On my way to work today, I was dosing up on my usual every morning tonic on Inspiration FM, ‘The wake up show with Eyo and Dallas’. Totally hilarious, those two boys. After their usual drama, they introduced the topic of today and it was on spanking a child, whether it be right or wrong… […]
E’spiration Friday… Between Wana, Adichie and Okada books
Ehen, you recall the E’spiration series I said I would start… Ok, here goes Episode One. Inspiration FM is an absolute inspiration. Pun intended. I know I did that post on Inspiraton FM and values where I knocked them some but truth is, half the time, they rock. Three people that totally make it worth […]
Inspiration FM and Values…
Prepping for work this morning, I tune to Inspiration FM which is easily my fave radio station. Two guys who I am NOT fans of were on. I think they were the same two guys who stood in for Wanawana when she was out for a while. I found them too garrulous so I stopped […]
Parenting… kini big deal?
Hey people, One whole week Eziaha, and two days!!! No posts. Ife no m n’aka (stuff I have to do) Phew… Anyways this post was really not s’poz to come up next but hey, I’m on my way to work, and listening to Inspiration FM on my brand new android. A lil’ on the android… […]