RandomlE' speaking

I miss my friends. My inner circle. Sapphire Booski Angel o’ love Cheech Soul Soeur Olaedo I actually teared up watching Oluchi hug Rulani goodbye with both of them in tears on ANTM last week Thursday. I knew I missed real real sisterly hugs and talk. And you see these girls above? They know how […]
Thank.Full.E’… Part 1

This is how I would sign out of 2013. In as many series as I can, I would be saying my THANK YOUs. I may not mention everyone but I will try. Yes including my FAB community right here. Especially the ones whose comments, mails and stuff get me grinning silly. I want y’all to […]
So the Devil talks to YOU?
So the devil talks to you? I had this conversation with someone. But lemme back up a bit. Last week Monday, we had a prayer meeting at Kado estate. Afterwards, I was walking with my girl Mimi to a place where I could get a cab home easily. Recall that I am still new in […]