Two different kind of FAB Testifiers… Dee and CC do their thing!!!

Hmmmm… I put up Dee and CC on the same day because in their cases, they had to look backward to testify forward… Many people misunderstood me and sent me 2013 round up rather than 2014, and I sent back the mails and asked them to readjust… For this two, the HS prompted me to […]

#31F.A.B.Voices…E’ testifying

Happy New year my darlings!!! Now let’s kick this off with me sharing my 2014 plans with you. Some at least. Since we have 31 Favored.And.Blessed Voices testifying, I figured I’ll go first. Not just because it is my blog but I’ll also love to give direction and clarity as to what I meant when […]

#31F.A.B.Voices… Testifying

My secondary school friend and blogger Chioma Chuka is doing this amazing stuff on her blog she calls ‘31days…31writers’ where for the whole of December, she had a guest blogger chronicle the past year and lessons learnt. I have been so blessed just reading each person talk about the lessons the last 12months taught them. […]