading books and having a bible study plan in the second week. We shared some books we were currently reading and the importance of reading, how it expands the mind.

Oshams was already a big reader, so the rest of us were learners beside her lol
Her response one time was like “Me ehn….I can be reading like five books at a time chapter by chapter….for now…” loool imagineee!
Jennifer also started to consciously put in more efforts towards reading.

Lastly, we shared on relationships and goals setting. We shared on the importance of keeping the right kind of circle, having godly relationships and mentors. We ended the mentoring session on having goals which helps in looking towards the bigger picture of life. We also shared on breaking down the goals annually, quaterly, monthly and weekly. After that we addressed every question that came in.

Overall the mentoring sessions, allowed me to learn and relearn during the process of sharing all I knew. Another thing mentoring did for me was keep me very accountable and responsible in my own life. I couldn’t be talking one thing and ‘not be doing it’. It made me sit up too.

One of the ladies, Jennifer John we mentored, I saw such growth and yearning in her, as she began to take steps little by little and re-adjust her schedule and daily life even as a student was really good, in her words “Infact, I have never been this organized in my life😃. I procastinate alot before, but writing down makes me just want to do it even when am tired…she ended by saying “I don’t want TFS to end😭 you guys have impacted so much wisdom in me😭😭 I can’t help but to be thankful. Thank you”

The second lady, Osham Ebinum already was into a lifestyle of reading and leaning in on her teachers, but as we shared more on scheduling and daily musts, she now later told us how she owns her hours more and puts more pressure on herself to achieve more despite her hectic work life, in her words
” ….like this is the life!!! I am feeling like one go-getter woman already💃💃💃…”
Wow…it has been such an amazing journey here at TFS…I am so glad I was a part of this…Thank you so much Toolz⁩ and Chidinma⁩ for the wisdom!!!”

I’m truly excited about their now and future.

It was really an enriching experience especially with the positive feedbacks and reviews from the ladies. Thank you mama Eziaha for this AMAZING opportunity.


One Response

  1. I have waited for a post from you ma,thank you for choosing to write,your writing have inspired every area of my life. I am just 20 but I know that if I keep following you as you follow Christ I will end well. I pray I get the opportunity to be selected as one of your mentees

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