I dunno about yawl but I am plenty excited about 2016!!!
God has been speaking to me in the CLEAREST of ways tz ridiculous. It is like my life is all coming together and I can’t wait for all that God is gonna do…
I have been journaling and journaling stuff God has been telling me because I don’t wanna forget A THING and while He has spoken directly to my spirit A LOT, He has also spoken through people.
One of such people is STEPHANIE OBI.
Babe is one of my longest standing friends from primary school. I think I still keep in touch with just two of them directly(Hi Omoruwa) and then maybe another 2 on Facebook.
Girlfriend’s story is such an inspiration and you should visit her blog AND SUBSCRIBE to read it all up, because I recall when two of us used to be sooo confused about life haha even though we knew we had A LOT to offer the world. Crazy times. Haha. I recall when I failed outta pharmacy school and she used to be so super encouraging and all. I recall LONG phonecalls and all that stuff. Interestingly, we would both go on to make First class degrees.
So she rang me up a couple of days after my birthday this year and we were talking about this and that until she said THE EXACT SAME WORD GOD GAVE ME ON MY BIRTHDAY for my next level. Btw, I am going to be sharing what God told me and how it has all been coming together early in the new year. And another btw, she is s BELIEVER and attends Pastor Poju’s CCC.
When she said that, something in my spirit JUMPED!!! She kept saying ‘Eziaha, you have something to offer the world. You have a story. People need to hear your story. Your blog can do much better’ and all such encouraging stuff. She was genuinely happy that I quit my job because she knew I was more than that and she recommended tons of materials I could go buy that would take me to the next level. It was like God sent her to me that day cos we spoke for like an hour and my spirit was just jumping. It was sooo crazy that when I slept, I dreamt of an even clearer picture of my vision. You know that kinda dream that you wake up, grab your journal and start writing.
I am absolutely excited at how Steph’s life is going. I follow her blog, newsletters and all her social media accounts. and I pray for her almost everyday because she is one of those God really used to JOLT ME!!! (I don’t think she knows all of this like this ooo lol) and I really want her BLOWING because God is using her life to teach me a beautiful lesson in my own life.
Anyhoos, why all this long story?
Because I feel bad that I have not shared all the good stuff from Steph with yawl on my blog aside from that feature I did here back then on her Ankara business. I believe that there are some certain people who need the story that Steph is sharing, via her God given gift, with the world today. A lot of yawl need to birth purpose. Something in you needs to blow and your head is just spinning but you don’t know how to put it all together and you feel like you are stuck in some kinda rut. Or job. Haha.
Now today is your favoured day because Steph is in and she’ll fix you up and on Thursday Dec 31, she is having a VISION BOARD ONLINE PARTY!!!
It is actually free to subscribers of her blog but only for a limited period so go go subscribe so you can join in the fun. The kinda fun that clarifies purpose and vision.
I dunno for how long it would be free, probably a couple of days and babe charges PLENTY money to get these stuff later ooo.
Look guys, it is one thing to paste pictures on a board, and it is another thing to know what to do to make those pictures come to pass. Come let Steph show you how…(lol I sound like a paid publicist. Haha. I wish. She does not even know I am doing this)
It was while I was praying last night about 2016 and all it holds and stuff I want on my vision board that God just told me to go share this on my blog so that my FAB community can learn too. I was going to share it with a couple of my mentees only. Infact I had written down their names in my diary to ring them. I certainly wasn’t planning on typing any more posts this year aside my THANK YOU post (which is coming next year because God would have me share something else with yawl).
Don’t just sit there and say ‘Who is this girl sef that Eziaha is gushing about and what does she know that she is shining teeth anyhow?’

Honey, forget if she is small or has small mouth, just come for the Party and thank me later. Btw, she actually has a pretty tidy resume incase you are one for qualifications and stuff. Plus she making millions tooooooo. (cant find that post to hyperlink jare)
Some of yawl focus on the minors and miss your blessing. Like I said, I have known babe for at least 22years but I ain’t messing with familiarity and all. Because when God sends you YOUR HELPERS, you cannot afford to be familiar.
See yawl at the VISION BOARD PARTAYYYYY!!! Go get all the details from her blog.
Invite your friends too. Don’t enjoy it alone.
I have so many visions for the year and on a lighter note, one of it is ABS!!!

By my baby’s first birthday, I must get ABS… #VisionMARCH!!!
Which is why I am ready to go with Jillian’s challenge

even though just watching this video made me cry lol
One last AMAZING post and then we kiss 2015 goodbye… Come back at 10am on the 31st dawleens…
Love yawl and God certainly loves you CRAZZZZYYYY!!!
And to think I just stumbled upon Stephanie’s blog today again, re-subscribed and caught up(small) on happening sturvs.
God is saying something. He that hath an ear, let him hear o.
Er…don’t shout too much now. Once has He spoken, twice have I heard.
See you there love
Always stalking I and knowing u this year has made a great difference in ma life. Thanks and I’ve always be interested in this vision board creation but always get stuck along the line.
The party is for you then
Turn up!!!
Nd to think that I didn’t want to subscribe until the new year. Thank you jesus!!!! Thank you jesus!!! I’m way too grateful. Practically had to stand at the atm this am for so long just to get cash and subscribe nd then I subscribe nd get notification of this post and i’m like jackpot!
God bless you momma.
P.S been meaning to send you a mail, phone wiped, lost all your contacts.
Chei! Afo mmadu!
Leave my tummy for me biko..why r u reminding me of d wonderful way it sticks out of my body con dresses? Lol
Such a powerful thing, this guilty conscience!!!
Ta! Lol
Oh Wow!!! What a surprise. Lol. Thank you Eziaha. Really appreciate this. Thank you for allowing God to use you too. Look forward to seeing your exploits this year. Lol
Hello E’… Thank you for all the lovely articles and firing up! your faith shines through your words.. I have been following you since earlier this year, I came across you from the FAB sisters thingy… I seen your progress.. from believing God for a house.. personally, i have no excuse and al lot of sisters out there! we have no excuse not live our life fully in christ… Thank you for urgng us all.. thanks for your no-nonsense attitude.. Thanks for uholding the christian values… thanks for taking out the time to share on your blog… Happy new year and looking forward to reading what you intend to share with us this year.
Happy new year sister.
No nonsense ke
Nice lil me?
Thanks darling. God bless you
Amen amen
God bless you mama
And I love that line about looking forward to reading. Loveeeeet
It’s been almost a month and am back to say thank you.
Thank you for obeying God’s leading and putting up this post. I ‘attended’ the vision board party, and you needed to see how I was just jumping upandan from excitement to all I was hearing and seeing. And how a biz idea just dropped in my mind while in the groove! And since then I look forward to Wednesday mails and going back to devour older posts. To say Steph ‘ministry ‘ has been encouragement is an understatement.
Was reading something there this afternoon and it dropped in my mind to comeback and say thank you.
Once again thank you.
Awww thank God.
Interesting thing, I didn’t attend.
I knew I was doing this for people not me.
God bless you hun and the works of your hands. Amen