Hey yawl…
How is everyone’s Monday going? Mine is off to an amazing start. I am so determined to be SOOO DISCIPLINED this week, and brutally cutting off all distractions as much as I possibly can…
So I wanted to share, as openly as possible, the story of POWWOW 5.0 with E’ and DDK. It hit me in the gym this morning that truly, I just struck out something MAJOR on my 2018 goals and it is just the 22nd (no pressures if you haven’t yet, you will!!!! Just keep going)
POWWOW 5.0 was EVERYTHING and prayed for… and more up to 150million percent!!!
Let’s go back to the beginning, how it all started?
I started to feel it in my heart that it was time for another POWWOW in November last year and I wanted to be sure I was hearing God on exactly what He wanted me to do. Then I started to feel like it should be for STAY AT HOME Moms again, but I wasn’t sure. Then in a few days, I got several texts and emails from, WAIT FOR IT, stay home moms just sharing their frustrations with me. I KNEW without a doubt that was it. Whoop!!! I started to zoom in in prayers and God told me DDK would be it. Whoop-de-deo!!! My super amazing MENTOR and the one who really spoke life and strength to me in my own season. Phew. I desperately wanted it to hold in December before the New Year, but DDK was not too clear her December schedule, as she wanted to travel. So I had to move it to January, believing that all things work together for good.
So we picked a date. January 18, which was a Thursday. I knew I wanted a week day cos hey, we are stay home moms anyways and the weekends can get super busy for us with kids not in school and hubby not working. Yup, our life is different haha. We turn up weekends while others chill…
I wished it would be first week of the year but a mom is trying to settle her kids into a new school year after the holidays and all, so I thought 3rd week would fly. So date locked down, my Assistant and super mentee, Bimz, locked down the venue too. By the way, my team had been praying for it. I wanted just 15 women so I chose the smaller hall.
We settled for light refreshment too and worked out the logistics.
More prayers for how God wanted us to do the meeting was going down still from my end, and one day, God told me to show the PROPEL VIDEO to the moms and then share my story in JUST 30mins, then let DDK have ample time. This meeting was going to be less of me speaking, unlike other Powwows where I get enough talk time. The PROPEL Video was really because of the AMAZING effect it had on me in that season. I still didn’t have a theme, but I knew it would come. And it did. One evening, I was crazy tired and the Lord told me to go and pray. I was BONE TIRED but I got up and obeyed. And as I prayed in the spirit, I saw a vision and I caught it EXACTLY what God meant, then I heard RADICAL TRANSFORMATION
I heard it SO MANY TIMES that I knew it was the theme… But I knew it had to be one word so I did some research and found the Greek for it (plus yawl KNOW I love my Greek Mentor Chris Caine. Hubby actually calls me CHRIS lol) which was METARMOPHO-O
Yaaas. It was coming together nicely and I was so excited.
Plus HE gave the Scripture too… Romans 12 v 2
Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].
He told me that He wanted to RADICALLY TRANSFORM their lives and then show them His perfect will for their lives…
Reminds me of when I heard TD Jakes talk about the cost of hesitation in that SOAR interview with Steven F, and why we must OBEY IMMEDIATELY
and not harden our hearts when we hear the voice of God…
Imagine if I claimed tiredness and didn’t get up to pray when He nudged me that day. He literally downloaded THE BLUEPRINT to me that day. Wow, may we always be obedient in Jesus name, AMEN
Btw, as an aside, that video has hit AND PASSED THE 1MILLION Hits on YouTube yawl!!! WOW!!! I am sure i am accounting for 2% lol.
Ok so that sorted, I gave Bimbo some money to deposit for the hall and the moment that money went out, I felt like I needed to get the bigger hall. I was like
GOD ABEG I don’t have any extra money ooo, and what if I don’t have up to 15 ladies, I would have just rented a bigger space for nothing.
So I chilled.
He also asked me to give out copies of FireBrand for free and while it was in my heart to give out TEN COPIES, as I was looking at my bank account and my bank account was looking at me, plus all my January expenses, I decided to give 5.
I almost forgot about it sef, but thank God I didn’t. I emailed DDK to please bring 5 copies I would pay for cos I wanted to give it out and guess what? She said she was gonna add FIVE MORE. So the Lord gave me my heart’s desire.
AMEN somebody!!! Haha.
Ok now refreshments…
I told Bimbo to get in touch with the lady who does our drinks for us (I do smoothies or zobo only at powwow) and one of my team members said she could handle it. This time, I wanted to have cakes, and this Chick bakes too, so it was a WIN-WIN. Bimbo has always been my right hand chick for Powwow but she was unavailable that day, so the person handling the catering was also my right hand chick for the day. HOW AMAZING. Plus she lives near me so that was a bonus as we could go together… And then I don’t have to think of delivery and all.

