Recently I asked on Twitter if it was true that till today in the year of our Lord 2014, men still throw the line ‘Get pregnant first before I marry’ and I amazingly got answers in the affirmative with most people even wondering what kinda no-brainer question that was. And frankly, it was a sincere question.
I knew such happened in the past but today, girls suppose don wise up and guys suppose don sense up…
Why did I ask? Ajoyo who blogs at http://thepassionchronicles.wordpress.com/ has been doing this series of ‘Beneath the sheet’ and tz centred around this silly guy who thinks he is God’s gift to (silly) women and so insists that you must be preggy before marriage and there were girls doing all sorts to land his ring. Serious iberibe indeed.
Y’all know how they say ‘art imitates life’ but still I just still assumed uncle A was being over imaginative.
Then wham!!! I heard and saw something. That prompted me to hit twitter and then my fears were confirmed.
Why? Oh why would any lady do this to herself. Tz bad enough that you are indulging in pre-marital sex, then for the man to INSIST that you get pg first and you agree and start doing all sorts just to get pregnant and get him to marry you?
Jesus didn’t die for this ooo. And (no pun intended) Chukwu di oooo!!!
Do you realise that
1. You can get pg and the dude will still NOT marry you?
2. You can get preggers and dude can drop dead tomorrow?
3. You can get preggers, get married to him with the pg and LOSE the pregnancy or worse still the baby post-birth?
4. You are most likely NOT the only one he is sexing so darling, you are in a cheap fertility competition?
5. All of the above and MORE!!!

To him, you are just a baby-factory and not a companion. He loves children and NOT you. So children are now the ONLY reason why we marry? So those couples who don’t have kids are incomplete? Hian.

It seems so unfair!!! Sex is NOT love ooo. Like my pastor said at the last LDM tagged CAUTION FOR SINGLES, ‘If sex is love, then prostitutes should be the best marriage and relationship counsellors now’. I truly feel we are sooooo precious to God that no man should even open his gutter to suggest pre-marital sex not to talk of knocking you up. He should be scared that you will slap him sef. It just seems really unfair.
Ladies, if he choses to degrade you, should you indulge him?
Should you sacrifice so much for a ring?
Tz very painful.

And I’m aware ladies are paying prices they shouldn’t afford to pay to land a ring?
Some ladies have moved in and are not just playing wife but playing omoodo (househelp) too.
Some ladies be putting their lives on pause, swallowing any rubbish they won’t take (from their pops or bros) from any male cockroach just to land a ring.
Some ladies are investing their money on an efulefu without any vision or drive just so he can make them Mrs.
Lemme not talk about the ones who are lying, living false lives, etc.

Some prices are too high for a ring babe. You shouldn’t afford it.
And guys, some prices are way too high to wife a woman.

I don’t even have anything more to say.
There is the right price to pay for a ring.
Anything else is just wahala you can’t afford.

That’s why I’m super excited about this month’s Love Dating and Marriage seminar at David’s Christian Centre. This Sunday, May 11, 2014 at 4.30pm.
Tagged The Price of a Ring!!!

How much can you pay?

How much can you pay?

You really wanna make this one if you are in Abuja or order the CD after the program if you aren’t.

Petrus Hotels Royale
Agatu street, off Gimbiya street Area 11, Garki Abuja.

Feel free to invite anyone you know in Abuja. Single, Married, Male, female. Holler!!!

And yes, you may visit www.dccabujablog.com for more details on the program and much more about our church.

May I just end with this.
In the past two weeks, curiously and without looking for, I have met (online and offline) several girls who just opened up to me on how they quit pre-marital sex. Because I met them back to back, it just released something on my inside. One of them, a very very pretty girl, talked about how she would rather sleep on the streets and starve than indulge any more. She spoke with so much passion I wished I could just lift her up and spin her around in excitement.
And she said even though it was hard, it is possible. Her passion moved me to tears. If I never believed it was possible, that girl made me a believer.
Darling, have you been indulging in PMS? Tz not too late boo. Stop, confess that sin, receive mercy, forgiveness and grace, do an overhaul of your (close) friends if they are not willing to change, and stay accountable. And of course, never put yourself in compromising situations. Avoid living life on a cliff. Don’t tempt yourself.
I wish I could interview that girl. I mean, she shared so many stories with me I had goosebumps. She said something like when you truly decide that you would not compromise whether for marriage or money, God himself becomes your source and He won’t leave you stranded. All you need to do is throw those emotions and desires to Him.

