So I woke up on wednesday morning and literally the first thing that dropped in my mind was ‘OH NO!!! What am I going to spend my time doing today???’

Dang!!! U see, I had a doctor’s appointment Tuesday and frankly, I prayed that on examination, she would tell me those oh-so-welcome words that I was in early stages of labour and I just have enough time to dash home and get my hospital bag and fiam, to labour ward.

Whosai!!! The Doctor, a female (and I prefer male ObGyns walahi. Infact male docs in general) just chose that day to be full of rubbish lol. I should do a post of the hospital I use now in Lagos. Hopefully I will soon. 

Well, the doctor was doing her job obviously but for the expectations I had, to hear her say ‘do you have medication to last you another week at least?’ annoyed me endlessly. Which kain yeye ‘another week’? Hiss. Drugs that I’ve stopped taking already.
Then when she measured my tummy, she said ‘Has anyone told you your baby is big?’
Another nonsense!!! I’m like ‘My last scan at week 36plus put baby at 3.0kg woman!!!’ And interestingly, the doctor I saw then was male and he took his time to explain every single thing the scan read to me and it was a perfect report.
So where did this woman get ‘big baby’ from?
Then she measures again and realises she made a mistake.
Next rubbish she says is I need to get my blood sugar tested for some silly routine reason and that how come I haven’t tested it so she refers me to the lab. 
Hiss!!! At 39weeks plus I am testing blood sugar??? Gestational diabetes??? At almost term??? Woman, I’m good to pop and not doing any more tests biko.
God knows I left her office upset, mad, angry, touchy and maybe a tad confused. 
All sorts going through my head…
‘What if this baby is truly big?’
‘What if there is a problem with the blood sugar test?’
‘What if this baby is really late and I have to be induced?’
‘What if this this this and that that that…’
I recall I went to TFC to eat afterwards and while waiting for the food took my confessions.
When I got home, I was a bit more settled and then like the lover that He is, the Holy Spirit whispers to me
‘And you said you were ready? Just this small talk from the doctor who is just doing her job and you are already reacting like this?’
It hit me!!!
Now thoughts and fears would come. That’s normal.
Doctors would give their nonsense reports if only to appear knowledgeable. Moreover they are saying what they see… No doctor will have faith for you.
But frankly, tz not for me to now be moved by every rubbish they say or any symptom that suffices. Instead I am to take that report and cancel it with the Blood and my confessions.
And believe that it is cancelled. And keep my peace.
Aside from the fact that I didn’t like that female doctor, she didn’t say anything out of place… frankly.
I still dunno why I was losing bladder control.
The devil had attempted to creep in with her ‘loose words’ and I let him in unknowingly.

But it was on wednesday I felt the full import of what God was saying cos like I said, I woke up that day feeling like I was REALLY tired of being preggers and wondering how will I go through the day etc? I had nothing to look forward to again. My stuff from the US had arrived and I had sorted what didn’t. My friend who gifted me a car seat had delivered.


My boppy pillow I ordered had come in from Dealdey. So technically, the real waiting game began.

Now while I love to hang out with friends, I had made a conscious effort that I won’t spend these final waiting days visiting friends on a regular tho I had quite a few to visit. Aint nobody got time for ‘see finish’ abeg. Suffered that from some babe last year so learnt to moderate stuff. So I knew I would spend more time indoors, going out only when absolutely necessary.

I am particularly grateful for the lone time I had that wednesday with my God. At first tho, I had griped back and forth with a friend who is due the same time as I on how shebi tz our mates that be popping at 37/38 weeks. Why is our own different lol. God then carefully tried to teach me how sometimes we think we are ready for something but we fully aren’t.   
But He alone is a perfect God… His Ways. His Works. And of course His timings!!! We don’t know it all BUT we have to trust Him.
I kept hearing Rev Victor Adeyemi’s voice when he said while preaching one day that as he wondered why man was created last, God told him ‘I didn’t create man until all things were ready…’

The same way God told me my baby would come at HIS own perfect timing when all things are ready just as in Genesis. And I am truly ready too. Not easily shaken by whatever comes out of a doctor’s mouth believing only HIS report as detailed in my personal confessions and His Word.
I just had a wave of peace wash through me as I communed with my Father. I knew God still had miracles to do for me before baby appears. Infact i feel like He is waiting to surprise me in a valentine lover kinda way so I totally surrendered. Afterall, HE is perfect in all His ways biko.
So whenever You will Lord… Surprises and all 🙂

In the meantime, what to do?

