
I can’t forget how I felt. My ObGyn had opted for a GA for my Cesarean section and what that meant was I was going to be knocked out through the entire process. Awesome medical team that were with me in that theatre. They gisted with me, asking me questions until the effect of the ketamine kicked in and I found myself in another world, oblivious of all the pain my brain would have felt as they cut open horizontally just above my bikini line were I conscious. The feeling you feel is one of highness. Similar to those who take those hard drugs. This was my second time feeling high. The same was the case with my first son, even though it was not a section, but things went south quickly right after I pushed out a 4.4kg baby and they sha had to knock me out to fix things.

If you haven’t had a baby, I am scaring you please. At the same time, preventing teenage and out-of-wedlock pregnancy. That shi* is HARD. A friend of mine who just had her first baby said she is having a hysterectomy, that is having her womb removed cos she no do again lol. I am almost tempted to join her. Lol

Ok back to my ‘highness’. With my first, hubby wasn’t with me as I came to myself again, but I still recall how very drowsy I felt. With my second, hubby was right there as the ketamine wore off and he still has not let me hear the last of it as I kept saying NO FOCUS NO FOCUS.

I was desperately trying hard to make out the face of my newborn but that drug was messing with me. Bolaji has even taught KingDaveed how to say NO FOCUS so even the 3year old teases me with it.

Well thankfully, I did gain focus but that was only after I heeded to my husband’s plea for me to rest my head, shut my mouth and sleep. The focus came after I woke, but don’t let me talk about the PAIN I felt when I woke. At least, I could now see my baby even through the pain, so let’s focus on that haha.

Speaking of focus and thinking of those stories, I am reminded once again that I NEVER want to leave life without a clear focus on the things that really matter.

As a business woman and CEO of a growing business who wants to make money, yes, but also make disciples for Christ and make JESUS famous in her field of work, I truly have to keep my focus clear and my vision 20-20. So easy to be distracted mehn. So easy that on many days, I need therapy/my therapist just to stay obedient to God and stay fighting satan and all the lies he throws down.

Which is why I love to hang out not just with colleagues but Christian colleagues. Christians in the corporate world and entrepreneurs.

I recall one time earlier this year someone accused me of being proud, anti-social and co meanwhile all the other fitness chicks in Nigeria interacted online and engaged with each other bla bla bla. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to. It was that I was working on making sure that my FOCUS game on HIM stayed clear. I just want to make sure that my interactions don’t further haze my vision.

That is also why I don’t just attend any and every program, both the spiritual and even the professional ones. Also why I don’t apply every principle no matter how I see it working for XYZ. I just like to sieve and filter it through my own purpose, vision and principal/Boss (Jesus). I don’t care who, I just fight to keep my vision clear and my focus on Jesus

Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions . Watch where you’re going! Stick to the path of truth, and the road will be safe and smooth before you. Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked for even a moment or take the detour that leads to darkness.

Proverbs 4:25-27 TPT

Which is why I am here for any thing that helps me sharpen my professional skills in a Christian atmosphere

People who know how to do business with Jesus, or mix Corporate with Faith as they serve delicious, excellent, good and profitable work to the world.


Hosted by my very good friend Aijay Ufomadu

Gosh God is great. This baby has been a long time coming and I am excited it finally gets to be pushed out…

What’s your focus? How good is your focus?

And hey, would you need some help finding your FOCUS again, whether as an Entrepreneur, Business owner, or just Jesus Chick?

This is the event for you. Every speaker is God-breathed to help speak life to our FOCUS again

It is on Dec 15, holding in Lagos. Event is free BUT you must register. It is just for 50, so you need to jump in like right NOW

Here is a link to register


Here is the official conference website


It has all the speakers.

Here is more gist from Aijay’s blog including details on the speakers


Me, I don’t even look at speakers these days, I check in my spirit that my JESUS will be there, then I know HE will make sure that the Speakers speak only His words to His children. Professionally though, these Speakers are SOLID so I am here for it.

If this looks like something agreeing with your spirit (cos me I know it is not for every one abeg), then consider this my personal invite to you

And here again is the link to register


50 gets filled pretty fast and we are going ALL OUT on publicity from now till November end and then we close registration. I suspect we will be hitting 50 even before the end of the month.

Please don’t let it do you like feem oooo. Even me I have already registered.

When I put it up on my status, my hubby AGAIN reminded me of when I was saying NO FOCUS and said I definitely need it hahaha.

That man just gives me wahala…

Abeg, me I am already counting down wella.

I mean, this is the kind of stuff you pay very well for considering the caliber of speakers and the purpose of the event itself and all we are putting into it, but it is FREE!!!

Link again is here

Ok let me bless you all with a few of my recent pictures cos your girl has been SLAYING even though she has not been updating her blog.

Sorry I won’t be blogging like that cos I am winding down for the year and just trying to press into all God is saying to me as I plan for the next year. I will be taking in more than I will be giving out cos I will need some strength and depth for the heavy new year. I gained so much spiritual, professional and intellectual weight this year that it is time to go back to my notes, and find practical ways to apply and stuff. No time for frivolities.

Plus, you all remember I hinted about how the vision guides everything in this post. Yup. I am living through that and I hope I have a few hundred CRAZY women along for the ride.


I can’t even begin to tell yawl just how AWESOME it has been going. God bless my team. Love you ladies and I am thankful for you.

And I am super pumped for the Stay at home moms cos God has already done testimonies.

I am on a lot via @coachesquad @stayhomemoms.ng @savedfitpregnant

Oh, and I have a final weight loss package for the year.

When I went on a weight gain and weight loss journey, I wanted to get a few more practical wisdom so I could help even more chicks.

See me na…

By HIS grace alone, BOSS of weight loss, with so many other results from hundreds of chicks.

God truly has been gracious to us at CoachE’Squad and we are ending the year on a high. Hey, there are a few slots for private coaching too for N25,000 for 4weeks, and you get everything CUSTOMIZED!!!

Let’s end 2018 strong so we can blaze through 2019 mehn

Abeg help me share with chicks in your world. Help me reach more Chicks.

And don’t forget to register for FOCUS CONFERENCE here

Love. Light and a whole lot of SLAY

Eziaha (Tuesday morning run)

One Response

  1. Oh mama! I must say I’m blessed to be able to relate with you spiritually. What you said about not just hopping on bandwagon just for the point of it but rather making sure your focus is on HIM. 100%

    I will miss the consistent blog posts but carry on and oh, that 2nd picture by the pool side, FRAME IT!! Yummy mummy looking snatched!

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