Powerful, Prophetic, Corporate: Prayers for Nigeria, Join us

Hey, we put together some of our prayers from May 4th- September 23rd,2021 into a prayer journal. We have talked and complained a LOT. Now it is time to use our mouth to CHANGE things for good in prayers. That’s the one that gets rewarded. You can download the prayer journal here. Now, you can […]

The Spirit of SHUT UP… Pt 1

I recall EXACTLY where I was, holding my phone when her message dropped… ‘I’m in UCH and I am going in for a surgery…’ That was a message from a dear dear friend. Because I know the back story of the ‘situation’ that landed her in the hospital and how we had faith’ed it all along, this […]

#31F.A.B.Voices…E’ testifying

Happy New year my darlings!!! Now let’s kick this off with me sharing my 2014 plans with you. Some at least. Since we have 31 Favored.And.Blessed Voices testifying, I figured I’ll go first. Not just because it is my blog but I’ll also love to give direction and clarity as to what I meant when […]

I’m building them NO ALTARS…

Recall a Post in which I mentioned that would be like a continuation of Femmetotale’s We don’t fear their fear ? Uh huh… this is mine ‘…There are NO jobs in Nigeria…’ ‘…ALL men cheat…You are deceiving yourself if you think your man is faithful’ ‘…A good man is hard to find these days ooo, […]