#PropheticMotherhood…What Nneka Kyari said.
We have read what DDK said and What Pst Dotun Arifalo said from #PropheticMotherhood And we end the #PropheticMotherhood with what the very beautiful Nneka Kyari said. First, let me give a background of Nneka!!! She actually lives in Bonny island so even before the program, when I told Aku’m who was coming, he said […]
FAB Christian Biz Principles 101…
I know what you are thinking. Like, didn’t this Chick just start her business 3.5seconds ago? Where does she get off sharing Christian Business principles already??? The Nerve!!! Hahahaha. I really dunno too. God just has a way of setting me up. He has a sense of humour so Indulge me… So like yawl know, […]
SavedFit&FAB… Going PREMIUM to serve you BETTERER!!!
My bestie just popped out baby number 2 and Sunday was the christening. I had gone into the bathroom and on my way out, I didn’t realize I was talking to myself out loud. Haha. Guess what I was saying? I was mentally preparing a customized meal plan for a Client who was looking to […]
Support.Growing.Businesses… Part 2

Hey guys. I am back. Feedback on Part 1 of this was awesome. Chrishill phones has to be the winner. Funny thing is I didn’t tell any of the three business owners I featured. I kinda forgot or didn’t care to. Whatever. Anyways dude rang me and was soooooooooo grateful. Gushfully grateful. He said A LOT […]