It was just so convenient. Unbelievably so!!! Plus cheaper as she just charged me for the stuff she had to buy ONLY…
Ok, so what else? Food sorted, venue sorted kinda lol, program and gift sorted.
January 1, I was gisting my mama Pastor M, about it and all God had laid in my heart and she says EZIAHA, I AM COMING, and if DDK is bringing a word, you need Blessing (her Assistant and DCC Assistant Music Director) to bring a POWERFUL worship session. I cried. Like, what!!!
Now on to the guests we were prepping for… I had about 5 women register already and I needed 10 more
God then tells me to ask a couple of people to help spread word cos I needed more people from outside my own sphere/circle too. He told me to tell Mama (Pastor M), DDK, Funto and Rev. I wanted to be careful it was God so when I was sure, I told them. Mama first and she is like OF COURSE. Oh no, Funto first cos she rang me that day, and she said sure, plus she was coming. Then mama, who says she can share it with some people she knows instead of, or before going to social media. 2 seconds after she tells the groups, my inbox was pouring. Lol. God taught me a WHOLE LESSON and a PRAYER with that, but maybe I will share at the end of the year. Or my birthday lol. DDK put it up later and then more people and I had to tell Funto and Rev not to bother. Btw, DDK had earlier told me to move to the bigger venue and take more women. She even offered to pay for the hall and I was like NO lol, but I will move if there are more women. At that point, we had 20 registered, then my own team and then mama was coming with 3 people. Moving to the bigger hall was inevitable.
The best part was that they gave me the bigger hall at about 70% off. Imagine!!!
And even didn’t collect a caution fee from me.
Ok so looks like all is finally set.
Minus honorarium. I like to honor my speakers and for every one i have had, i have given something. This time, I had an amount in mind and two days or so to the event, a friend chatted me up and wanted to sow. She sows THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT. Gosh, I was BLOWN AWAY!!!
The D-day arrives and my house is FAR from Lekki so I resolve to leave at 7am. I was coming with a friend, a fellow stay home mom, and my Assistant who had the refreshments. Unfortunately, we had a delay for about an hour 30mins which meant that I only got fully on the road by to 9. Gosh, I was just weak. Plus it didn’t help that I felt like throwing up, so had to hold a nylon close by.
Ugh!!! (Maybe ElJohn is about to get A BABY BROTHER haha)
15mins to 10 and we are around Dolphin heading to the LEKKOYI bridge when I see a call from mama. I picked thinking she wanted to confirm venue and time, only for her to say she was there and there seemed to be a problem with the venue, as they said they were not aware of my event and all.
I was calm, so I called them, and blabla it was sorted and mama rang again asking where I was, and said ok her PA Kemi would help me sort out arranging the hall and all, cos our guests were arriving already.
Ok, so I chilled. Got in about 10mins later and heard worship, so I thought it was from the other hall only for me to realize that it came from MY OWN VENUE.
Apparently, what mama did was that she told Blessing to start with worship so it doesn’t seem like we were starting late.
She literally saved the morning. Like, she even got an instrumentalist and sound. I had NO IDEA. I thought she would come later, pop in and out, but here she was, and she came in BEFORE ME, and stayed TILL THE VERY END. I actually left her there. Gosh!!! Mama is just da bomb dot come

Anyways, she was like take your time, and when you are settled in, go tell Blessing and she would stop. Gosh that worship was EVERYTHING. Started us up on the right note. And the plan was worship before DDK, but God turned things around for good, even the delay on the road. I WALKED into the presence of God so strong that I just started crying. Lol
I had initially planned to kick off at 10.30, speak for 30mins only, show the Propel video which was 25mins ish and have us discus it, cos everyone had to talk and then noon, Blessing would worship DDK in, and we would close at 2, max 2.30 so we could leave the island.
What went down was just GOD!!! I wanted to share stuff leading up to it, and how God just went with us all the way…
Aside being a blessing to these women, what made me SOOOOO THANKFUL above anything else was having BOTH MY MENTORS WHO I RESPECT honor the vision that God had given me for Stay at Home moms was EVERYTHING. For THE FIRST TIME really, i felt special…

Mama took the closing blessings/prayers and it was a PERFECT day to end a PERFECT MEETING.
I cannot wait for TESTIMONIES of RADICAL TRANSFORMATION that will resound many many years an d generations down the line in JESUS NAME AMEN
Gotta run. Wanna hit my son’s school to see the officials. Need to sort something out with them…
Kisses guys
I actually didn’t publish before hitting the school, and i guess that happened because the HS wanted me to share a lesson. So i was gonna complain about something, and i was a bit upset. On the way, the Holy Spirit totally checked me. He highlighted ALL THE GOOD that the school really brings to the table and how much of a positive impact that it has had on him, so this X was not that much a big deal, in light of that. And He told me instead to go and tell them HOW AMAZING they are instead. Lol. Which i did. And the head teachers were surprisingly grateful, and even i felt better. Lol. I still stated my grouse but this time from a heart of love and of a platform of gratitude. I really dont wanna be that mom who always only comes when she has an issue, or 10.
And another cool story?
As i walked in the gate, the security man…
Oh you are probably so busy and don’t have time for another story lol…
I am crazy, i know.
Shopping for a New Online Content Strategist
and i need to look through CVs cos quite a few have come in. I wanna employ ALL but I am trusting God for wisdom. You can still apply if the Lord is leading you though. Check out the JD on IG
When God sends you on an assignment, He makes provisions for it. That’s how God works.
Well done E’
Thanks boo-boo