Support Growing Businesses 4.0

Hey yawl… So i have just returned from Ebony life TV for an interview, and the studio literally erupted when i was done… ‘Oh my God, she z the BEST we have had on the show…’ ‘…She is so much fun…’ ‘…she is so interesting to interview…’ ‘I enjoyed myself…’ etc Tz the way they […]
Support Growing Businesses…3.0

Hey guys, Happy weekend (which btw you won’t catch me saying in words lol) So I asked for growing business owners to do me a mail here so I could help publicise their businesses. By the way check out Part 1 and Part 2 here. I got a couple and hey if any is buying what product […]
Support. Growing. Businesses. Part 1

Recently, I have come to not just FULLY accept, but also CELEBRATE my role as a HOME MAKER!!! Tz such a purpose-filled journey and I LOVE it. I’m even in a better place than I was when I wrote ‘Authentically me & Surprisingly Satisfied‘. Tz awesome!!! Anyways, I will still do a post on our […]