Dear Stay at home mom, what are you projecting?

Is this what you do all day? He asked me incredulously one day when he returned from work and I was trying to fill him in on the latest celebrity gossip in town. “Is this how you spend your days? Watching TV, reading blogs and spending time on social media?” I was slightly upset because I […]
30 Days Blogging Challenge… Days 11-20
June is flying guys… Eish!!! I feel like there is fire set to my butts!!! Kai!!! But God is faithful sha. He is IN me, WITH me and ON my side. Amen!!! Moving on, swiftly to days 11-20. Find days 1-10 here Day 11. 10 Fave foods Breakfast : Porridge Oats. Oats pancake. Oatmeal smoothie. […]