OK whenever I do a double delight, I try to pair people who have something in common. So what do Chinwe and Mary have?
Loooool. The fact that I have never met them but their names keep ringing in my head. Imagine. True to blood FABers, I think of you girls as my sisters. Thanks for all the love, comments, and emails too…
OK hello everyone. Please enjoy my first serve… Blog reader Mary…


I’m Semako Mary, a graduate of pure & applied chemistry and in my mid-twenties…
2013 was great, though it had its tough times, fun times, crying times, happy times….,  the lessons learnt has made me a stronger lady. God is awesome and forever faithful,  He surprised me beyond my expectations in 2013 & I’m very grateful to Him.
I look forward to making the most of 2014…. my year of Numerous Testimonies. 
* In 2014, i want to take my relationship with God to a higher level…. spend more quality time with Him, be a reflection of Him indeed.

*In 2013, I listened to plenty of messages, invested in very inspiring books and started following this blog and many of the ones recommended by Eziaha and other great blogs and they have helped me grow in many ways especially spiritually, my perspective towards life and a lot of things has changed and so in 2014, I will be doing more of all that. 

*Thank God Asuu strike is over…. will be writing qualifying exams for post graduate studies and reading has been challenging i must confess. The last time I read for an exam was in Nov 2011…. I pray for Success and favour as I move ahead + will graduate as the best.
****Loooool at the last time you read. My advice? Find yourself a library or study centre. Or even a school around your area. Reading at home may not be all that effective. ****

*I’l like to meet more people, have more friends and make my relationships more meaningful and impactful, be more adventurous and have more fun (in the right proportion). I will make the most of every moment ensuring His word remains the standard  and compass of my life.
****I love this ‘..standard and compass of my life…’ Wow!!! You go girl!!!*****

*In 2013, I started a blog (www.marysemako.wordpress.com). I want to take my blog to a higher level- let go of my fears and be more consistent & optimistic. It really takes plenty of discipline and motivation. I pray for God’s grace,  direction and inspiration. My aim is to make impacts, share my writings,  experiences, lessons learnt and above all glorify God, I look forward to achieving all.

***If I ain’t on your mailing Iist, add a sister up already. Eziaha@eziaha.com. I will approve it. Hope you have been writing ooo****

*More disciplined required, this my stomach must be flat again. I must exercise more, eat healthy and trim off those unnecessary fat …(so i can look fabulous in my wedding gown in July, lol #winks#), be more prudent and  be in charge of my emotions, not the other way round.

********Awwwwww. Wedding bells in July? Awwwww!!! That is super sweet. Oya diet ooo. You don’t wanna look at the pictures later and be sad lol*******

*I’m going to be a pure skirtaholic (does the word exist?)….. anyway will be doing gowns and skirts as a pastor’s wife in the making #winks#. Will be looking more fabulous in All ramifications oooO.

****Aha!!! Pastor’s wifey… Loool. I totally can relate with this, though my trousers and jeans are going nowhere sha lol****

*There’s been this love for clothes and styles lately… so many ideas come up and I just wish I had a sewing machine. So I’m going for it. Will learn how to sew and buy my sewing machine this year so I can wear what I really want to.

*****una plenty for this blog ooo. Fashion designers in the making 🙂 ****

I’m very confident that 2014 will be Awesome because I have God as my firm foundation. His timing is indeed perfect. I’ve realized that though we might have our plans, God has the final say. So I conclude by praying that above all, God’s perfect will for 2014 will be done and because I trust in God and not in horses and chariots (human beings, certificates, …..), I shall keep testifying. Amen…

And for all reading…. keep reflecting the One in whose image you’re made. Trust Him and make Him your firm foundation and 2014 shall be filled with numerous,  testimonies. Also be prepared,  for we do not know the hour in which the son of man shall come…..
*****Amen to all your dreams darling. Perfect way to end. Beautiful parting words of wisdom. Thanks b. Squeezy squeezy hugs like you send me heheeh*****

Exit Mary… Enter Chinwe and her dramatic opening line hehehe


Oh my! Been thinking of how am supposed to start,kinda shy too.
Oh well,here it goes:
Hiya,I am Chinwe (God’s Ada also),a corper serving in oyo state. So many plans o but then,one thing is planning & another thing is implementing…..#Godhelp we ‘Chineke children’.2014 is really going to be fun fun fun.

1. Stand out for God in all I do & grow in faith.So proud being a Chineke child*cool smiley*.Also thanks to people like all my NCCF excos,Eziaha,Giantsparkle,femmetotale & all other christian bloggers who made me realise being a born-again not just a christian is fun.I choose to remain a woman after God’s heart…
***Group hugs ladies. Keep shining our lights, shall we?****
2. I need soul sisters & brothers,people I can really talk to about stuffs especially spiritual stuff.I am trusting God to bring such friends around me because friends sometimes represent who you really are.So in this year 2014,am going to be surrounded with bestfriends #thankGod.
***with you in prayers for that one even as you also make yourself the kinda person you wanna attract… NNE, you need great friends ooo****
3. To be loyal to nysc till 13th feb(khaki don tire me & the hairdress sef). Yaaay!good to go corper like me *dancing smiley*.Thank God for the 11months and what He used me to do.

***Thank God we passed out babe. We came, we served, we passed out he he he****

4. To get chartered.I need to be a chartered accountant & not just an accountant. With the help of sugar daddy,I would be starting my ACCA soonest.