Nuff said abeg.
Just be sure you are paying the right price for that ring and if you don’t know, then you can learn.

This weekend is looking goooooooood. I’m thinking of seeing Single moms club by Tyler Perry. I hear tz a good one, plus I love TP so…
Enjoy yours too.
And FAB Adadioramma 1 of Igbo land, happy belated birthday.
Ada the Ada... hehehe

Ada the Ada… hehehe

I redeemed myself yeah? Hehehehe. God’s blessings shower on you and your fam. Amen.


14 Responses

  1. What ladies can do for love eh, ring even far sef…
    My doc bros shocked me one day when he revealed to me that some ladies even beg them to give them fake pregnancy results…
    It get’s worse…

    I think ladies put a lot of pressure on themselves

    ‘Tiz well oh! Amen!

    1. You guys are surprising me oooo
      Fake pg result? Twas same in Ajoyo’s post (I think) but hearing this real life?
      Too much pressure. It seems soooo unfair!!! And not worth it. You can get way better for a less demeaning cost.

  2. Okay,i love d *no-brainer question* part,it’s a trending ish that doesn’t even give room for marriage,*just be my baby mama,and I’ll take the boy to d barber’s every weekend for cool haircuts*lol
    So,I’m not advocating preggies before marriage,but u see,some ladies have done stuff wif abortion,so it’s not surprising to hear a dude say “i want it tested ok”
    I even know a *pastor* that says his daughters must get conceive before marriage so they wont come running to him due to spiritual problems after getting married,he wan repair the damages before sales. Thumbs up for this

    1. So the man is at liberty to keep testing women around town? What are we? Machines? And is it cos the men have nothing ‘physical’ to lose as a result of sexual escapades? Nne, we live by faith… And God is not wicked. Trust in His judgement and you would never be put to shame.
      As for the pastor, I’m happy you had asterisks there. No further comment.
      People just like to tempt God. Rubbish.

  3. E’ darl you best believe it, it happens as often as 5 in 10 cases. I ve hrd someone say; “how can i buy none tested?”. Hmm wat value can such a fellow place on her? Isn’t it obvious all he values are d kids. Need i say any man with such a notion is a FOOL cus any1 without d fear of God lacks wisdom. Some pple just think they can outsmart God, but how naa?! Our all knowing God? It’s so sad what ladies put up with all for a ring. Simply bcus they allow themselves be decieved & pressured by what society, friends & fam think or say instead of spending that time appreciating demselves, adding value to their lives, looking inwards & asking God what he thinks abt the situation & possible solutions. Enuf said jare…how do I order a zillion of ur famous hugs E’?

    1. Exactly hun. You can just throw all those cares and concerns to God. There is NO wisdom against God ooo. Lailai
      The stuff is just tiring
      Btw, ur hiatus is over two months now ooo. Soon come back please.
      And as for the hugs, looooooooooool.
      I’m sure we will find a way to bottle it up looool.

  4. My dear it has moved beyond just men, i heard of a lady whose mum insisted she got preggy b4 white wedding, this was after the trad, she succeded but eventually had a miscarriage during the prep for the wedding… She had to undergo a D&C. It’s 3 years now or so and they are contemplating an IVF cos she hasn’t been able to conceive. Funny thing was the guy wanted them to chill and have the babies after the wedding. May we all make the Word of God our determining factor for life’s decisions.

    1. :'( chai!!!
      Sounds like a bad case.
      I hope God really helps her and forgives. Amen ooo. The Word is our manual for life.

  5. Gbam! Gbam!! Gbam!! Where do I even start E’licious. You’ve said it all, there is nothing else to say …but this…Tyler Perry? Come on! you no get job? #Sonotafan

    1. Hehehehhehehehehehehhe
      Matter of fact, I do very few foreign movies. Anything aside TP and the kendrick brothers, count me out. Except for some really good Christian movies and some romantic comedy flicks.
      Otherwise, Nollywood all the way hehehehe

  6. Ah aunty ezi respect yourself and update this blog sharply!! Lol hope all is good? Miss your posts o.

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