This is the third in my WWW series. Do well to read Parts one and two first

“…But year after year, her rival wife taunted her cruelly and made fun of her, provoking her, rubbing it in and never letting her forget that God had not given her children. Hannah was miserable. She wept and would not eat everytime….”1 Sam 1; 6,7 (E’s mix version)

Peninnah and hannah

I love a hater.

And for some reason, I seem to have quite a few of them per time. Imagine!!! Sweet amazing E’. Let’s call them Peninnah. You may wanna read the whole of that bible chapter for the full gist if you don’t know what I am talking about.

Recall the post I did on B.A.B.A.R.A here?

I mentioned a certain someborry who was trusting God for the fruit of the womb and then got a mail from someone who said that she could not have kids and stuff because she was a wicked woman who was controlling her husband and eating her husband’s money. It hurt deeeeeep as you can imagine.


But wait ooo, is eating your husband’s money a sin? kai, We sinners go plenty ooo. Loool

Now that our miracle baby is almost here, we can laugh at that mail. But then, you can imagine that it could NOT have been funny when it came. No it couldn’t. That was so HEARTLESS, WICKED, COLD-BLOODED, UNFEELING, CALLOUS, DEVILISH, (more adjectives please)

But wait ooo, don’t we all need a Peninnah in our lives? Especially when there is a ‘comma’ somewhere so that we don’t get too comfy…

Peninnah pushes us to or knees in prayers.


And then when the ‘Samuel’ comes, Peninnah’s yabis is just what makes the testimony very interesting. Yummy much.

I recall failing out of Pharmacy school then (I really should tell this story here already), there were Peninnah’s in their THOUSANDS. I was Miss Popularity herself.


The whole University of Ibadan knew Eziaha Ajaero and they also KNEW that she had FAILED. My friends, close and distant and beefers said all sorts of CRAP- ‘


All her gragra will end, it is good for her..’ A lot of it hurt but I was too relieved to cry. But it hurt all the same, especially because I didn’t deserve to fail.

Thank God for the Haters. Changing academic discipline to my DESIRED and PERFECT Major (no longer living my Parent’s pharmacy dream for me) and graduating TOP OF MY CLASS certainly had something to do with the Peninnahs who didn’t stop taunting… And all the career testimonies I have today? Thank you Peninnahs ooo. Kisskiss..

I will share this story in FULL someday, but this is NOT about me darling. . It is about DCC’s own Gift who is hosting the IMELA concert with  her big tummy nice lovely gown… Momma, you will wear a gown, I already know


This testimony is too sweet. You don’t wanna miss it ooo. I think she will bring some of those cakes and share to us there.


By the way, please who knows any of Peninnah’s bomboys? Nobody!!! No book was dedicated to them in the bible. But Hannah’s Samuel gets two whole books, 1st and 2nd Samuel for good measure. By the way, I suspect that all those weak bomboys that cannot be REAL men and run their home came from Peninah’s lineage like the bomboy we discussed here.

Whatever the issue is, no matter the number of Peninnahs’, our God remains faithful. And your Samuel too is sure, no matter what your own ‘Samuel’ is.

You too will testify…

See you at IMELA.


Date; Sunday, June 16, 2013

Time; 4pm

Venue; David’s Christian Centre, Amuwo Odofin. By Fatgbems bus stop on Oshodi-Apapa expressway.

Free transport to major areas in Lagos. You can call 08028356363 or 08077714411 for transport inquiries.

Giddy with excitement…

Invite ALL the women you know…




My friend L  just hit town from Ibadan for IMELA. You we dey Lagos, you better make it ooo…


Was gisting with a sweetheart now who has/had similar issue of blood and the Doctors report of whatever too. I am so excited that she too will make IMELA. Se has inspired my next post… She said when i gisted her ‘HER HUSBAND IS A MAN OOO, FOR HIM TO STILL MARRY HER.’ Spot on right, just add a REAL to the MAN and you got WWW.REALMAN.COME


Please ladies come ooo, so that you will hear first hand why you should ‘marry well ooo”


Nothing :p

4 Responses

  1. See you on sunday darling! I’m all kinda excited already knowing fully well that after the praise comes the blessings…plus I owe God many thank U’s

    1. Yesooo
      Can’t wait to see u
      Just skip to projector dept and look for me ooo.
      That’s where I’ll be.
      Just incase mtn is mtn…
      Muah sweets

  2. There’s a yoruba song where a man is saying “ may death not kill my enemies so they can see what God is about to do”. Haters have been there since the beginning of time; shebi that snake was hating on man when he tempted eve with that apple?

    1. Shebi He prepareth a table in the presence of my enemies
      Or better still, the TM version says… 5course meal…
      The more the enemies, the longer the table, the richer the meal…
      Where my Peninnahs at?

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