Hi guys,
Sorry stuff slowed down some here. Changed location and all the dramz that comes with it

Yup guys, back to Lagos now. Can’t wait to settle into my own home in Lagos and get some rhythm into my life again.
So this idea came to me early hours of Sunday morning in the shower after my exercise routine.
Guys, lemme just say it as e dey do me. I am sooooooo uncomfortable with the way I look. I DESPERATELY want/need to lose weight. Funny thing is I had already lost some GOOD weight ooo prior to now ooo

but for some stupid reason I do not know, the weight piled on in the last 2weeks and I now look like ‘akpa akpu’. #sadface #bagoffufu.

My sis and cousin don’t stop yabbing me. My mom is sure to join when she sees me. My sis actually gives me the ‘hey ya’ look and my cousin too who keeps saying ‘you that had figure 8 before’.

Mschewwww. #Ecanpain
Felt sooooo bad one kain that I ACTUALLY contemplated doing ‘church online’ on Sunday. Wanted to just hide myself like Elizabeth for a month or two while I work on losing it. Trust me, I felt really embarrassed. Haha. Thank God He changed my mind. I mean, won’t this be a good time to actually LEARN how not to REACT emotionally to stuff people say? Cos people ALWAYS gonna talk ‘boutcha. That would never change. That you can’t control. But tell you what can change/control? Your attitude darling. #LifeLesson.
So of course I carried my FAT self and my booboo and went to church.
Promptly the first lady I met said I needed to start a gym program. Imagine you hearing that when you already feel ‘one kain’ just before you enter church? Not cool. But hey, ATTITUDE!!! I just smiled. Plus she is cool people and I know she didn’t mean no harm. But just incase you are wondering what to say IF you have to say something (cos you can just shut up) about someone’s weight especially if they just added, speak from a more encouraging point of view…
‘…don’t worry jare, u will lose it. I trust you. No be you. Small small it will drop. But you look good still darling…’
Ehen, stuff like that. Except she is your sister… Btw, the above is EXACTLY what my Doctor Bestie would say walahi. She is an Angel kai!!!
Anyways, fact is I wasn’t comfortable with the way I looked and good thing is, I’m not sitting and sulking darlings, hell NOPE!!! I have decided to be DISCIPLINED enough to exercise DAILY and eat RIGHT!!! And my timing’s quite on cos my booboo (he’s amazing btw, incase you asked)

is starting on solids this week as he turns 6months on Sept 10 (He is actually 26weeks today, Tuesday)and even though I will still be breastfeeding, tz no longer his only food source so I can totally change my diet and skip a meal or two daily.

Btw, long post on ‘mommyhood so far’ coming up on that day and the rest of the month would be dedicated to all things baby/children… parenting, breastfeeding, delivery, etc. I am featuring a lot of people here who will be sharing their stories/experiences. Watch out guys. If you have suggestions for topics/discussions you want me to touch on too or even questions, holler. So I can put it into one of the posts.
Ok back to the matter…
After all my sis and cousin dramz, I IMMEDIATELY decided to be disciplined!!!
First, I went on the ‘tube and watched Heather’s video ‘DISTRACTIONS: THE FIGHT TO BE DISCIPLINED’.
She covered quite a number of topics and shared (in her fiesty way like ‘put that STUPID phone down’ lol) how we could apply discipline in every aspect of life.
I DISCIPLINE my body… I STRIKE A BLOW to my body like an athlete, TRAINING it to do what it should do (and not the other way round)… 1Cor 9:27
Heather kept talking ’bout how she would speak to her body when it starts wanting junk and stuff and drink water instead.
I was HIT!!! And determined. (Guys, you can’t REALLY work with God if you can’t be disciplined in lil’ things like what goes in your mouth, come on!!!)
I just needed the ‘harshness’ and practicality of a ‘Heather’ and I got it in that video.
Then step 2…
I put to practice what I heard.
I started watching my food.
No snacking. Absolutely NO junk. Loaded up on fruits and healthy ‘fast food/midnight snack options’ (I’m nocturnal guys) like low calorie nuts. Then I started drinking TONS of water!!!
Three: I started to EXERCISE!!!
Now guys, I have tried it ALL. Downloaded tons of vids like Shawn T, Hotz Girls, Yoga, Zumba, etc. I’ll start, with initial gragra and then I’ll be too TIRED and my body TOO worn OR my gumbody ‘Oga’ would not let me exercise in days that I would eventually give up soon.
Plus with a baby and no help, working out with vids is hard. At least it was for me.
Then I did gym, complete with aerobics and some track…

Twas too clumsy cos of timings/distance plus I would come home useless too. Haha. I stopped after some time.
Joined a BBM weight loss channel. Ujay’s. Amazing channel ooo but I couldn’t keep up. I was inconsistent.
But all my start and stop efforts yielded a lil’ something (like that picture in purple above)
My dears, this time around tho, I decided that I would not do anything highfaluting oooo. A dear lady casually mentioned jumping ropes.
At the same time, I random bumped into an article on the incredibz benefits.
So I started jumping rope morning and night. Was too easy to do and I was working up some serious sweat. I didn’t need fancy gym wears (a good bra and a really good pair of sneakers because of the impact with the ground abeg) and sometimes all I do is tie wrapper (just keeping it real guys. Didn’t want to have any excuse like ‘oh all my exercise dresses are dirty) and just jump rope.