1. Stay amp-ing my faith. I realised where my faith needed work and started to work on it.
2. Keep my confessions up and steady. No rubbish doctor’s report can faze me now forgerrit!!!
3. Rest!!! Rest!!! Rest!!! Notice I didn’t say sleep… Sigh!!!
4. Walk!!! Walk!!! Walk!!! My daily walks have been going over an hour these days. Prouda me mehn!!!
5. Blog!!! Hehehe
6. Go for a photo shoot!!!

And come Friday, guess who went for a studio shut down??? E’

Infact thursday night I had a mini drama with my tummy and was so uncomfy I thought the baby was coming. I just calmly told my body ‘mba ooo. I aint ready biko. I’m going to take pictures tomorrow’ hehehe. 

For some reason, I totally forgot to have my pictures taken just before delivery. Something I always said I’ll do. Biko chill baby…
After a 2hour walk that Friday morning, I got in, showered, ate, packed my bag and headed for the studio. Had a blast. Oh pictures are therapeutic walahi!!!

Signing off with some of the pictures.

Was such a studio STAR lol
Peek the matchy matchy??? Hehe

Sent them to hubs to put them up n he said No biko. Until I deliver he will now do a collage with the baby. Cos he wasn’t ready to start answering yamayama questions on ‘She never born?’ Looooool.
But trust me na… Instagram, FB, Twitter all at once loooool.

Immediately I put it up on BBM I started trending. Hehehe.
And no stupid questions either. My last post helped… 🙂

Btw saw this picture on BBM and almost fainted from laughter


Lord God indeed…

Happy weekend darlings… Lemme see if I can work on another post 🙂


49 Responses

  1. Awwww, mama you look so beautiful. You see you are not ready indeed, you would have denied me the joy of seeing this beautiful you. Am glad you picked up and shaked off that negative statement. So proud of you mama. Muah!!!

  2. My darling u look absolutely beautiful argggh u look guud nne.D doc cannot yarn any dust to shake ur faith mbakwa our God stands unshakeable .ur baby is coming at God’s own time with speed and ease IJN.
    I celebrate u suga and am super happy for u

  3. Congrats love. I’m so so glad that the Holy Spirit was able to encourage you like only He could. Stay refreshed by His presence with you. He always finishes what He begins.

    You are glowing!!! Beautiful pictures. God is the captain of your ship…be assured of a timely and safe berthing. All things were indeed ready for man before man came.
    I’m celebrating with you.
    Always remember that you are helped of God.
    Lotsa love

  4. Awww I loved this post sha.. lesson learnt. I love the picturessss o, kai mama see ur lips.. and bump.. u make being preggy seem like so much fun. The trousers though.. mama no won gree o..

  5. Kai! See ‘dr-finishing’…. sweets you are looking so good. But I think I want to agree with tanie right now…. your face fine toh much, but we want to see the finer king already.

  6. Who is that doctor that is talking when the Great Physician hasnt spoken biko? Keep amp-ing your faith ma. The pictures are BEAUTIFUL! cldnt resist using it as my dp. Love u much.

  7. Awww you look absolutely gorgeous, just look at that glow; Woooowww….though you aren’t ready, we patiently await the King #Hugs&Kisses

  8. Eziaha! Eziaha!! Eziaha!!! How many times did i call you? Draw your ears very well. I’ve been AWOL from blog ville for a while but because of you I will comment…..

    THERE IS NO COMPETITION IN CHILD BIRTH. Don’t let anyone put you under pressure . Every child is entitled to 40 weeks at least. So enjoy it. Let your child develop fully.

    Let’s remember to be thankful for every blessing. Some women are praying to even carry. When we get the blessed opportunity to, once it’s 36 weeks if we are not careful we start complaining and simply miss out on the blessing. With vida I didn’t mind 42 weeks. I was just in awe of carrying a child inside me that I enjoyed every minute of it. And trust me, this is the only time you won’t worry about where your child is….he’s safely tucked inside you.

    As for the doctor, she was just doing her job. Maybe badly but just doing her job none-the-less. We live by a higher doctors report….n trust me some male doctors can be worse it has nothing to do with gender. I should know I’ve had my fair share of them.

    Your baby will be born at the right time and not a moment earlier and you will not be induced. It’s up to you. Stand with God as you have been doing and he’ll stand right by you as you push that beautiful bundle of joy into an earnestly awaiting exciting new world.

    Your pixs look fab. I didn’t take any with vida. I should take a cue from u and do a David photo shoot.

