I mean, that is just as true as it gets. Simple, I love women.

If I had just one slot to favour someone and I had a female and male, I would choose the woman.

If I were picking team members and all are equally competent, chances are higher that I would build a female-only team.

I apologize, I am not one of the women who say ‘I have more male friends than women. Women are too complicated, too petty, etc’ Abeg, I love the drama that women bring into anything, so I definitely do not have more male friends. In fact, aside le boo, I would say I have two guys that I would talk to IF I have to, where I have an issue. And no, it is not because they are DROP DEAD GORG, but because they are WORDED mehn. They know how to drop the word like it’s hot!!! Nothing as HOT as a BORN AGAIN SPIRIT FILLED guy.

Holla Chu chu


and my booski.


Lol. A friend of mine Fisayo says that I am more partial towards fine people and so all my friends are fine. Hahahahaha. Well, me I don’t know ooo.

Anyways, back to my love for females, it is serious ooo. Let me paint a coupla scenarios…

I  realized that I usually notice only the females in my choir. Usually we have 6 back up choristers. The two in the middle are guys but my eyes just dart left and right and ignore the middle. Crazy yeah? Lol

I belong to a FABtastic Christian female only group on Facebook- BABES REDEFINED. The exciting thing for me about that group is the fact that it is GIRLS ONLY. I doubt I would have been that active on a Christian group that involved men… Sorry.

At several times in my life, I have been a part of different prayer groups. Usually, I have a few of my girlfriends come together and we pray for all kinds of stuff, but especially women. Even on bbm, I have had, at different times, prayer partners/Prayer projects and  they have been all girls. Infact, there is one I have now made up of 6 amazing WOMEN in godly altar bound relationships where we come together and pray for our single friends and our relationships too. A lot of times, I forget I have single male friends. All my mind is on the single females.

Recently, God laid it on my heart to start an online bible study. And nope, not girls only. I am still receiving the grace to include the men. I mean, it is just easier for me to have a girls only bible study..


JUST US GIRLS was the program that made me start attending the church I attend now David’s Christian centre. I heard of this program on facebook or so and the caption JUST US GIRLS attracted me. I love anything that involves only girls abeg. I attended, met with Pastor Mildred, and that brought me to DCC today.

I don’t know but I find the company of girls much more interesting. Do I have a problem? Looooooool. Toh! I usually love to attend such as that fellowship just has a way of strengthening my physical and spiritual self.

Err, does that make me a feminist? Maybe a SPIRITUAL FEMINIST…

Recently, a friend of mine and I got talking. She was at a point where she was burning out and fast too. She wanted to go on a personal retreat and wanted me to put her through some things- the where, the how, the what…. As I was explaining to her, I got the most amazing idea to call two of my mainest chicas and disappear for like a weekend. Reason? A GIRLS ONLY RETREAT!!!


Peculiar thing is that all three of us are getting married at the same time and I wanted us to do a weekend getaway where we lock ourselves in a hotel room, pray, study, read books, listen to messages and stuff all related to marriage. Did I mention PRAY? Ah, Prayer works ooo.


Especially when one is doing the single to married transition… Trust me, the wedding aint half as important as the marriage proper…  I have run it by them and by Juve, we are certainly looking forward to it. Especially me… hehehe. Infact, I have been on the phone for like one hour talking to one of them. Her birthday is tomorrow, Children’s day.

I am sure you are feeling left out already. I am talking to the ladies ooo. Guys, I really don’t care how you feel right now. Sawry… 😛

Ehen ladies, because I am a very nice someborry, allow me to invite you to an all ladies program coming up pretty soon… Sunday, JUNE 16 at 4pm.



I no dey use ear hear LADIES ONLY ooo. Especially this particular one hosted by my dearest Pastor M. Oh my!!! Did you see the roll call of Guest artists? Nathaniel Bassey? Pita? Ibironke? Oh my!!! Did I mention Nathaniel Bassey? Oh I did LOL.

The theme of this program comes from one of his songs and indeed one of my BEST worship songs… IMELA. That is Igbo for THANK YOU or YOU HAVE DONE WELL. Ladies coming together in thanksgiving!!! Oh my!!! I don’t pity the devil right now.

Pastor M will also be sharing her THANKS-timony IN FULL!!! I really can’t wait to hear it… June 17, can you come already?

Ladies, if you are burnt out, just come…

If you are feeling hopeless, just come…

If you are getting tired of waiting on God and you need your faith strengthened some, please come…

Cos in the atmosphere of THANKSGIVING, ANYTHING GOOD can happen…

And if you are a guy, don’t come. Please don’t help us with anything. Just set up and GO…

And if you are looking for a wifey, please stand OUTSIDE the gate and WAIT till we are done, while praying in tongues all the while…

Pastor M, PK must NOT be there ooo…


I recognize that there are a few of you who would really love to come but maybe you live so far away and you know how Lagos gets at night… Good news is, there will be free transportation ALL OVER LAGOS… No kiddin’ We got ya covered like that.


And for those of us you who have curfews and stuff, or you stay outside Lagos, and you really wanna attend, because I am so sweet, I can host you for that night.

