Why am I still SINGLE? A message preached by Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo
I just love this message. I am not sure but I think this was the last LoveDating&Marriage seminar I attended at DCC Lagos. I love it so much that it is the last Singles message left on my phone. It just seemed soooooo practical and useful. So this is dedicated to all my Single FABers. […]
Shhh… I had a SUGAR DADDY but….

“…And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free…” (John 8;32) I love that the AMP version especially use capital letter for Truth… If you don’t know, you go just dey dull… So on Father’s day, which was also IMELA day, my Father was in town and I was a Triumphant […]
The Word for NOW… #CelebratingBirthdaysRIGHT

Happy sunday Munchkins, I had an amazing time in church today… Reconnected with my Abuja folks in Lagos church, Pastor Kingsley preached a fantastic message on THE ANOINTED WORKER… I laughed so hard today in church hehehe. And my girl Chinma and her cousin are now DCC members… Whoooooooooooooop!!! Happy Sunday again… And Happy new […]

No one makes it in this life by sheer muscle/hustle 1 Sam 2;9 The Message The Amplified bible for a while has been my mainest. I love how it amplifies the Word. Plus tz my momsy’s mainest too. Joyce Meyer. Before the AMP, the NLT was it ooo. I could not read two lines […]