    1. *drawing my ears and nodding*
      The entire pressure is off and I am enjoying these final days biko.
      With a truckload of gratitude. How easy iy can get to take this for granted. Kai!!!
      Thank you mama :*
      As for the picture, you absolutely should.
      I am grateful to have pictures for every stage mehn… 🙂
      And that’s prepping this baby for the many more kodak moments he will live through

  9. This is another faith inspiring fabulous post! Those pics are lovely too.
    Who born devil? Mscheeeew…….
    I’ve learnt a lot from your preg series, I have already applied many in my prayers. Can’t wait to see pics of the bobo/bebe?

  10. You said it well.Timing is of God and as regards our doctor,Let God be true always.Yet to view your Fab pics but I know it would be prettier.May God envelop you with his presence as you go to the labour room.lots of love

  11. aww you look beautiful. I read what your pastor wrote, very correct!! God’s time is the best. safe delivery when the time comes 🙂

  12. Faith filled and Faithful E’ action.
    The doc met a wrong person, …….. Thanks to God that we are not moved by what they say but only by God’s word.

    Sure baby will come at God appointed time, especially now that you (we) are ready.

    About talking to your body & baby to chill because of next day’s pictures.
    Hahahaha I’m guilty of that, had labor signals on two different days 3 & 9 March, told God I don’t like the date, mai body calmed in a short while. Signals came , I smiled “just love today 12-03” catwalked to the hospital in matching gown and slip-on. Chai I was in-charge !

    Faithful Fabulous preggie E’ these you pix are simply breath-taking. meeen ! I love aaaall. Regreted not taken my… Sure will during mai baby Faithful Fabulous preggie E’ these you pix are simply breath-Faithful Fabulous preggie E’ these you pix are simply breath-taking. meeen ! I love aaaall. Regreted not taken my… Sure will during mai baby Faithful Fabulous preggie E’ these you pix are simply breath-taking

  13. Faith filled and Faithful E’ action.
    The doc met a wrong person, …….. Thanks to God that we are not moved by what they say but only by God’s word.

    Sure baby will come at God appointed time, especially now that you (we) are ready.

    About talking to your body & baby to chill because of next day’s pictures.
    Hahahaha I’m guilty of that, had labor signals on two different days 3 & 9 March, told God I don’t like the date, mai body calmed in a short while. Signals resurfaced, I smiled “just love today 12-03” catwalked to the hospital in matching gown and slip-on. Chai I was in-charge !

    Faithful Fabulous preggie E’ these you pix are simply breath-taking. meeen ! I love aaaall. Regreted not taken mine then… Sure I will during mai baby Faithful Fabulous preggie E’ these you pix are simply breath-Faithful Fabulous preggie E’ these you pix are simply breath-taking. meeen ! I love aaaall. Regreted not taken mine then… Sure I will during mai baby Faithful Fabulous preggie E’ these you pix are simply breath-taking

    1. I LOVE the so-in-charge part mehn!!!
      You go girl!!!
      I love birth testimonies.
      And yup I am making y’all who didn’t do preggy shots very jealous hehehe

      Bless you darling

  14. E!!!

    First of all, you are soooooo full of energy…I can imagine your baby being the same like mama.
    Bolaji don get plenty to handle, energy+energy =?

    And we are chilling with you, and enjoying your posts while at it.

    + mhen, you nor gree maternity dresses till the end oh.
    Love how you look on jeans…and I’m borrowing small small on how I go dress for my time oh.

    Maternity gown, nah..none… 🙂

    1. Loooooool
      There are mat jeans too na. And some really cool mat gowns.
      But I was lucky to have cloths that stretched as my body stretched lol
      Don’t worry boo. God won’t give his beloved son Bolaji more than he can handle hehehe

  15. Ezi licious, first time Mommy! Hurray! Nne I di ok biko…. Abeg these your pictures should be on any of the Mother and baby magazines printed in the UK or US. Absolutely FAB, CHUKWU daalu.
    Ngwa do and give us our head boy, I’m next in line….lol
    Love you ++

  16. I just love your spirit Eziaha! I do not usually comment on your blog but I’m a consistent reader especially as I subscribed to your blog posts. Been reading for about 2 years now. I’m itching to hear your testimony on your safe easy delivery :D. Reading from you always gives me so much joy and inspiration. I’m currently working on being as FAITHFILLED as you. Indeed there is power in faith and positive confessions. Very beautiful pictures you took. I wish you a happy and anxiety-free remaining wait. God bless you..

  17. Hi E.
    You look gorgeous. And thanks for always sharing your lessons. A safe and easy delivery is your portion in Jesus name

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