First tho, I gotta know you ooo. As in, we are friends or acquaintances before now loool. And I have space for just three people. So you wanna holler at me on time yo!!! Do me an email or call me… You have my number/email…

Please bring your own food if you don’t like indomie… I can’t guarantee you anything else… Sawry :p

Speaking of curfews, I should blog about that soon *wink*

Have a blessed week ahead Sugs…



This week, I am WORK-FREE… Ok I gotta show up on Tuesday 9am to 1pm but after that, E’ is GOOD TO GO… Whoop!!! Anybody wanna have a cinema date that tuesday? GDC ooo. Bills on YOU… Holler…


I love this picmix I made…


Like Father, like daughter. Meanwhile, Rev will be in Triumphant assembly, Lagos city church on Sunday, June 16… That is the morning of WHEN WOMEN WORSHIP!!! Whoop!!! Blessed Sunday. Obvioulsy great day to be born. If you wanna meet with and hear this man preach and know why I am all so in love with him, COME…


Someone told me seriously jokingly that one day they will kidnap me. Because it is easy to know where I am, and what I am up to from my blog. LOOOOOL… hahaha… Well… I think I give out harmless info here now. Trust me, a WHOLE lot happen in my life that I do NOT put on here. TRUST ME. Recently, Rev asked me, I have NOT read about ‘so so and so’ on your blog ooo. Lol…

BTW, why would anybody wanna kidnap me… Who kidnaps an angel biko?


Don’t just run off, drop a comment. All of you who just run off, I SEE YOU ooo. I have plans for you people. I just dunno what they are yet.


Happy birthday to Minister Ekamma James. God knows watching you so selflessly serve in DCC is an inspiration. And everytime I hug you, I pray for you and I tap into your grace. I love you so much sis… May all your beautiful dreams happen. God bless you sweerie. And oh! I envy your husband already!!! Muah!!!


I can’t find a finer pix ooo. But this one will do, so that you people don’t kidnap her… LOL

20 Responses

    1. Hahahaha
      Me sef taya for me ooo
      Like why not add it in the main body!!!
      What’s that!!!??? Lol!!!
      But once I didn’t PS, someone said ‘no PS today?’
      I guess you people like the PS’es

  1. lol. well I av more male friends, and I am blessed. Girls really do av drama sha. But I do av my very tight female friends too. Well, all my siblings are guys, and most of my cousins too. So us few females in d family are all hybrid, and soughta flow wt d guys easily. well if someone needed a break from all of works stress, they might want to kidnap u. u know ul make lovely company and ul help lift d persons spirit. lol. meanwhile a friend of mine in lag is seriously burning out and fast too. she needs a break asap. she asked me last week if I knew somewhere she could run too.(see me see wahala, i’m expected to know lagos more than someone who was born there and lives there). so pls I would love suggestions. thanx. have a lovely week:-P

    1. If I ever get missing, u are suspect number ONLY
      First of all, if she needs a church DCC is very welcoming. Sundays and wednesdays. Amuwo odofin.
      Tz the regular stream of the word that will gradually restore her. And PK knows how to drop it like its HOT!!!
      Then she should come for the program…
      Enjoy your male coy girl… :p

  2. Can I ever get tired of this blog? Mba, I don’t think so. Kudos to you. Big sis, I’m looking forward to your special hug, in person o… 😀

  3. Nebs!!! I start wt dese words:” U inspire me greatly”. I may not respond or read all your blogs, but trust me, whenever I do, I receive a fresh inspiration. So now sweetie, pls where’s the program holding cos I’m already looking forward to it. Awaitin your reply

    1. Hhehehhehe thank you darling Nebs
      Tz in amuwo odofin. Fagbems bus stop. Davids christian centre…
      Hope to see ya b
      :* :*

  4. Hey sis! I said let me reply o! Before you plan for me Lol! Meanwhile I knw exactly hw an atmosphere of worship with only women can get. Am so expectant. Women u can’t afford to miss this o! Don’t say I didn’t warn u ehen..
    Love ur blog darling! Great work. Keep it up dear

    1. Yay!!!
      Diche’s first comment…
      Thank God you removed yourself from those I had plans for
      Yesooooo. They can’t afford to miss it indeed.
      Thanks for the compliment
      And for always reading mehn… I gotta keep writing for people like ya
      Plenty E’ hugs…
      And kisses

  5. Do i love this blog or something?? I crazy love it! You’re doing a great work gurl plus I’m with ya, I love sisters like maself! U knw sthg wasn’t ryt till God made the woman *winks*. Pple tnk I’m a feminist too so like you m just gonna start calling maself a spirit filled feminist, lol. Your idea on a gettaway before marriage is beautiful, tnk m gonna do it. I love women so much so I have a blog dedicated to dem *laffs* you can chk it out, www. bukolaokunola.wordpress.com.
    I really wish I’d come for the prog, and I myt just be dere, not too sure yet. Tnk I’d need your number though or email, so m gonna holla. I work outside lag presently. Keep up the good work girl, you rock. To all sisters out dere, muuuuuuaaaaaahhhhhhh, flenty luff!!!

  6. I love girls too!…but better ones o,ones that pray for u and with you,encourage u and uplift you.ones that I can go to and get inspired.girlfriends like no other…
    Only difference,I have few of them,them nor plenty like ur own + I am drooling at ur retreat stuff.so cool eh!!

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