HOURS, driven by a VISION

My friend who I will call Damilola, asked me this question recently. I will attach a screen shot The moment she asked me, I felt the answer starting to crystallize, and a few hours later, it all came together. This was no STRAIGHT forward Yes or No answer. It required a voice note, and then […]

Ah TFS Upgraded was a WHOLE VIBE and then some First, Toolz and Chi, my darlingssssssss Ah, they ran this gig with me and for me and BRILLIANTLY too. So proud of both of them. I owe you a hangout. Thank you Ok so we kick off with TFS Reviews and phew, it really was […]
How I keep my distraction levels LOW… #LeadE’series

Hey yawl, Ok so one thing and theme that is HUGE in my life is LEADERSHIP and as a Leader, time, people and energy management is SUPER IMPORTANT if not, you just find yourself majoring in the minors and letting distractions have a field day with your life. Now I must define what I term […]
#AugustFruitful31.25…GUARD YOUR TIME, GUARD YOUR LIFE!!!

Just as I typed Yesterday’s post on Mommyhood, I got a message at past 11pm from someone who wants to join my Squad. Not an email ooo but a Whatsapp message at past 11pm? Nothing urgent btw. And all I kept hearing was BOUNDARIES… People generally would cross every boundary available until you define it […]