***I have two affiliates on this fab lane- Tannie and Sommie. Tap in darling. And you guys please release the grace too***

5. Stepping into favour market…for I am highly favored (Luke1:28) & doors have been opened for my sake. Believing God for a job in a financial advisory firm in March 2014…

***A huge massive amen***

6. Get serious with that guy with my remaining ribs….abeg I need them already (lol!). I pray Daddy’m no n’eligwe(God in heaven) brings to me a man after His heart.

***He sure will sweets. As you too are a woman after His heart…****
7. One of my bestie (Ty) is getting married and also a friend (Igho) so much work to do. And again,Mum is going to be 50,also Ty’s mum.2014 is really a year of testimonies & I would keep testifying cos its my silver jubilee year.

****Awww. Plenty celebrations. congrats hun. May you always find reasons to celebrate and be celebrated this year, amen***

8. Fun fun fun & less thinking. I really don’t go out much but I plan to go out well & leave the kitchen for mother o,she just has to start getting use to it cos……*mouth zipped*.But wait o,to be Ada is going to be a ‘fun something’ this 2014.

****hahaha. I love how you both have the same plans here. So that’s another thing you and Mary have in common…***

9. In all,I plan to fully let go & let God lead. Also,let love lead because my emotions are back for good.I just wish to inspire people for God & be a better daughter,sister & friend.There is great joy in doing good….

***You bet…***
10. I pray & would keep praying for God’s blessing on all of us including family.

****AMEN hun… God bless you for me. And thank you for that super thoughtful mail you sent me when I was sick. Kisses.***

You enjoyed them yeah? I sure did. Show some love and say some prayers in the comments section.
I am so excited at the testimonies I have been hearing this year. I mean, people just keep hitting me with good news of what our FAB Sugar daddy has started already.

Ah!!! Thank you Jesus. I love testimonies so please keep them coming and if I have your permission, I will share here with everyone.

Did you read my post on val’s day? How would you love cupcakes from E’ for valentine albeit belated?
Click and find out here…

Then did you read my hubs and I’s interview on the G.I.R.Ls blog?
Oya click and enjoy. I never get tired of reading the interview even though name we answer he questions ooo. I am just like ‘Did I really answer those questions with my hubby?’ Wow!!! Obviously, the holy spirit at work. Wow
Let’s talk about love:The Fabulous Couple.

Happy Sunday sweeries
Going Forward… Still Testifying

14 Responses

  1. typed this comment like 3times already, it keeps disappearing..i pray this wont. congrats on POP Chinwe, I say amen,amen,amen to all your dreams.. our FAB bride to be Mary, cant wait for your feature on your wedding day here and I maybe able to help with your goal of meeting more persons this year.. I won valentine ticket for two to see a movie at genesis deluxe cinemas lekki today. its at 5:35pm. I wanted to go with a blogger I’ve never met/know not. weird abi? I don’t know you sha, but na adventure ba? all join if you are interested,/can make it, holla okorofrances@gmail.com and congratulations on graduating with flying colours after post-gradj exams. yes, God who started a good thing in your life will pefect it.just start reading and He’ll do His part. I sha already know that you’ve passed it already..

    1. @imperfectlypefect: Have bin trying to post this comment + send you a mail but Bad Network ooO…. Thanks so much for the invitation, it would have been great & adcentuouS bt I stay at the other side of Lagos (Okoko, towards Agbara Badagry)…. so coming back home in time would be….. I appreciate. #Big Hugs…… I’l stil send you that mail & probably have a great conversation soon. #smiles
      @ E”.. Tanks so much. Ure a Darling.
      @Chinwe: Amen to all your goal. May God Direct & Strengthen U. Amen
      @Nehemastories & Phebe: Thanks soo much. God Bless U & grant your heart’s desires too. Amen

  2. Friends are very important, more especially good friends…so good friends( soul brothers and sisters) Chinwe, you shall find!!!
    and for that perfect wedding body and shape, you go girl!! am sure you will find people to join you with the exercise routine and even give you pointers..a few of fab sisters are on diet too.
    Its testimonies all the way !!

  3. awww. lovely dreams. wishing u achievements this year of all it desires. and Mary I believe that u are a woman who delights in in the Lord, and so therefore u av only asked for things God that align with his plans for u already….for there shall be overflow of testimonies in Jesus name.

  4. kai, just read this againkai, just read this again.
    *talking to myself “frances, adventure kwa! naso them dey invite person wey nor know you, if na you, you go come?’
    ah, nor mind me o Mary. enjoy…lol

  5. @imperfectlypefect: Have bin trying to post this comment + send you a mail but Bad Network ooO…. Thanks so much for the invitation, it would have been great & adcentuouS bt I stay at the other side of Lagos (Okoko, towards Agbara Badagry)…. so coming back home in time would be….. I appreciate. #Big Hugs…… I’l stil send you that mail & probably have a great conversation soon. #smiles
    @ E”.. Tanks so much. Ure a Darling.
    @Chinwe: Amen to all your goal. May God Direct & Strengthen U. Amen
    @Nehemastories & Phebe: Thanks soo much. God Bless U & grant your heart’s desires too. Amen

    1. Aha. I see you guys are hooking up. Please if money comes out from this budding friendship, E’ has earned a cut ooo lol
      Bless you darl

  6. Praying for you both; Mary and Chinwe… May your beautiful plans and goals be truly blessed and may all glorify God our heavenly Father in accordance with His holy will, amen.

    Lots of love and peace of Christ Jesus our Lord…+++

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