Started with 500 skips and now I do 1000 at each session. So 2000 daily…

I take hot Green tea with a slice of lime squeezed in before I start as it increases calories being burned.

Tz been just 6days but I have been consistent. I also do planks and sit ups. Ok Monday was my sister’s birthday and I had some red velvet cake and a pizza slice BUT I promise, it was just to celebrate with her.
Haha. See why I am happy about this idea I am about to share…?
So what idea came to me?
Guys, I need some FOUR ladies to join me. Ladies SERIOUS about losing weight and gaining discipline AS A LIFESTYLE. So we can encourage ourselves. And keep ourselves accountable.
We MUST share with all sincerity what we eat daily and MUST do our skipping daily too. MUST!!! At your convenience. We will keep ourselves accountable. All 5 of us. Don’t wanna have too many people so we can really interact. All you need have is BBM, a skipping rope, some good shoes and DISCIPLINE!!!
So ladies, just send me a mail at eziaharx@yahoo.com. I’ll pick the first 4.
***Update!!! I got the four ladies already even before I woke up. And then 2more cos I am NICE but NO MORE abeg. So this is closed. Sorry guys***
Please tz a serious something ooo. If you slack, I’ll take you out abeg. NO EXCUSES!!! Absolutely NONE!!! Tz not a prayer, study or gisting group. Strictly FitFabFam. (though I advise you take a couple of minutes to pray before you work out let God bless and multiply our efforts and help those calz fall off in their larger numbers) We will also share simple recipes and stuff that are zero/low calories amongst ourselves and then healthier alternatives to regular cooking. Let’s see what we can achieve in the next 2months.
So who’s game? Holler!!! Only to the above email please… And nope, my friends are not welcome to join. Any opportunity to make NEW friends honey, I’m taking.
Ok have a blessed week guys and whatever your struggle is, please stay DISCIPLINED!!! You can start by watching that video above…
But, you still look lovely to me ooo.
God’s best to you on this your journey ?
Thanks boo
See my KingDaveed, he is looking so adorable and so grown up. E I would have loved to join o, but I know consistence is not my thing now, have some other things to work on. More grease to your elbows and the Lord is your strength.
Thanks hun for telling your self the truth jare
Amen boo
Mama you absolutely lovely. One wouldn’t know you have done all this to lose weight but it’s paying off honestly. Losing weight is really not easy. More grace. Sighting that last picture with KingDaveed. I couldn’t stop smiling too. Can that laughter be transferred Puhleeease?
Take it from the picture boo
Thanks sugar
Ppl can talk o,when I weighed 66kg pipu didn’t leave my matter alone,Valerie u are getting big o,watch u weight before u become a large teapot,I decided to watch my weight o n now I weigh 60kg,same pipu what happened,Kai this weight loads is not good o,it doesn’t fit u,where is ur hips,no bombom ah!what is ur hubby saying?,don’t let him look out o n all other etc. For now me jus bone matter.I like my new weight I intend to keep it that way.
FabE I kno u can b trim when u want to b!m certain n I love the efforts u are putting to do it.m sure the next time u put up this post eyes go pop!muaaaaaah.
Haha lol
My bestie takes no prisoner at all
I will surely lose it baby. Thanks for the support baby
Mama. E’
All the way !
Mama. E’
All the way ! !
Your can lead battalion of soldiers with this determination of yours.
Determined darling
Sent you a mail now, hope i will get to join the keepfitteam. cheers
Replied hun
Wow. Baby’s a big boy now. mehn time flies. soon he’ll be walking and having u Chase him around. congrats on ur temp. relocation, May God’s goodness and mercy ever follow u.
I’m sure ul loose the weight on weaning since u will clearly be eating for one not two. I’m also working on that discipline thing, and mine is anything with sugar. staying off for my skin. I’m tired of breakouts and nothing seems to be working. for ur weight loss, u can spike ur water with lemon. it works magic burning d fat. all d best.
Thanks for the lemon tip and all other good stuff u mentioned
well..its how you’d want to be comfortable, but don’t for a second think you have a weight problem. you’re not even chubby or round or the word ‘fat’.
who do you think you’re kidding
Oluchi limme alone oooo lol